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  • Fräsning med MQL

    Den femaxliga fleroperationsmaskinen utrustad med munstycken för MQL-fräsning
    Publicerad 2021-06-28

    Testbädden är nu utrustad med ett system för minimalsmörjning (MQL) vid fräsning.

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  • Besök PMH:s testbädd i en virtuell 3D-rundvandring

    PMH Application Lab i en interaktiv miljö med klickbara informationsrutor
    Publicerad 2021-05-20

    Det är nu möjligt att besöka PMH Application Lab genom en virtuell rundvandring med interaktiv grafik

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  • Installation av Klingelnberg P40, en precisionsmätmaskin för kugghjul

    The Klingelnberg P40 measuring machine
    Publicerad 2021-03-15

    Den här veckan har PMH Application Lab installerat en Klingelnberg P40, en precisionsmätmaskin för kugghjul.

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  • PMH Application Lab:s 2020

    Publicerad 2021-02-18

    Även om 2020 har varit ett mycket speciellt år fyllt med hinder till följd av den pågående pandemin, så har det även varit ett år fyllt med aktivitet. På PMH Application Lab har vi snabbt skapat nya d...

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  • PMH Webinar: Digital twinning in machining – Application examples in PMH Application Lab testbed

    Digital twin of a process
    Digital twin of a process
    Publicerad 2021-01-05

    The seminar “Digital twinning in machining – Application examples in PMH Application Lab testbed” was hosted 2020-10-23, by PMH Application Lab and had 13 participants from research and industry.

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  • PMH Webinar: Production Cockpit and Machine Connectivity

    Approach and implementation steps for developing a production cockpit.
    Approach and implementation steps for developing a production cockpit.
    Publicerad 2021-01-05

    The seminar “Production Cockpit and Machine Connectivity” was organized 2020-10-09, by PMH Application Lab with the main speaker from Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology in Aachen, Germany ...

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  • Testbäddar för smart produktion: Resultat av tysk-svenskt samarbete presenterat

    Publicerad 2020-10-01
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  • Recruitment period expired: Student Assistant for Mechanical Engineering

    Publicerad 2020-08-25

    The “Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab” (PMH Application Lab) is a new research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industria...

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  • PMH Application Lab was visited by International journalist group on the 27th of November

    Publicerad 2019-12-04

    The Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab welcomed around 50 trade journalists from Tool and Hardware sector.

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  • Open position: student assistant for mechanical engineering

    Publicerad 2019-11-13

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Open position: student assistant for smart manufacturing

    Publicerad 2019-11-06

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Open position: student assistant for media design and PR

    Publicerad 2019-11-04

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Recruitment period expired: Open position: student assistant for mechanical engineering

    Publicerad 2019-09-24

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • PMH R&D Cluster Workshop Fall 2019 was held at Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen Germany

    Publicerad 2019-09-20

    The PMH R&D Cluster Workshop Fall 2019 was held on the 11th of September with 20 participants from research and industry who joined us at Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen, Germany.

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  • PMH Intensive course gear technology for industry professionals

    Publicerad 2019-06-24

    The Intensive course gear technology for industry professionals hosted by PMH Application Lab was held on 12th and 13th June with 40 participants from research and industry who joined us at KTH in Sto...

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  • Recruitment period expired: Open position: student assistant for gear technology

    Publicerad 2019-06-04

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Recruitment period expired: Open position: student assistant for mechanical engineering

    Publicerad 2019-04-24

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Recruitment period expired: Open position: student assistant in smart manufacturing

    Publicerad 2018-12-10

    The "Powertrain Manufacturing for Heavy Vehicles Application Lab" (PMH Application Lab) is a research center at KTH with the focus on transferring innovative production technologies into industrial ap...

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  • Seminar ‘Advanced Machining in Powertrain Manufacturing’

    Publicerad 2018-10-19

    The seminar ‘Advanced Machining in Powertrain Manufacturing’ hosted by PMH Application Lab was held yesterday with 43 participants from research and industry who joined us at Swerim AB in Stockholm.

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  • Seminar ‘Trends in Smart Manufacturing’

    Publicerad 2018-10-03

    The seminar "Trends in Smart Manufacturing" hosted by PMH Application Lab was held last Wednesday with 55 participants from research and industry who joined us at Swerea KIMAB in Stockholm.

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