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The NAVET Book

NAVET - A hub to navigate to unexplored regions between art, technology and design - Projects 2019-2021 (Roberto Bresin & Ludvig Elblaus, eds.)

Sound Forest: Evaluation of an accessible multisensory music installation

CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019

Frid, E., Lindetorp, H., Hansen, K. F., Elblaus, L., & Bresin, R. (2019, May). Sound Forest: Evaluation of an accessible multisensory music installation. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-12).

Sonic characteristics of robots in films

Sound and Music Computing Conference 2019

Latupeirissa, A. B., Frid, E., & Bresin, R. (2019). Sonic characteristics of robots in films. In Sound and Music Computing Conference (pp. 1-6).

From vocal sketching to sound models by means of a sound-based musical transcription system

Sound and Music Computing Conference 2019

Panariello, C., Sköld, M., Frid, E., & Bresin, R. (2019, May). From vocal sketching to sound models by means of a sound-based musical transcription system. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (pp. 1-7).

Developing a Method for Identifying Improvisation Strategies in Jazz Duos

International Symposium on CMMR

Gulz, T., Holzapfel, A., & Friberg, A. (2019). Developing a Method for Identifying Improvisation Strategies in Jazz Duos. In 14th International Symposium on CMMR, Marseille, France, Oct. 14-18, 2019 (pp. 482-489).

NAVET Method Catalog

This is the first volume of the NAVET Method Catalog. An attempt to collect and compare examples of methods and methodological concerns that emerge from the interdisciplinary work of the Small Visionary Projects that NAVET is funding.

NAVET Method Catalog vol 1 (pdf 5,8 MB)

Acoustic modelling as a strategy for composing site-specific music

The International Conference on Audio Mostly 2020

Elblaus, L., & Eckel, G. (2020, September). Acoustic modelling as a strategy for composing site-specific music. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly (pp. 69-76).

utruchirp - An Impulse Response Measurement and Auralisation Tool Developed for Artistic Practice

The International Conference on Audio Mostly 2020

Elblaus, L., & Eckel, G. (2020, September). utruchirp: an impulse response measurement and auralisation tool developed for artistic practice. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Audio Mostly (pp. 61-68).

Looking for the soundscape of the future: preliminary results applying the design fiction method

The Sound and Music Computing Conference 2020

Bresin, R., Pauletto, S., Laaksolahti, J., & Erik, G. (2020). Looking for the soundscape of the future: preliminary results applying the design fiction method. In Sound and Music Computing Conference 2020.

Study in three phases: An Adaptive Sound Installation

Leonardo Music Journal

Panariello, C. (2020). Study in three phases: An Adaptive Sound Installation. Leonardo Music Journal, 30, 44-49.

Exploring emotion perception in sonic HRI

Sound and Music Computing Conference 2020

Latupeirissa, A. B., Panariello, C., & Bresin, R. (2020). Exploring emotion perception in sonic HRI. In Sound and Music Computing Conference, Torino, 24-26 June 2020 (pp. 434-441). Zenodo.

Creating Digital Musical Instruments With And For Children: Including Vocal Sketching As A Method For Engaging In Codesign

Human Technology

Falkenberg, K., Latupeirissa, A. B., Lindetorp, H., & Frid, E. (2020). Creating Digital Musical Instruments With and For Children: Including vocal Sketching as a Method for Engaging in Codesign. Human Technology, 16(3).

Robust Non-Verbal Expression in Humanoid Robots: New Methods for Augmenting Expressive Movements with Sound

Workshop on Sound in Human-Robot Interaction

Bresin, R., Frid, E., Latupeirissa, A., & Panariello, C. (2021, March). Robust Non-Verbal Expression in Humanoid Robots: New Methods for Augmenting Expressive Movements with Sound. In Workshop on Sound in Human-Robot Interaction, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

Using Virtual Reality to Support Acting in Motion Capture with Differently Scaled Characters

IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)

Kammerlander, R. K., Pereira, A., & Alexanderson, S. (2021, March). Using Virtual Reality to Support Acting in Motion Capture with Differently Scaled Characters. In 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) (pp. 402-410). IEEE.

Preliminary assessment of environmental performance of ice formwork production method for irregular architectural elements of concrete

International Journal of Space Structures

Sitnikov V, Rogers P. (2021) Preliminary assessment of environmental performance of ice formwork production method for irregular architectural elements of concrete. International Journal of Space Structures. 2021;36(1):78-87.

Putting Web Audio API to the test: Introducing WebAudioXML as a pedagogical platform

Web Audio Conference 2021

Lindetorp, H., & Falkenberg, K. (2021). Putting Web Audio API to the test: Introducing WebAudioXML as a pedagogical platform. In Web Audio Conference 2021.

Transflower: probabilistic autoregressive dance generation with multimodal attention

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Valle-Pérez, G., Henter, G. E., Beskow, J., Holzapfel, A., Oudeyer, P. Y., & Alexanderson, S. (2021). Transflower: probabilistic autoregressive dance generation with multimodal attention. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(6).

From Foley professional practice to sonic interaction design: initial research conducted within the radio sound studio project

The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference 2021

Pauletto, S., Selfridge, R., Holzapfel, A., Frisk, H. (2021) From Foley professional practice to sonic interaction design: initial research conducted within the radio sound studio project. In Proceedings of the Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference 2021 

Sonification of Twitter Hashtags Using Earcons Based on the Sound of Vowels

The Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference 2021

Myresten, E., Larsson Holmgren, D. and Bresin, R. (2021). Sonification of Twitter Hashtags Using Earcons Based on the Sound of Vowels.  In Proceedings of the Nordic Sound and Music Computing Conference 2021