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Ongoing Research Projects

Biomaterials and Menstrual Care

Illustrations from menstrual care project, as part of PhD project by Nadia Campo Woytuk (K
Illustrations from menstrual care project, as part of PhD project by Nadia Campo Woytuk (KTH MID).

Precious Keys

Form studies conducted by Andreas Lindegren (PhD student, as part of the Precious Keys project (KTH
Form studies conducted by Andreas Lindegren (PhD student, as part of the Precious Keys project (KTH MID).

Physical Programming in VR

Material explorations of programming inside VR, as part of PhD research project by Martin Hedlund (K
Material explorations of programming inside VR, as part of PhD research project by Martin Hedlund (KTH MID).

Sound for Energy

Jumpsynth, by PhD student Yann Seznec (KTH MID)
Jumpsynth, by PhD student Yann Seznec (KTH MID)

Post-Industrial Aesthetics of Interaction

In this project we elaborate on design visions for computing, by attending to the values expressed in ideals around post-industrial ways of living. Such ideals highlight finitude not only as a challenge to overcome, but as an aesthetic quality, captured by notions of preciousness. We discuss three themes: to embrace possibilities within limits, to resist fantasies of unlimited power, and welcoming complexity as an inherent feature of the living. Link to paper .

Example publications:

Campo Woytuk, N., Park, J. Y., Maslik, J., Ciolfi Felice, M., & Balaam, M. (2023, July). Tactful Feminist Sensing: Designing for Touching Vaginal Fluids. CHI’23 (pp. 2642-2656).

Campo Woytuk, N., & Søndergaard, M. L. J. (2023). From Menstrual Care to Environmental Care. interactions, 30(4), 28-33.

Campo Woytuk, N., Park, J. Y., Søndergaard, M. L. J., Balaam, M., & Ciolfi Felice, M. (2023). Designing fertility otherwise: Of human, animal and soil relations. Nordes’23.

Fernaeus, Y., & Lindegren, A. (2023). Celebration of Finitude as a Post-Industrial Aesthetics of Interaction. In LIMITS'23.

Helms, K. (2023). Designing with care: Self-centered research for interaction design otherwise (Doctoral dissertation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology).

Lindegren, A., Lindberg, M., & Fernaeus, Y. (2023). Material meditation: Experiencing craft as an extension to soma design. Nordes’23.

Pauletto, S., Selfridge, R., Hölling, J., Holzapfel, A., & Frisk, H. (2023). Connecting sound design future with historical creative practices: developing digital tools by modelling historical sound effects. In Forum Acusticum 2023, 11-15 September 2023, Torino, Italy.

Madaghiele, V., Demir, D., & Pauletto, S. (2023). Heat-sensitive sonic textiles: increasing awareness of the energy we save by wearing warm fabrics. In Sound and Music Computing Conference.

Karpashevich, P. (2023). Designing Monstrous Experiences Through Soma Design (Doctoral dissertation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology).

Windlin, C. (2023). Shape and Being Shaped: Sketching with Haptics in Soma Design (Doctoral dissertation, KTH Royal Institute of Technology).