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Journal Publications


2022 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Lööf, H., Sahamkhadam, M., & Stephan, A. (2022) Incorporating ESG into optimal stock portfolios for the global timber & forestry industry. Journal of Forest Economics 1.276 2
Lööf, H., & Stephan, A. (2022) The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Europe’s forest-based bioeconomy. Quarterly Journal of Economic Research n/a n/a
Lööf, H. (2022) What prevents spillovers from the pool of knowledge? Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Knowledge and Innovation. n/a n/a
Simeth, M., & Mohammadi, A. (2022) Losing talent by partnering up? The impact of R&D collaboration on employee mobility.  Research Policy 8.110 4*
Brown, J., R., Martinsson, G., & Petersen, B., C. (2022) The Growth of Finance Is Not Remarkable.  Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 3.745 4
2021 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Brown, J., R., Martinsson, G., & Thomann, C. (2021) Can Environmental Policy Encourage Technical Change? Emissions Taxes and R&D Investment in Polluting Firms.  Review of Financial Studies. 5.838 4*
Brown, J., R., Martinsson, G., & Thomann, C. (2021) Government lending in a crisis.  Journal of Corporate Finance 4.249 4
Lööf, H., Sahamkhadam, M., & Stephan, A. (2021) Is Corporate Social Responsibility investing a free lunch? The relationship between ESG, tail risk, and upside potential of stocks before and during the COVID-19 crisis. Finance Research Letters 5.596 2

Baum, C., Lööf, H., Stephan, A., & Viklund-Ros, I. (2021) Innovation by start-up firms: The influence of the board of directors for knowledge spillovers.  Research Policy

8.110 4*
Baum, C., Lööf, H., Stephan, A., & Viklund-Ros, I. (2021)
The impact of offshoring on productivity and innovation: Evidence from Swedish manufacturing firms. Review of International Economics
0.634 2
Shafi, K., & Mohammadi, A.(2021)
Too gloomy to invest: Weather-induced mood and crowdfunding.  Journal of Corporate Finance
2.521 4
2020 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Lougui, M. & A. Broström (2020) New firm formation in the wake of mergers and acquisitions: Are employees pushed or pulled into entrepreneurship?  Journal of Evolutionary Economics 1.433 2
Saiedi, E., Mohammadi, A., Broström, A., & Shafi, K. (2020) Distrust in Banks and Fintech Participation: The Case of Peer-to-Peer Lending.  Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 10.750 4
Hårsman, B., & Mattsson, L. G. (2020) Analyzing the returns to entrepreneurship by a modified Lazear model.  Small Business Economics. 3.555 3
Andersson D., Andersson Å., Hårsman B., & Yang X. (2020) The geography of science in 12 European countries: a NUTS2-level analysis.  Scientometrics 2.770 2
Braunerhjelm, P., Ding, D., & Thulin, P. (2020) Labor Market Mobility, Knowledge Diffusion and Innovation.  European Economic Review. 1.711 3
2019 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Baum, F. C., & Lewbel, A. ( 2019) Advice on using heteroskedasticity-based identification.  The Stata Journal 1.796 2
Saiedi, E., Broström, A., & Ruiz, F. (2019) Global Drivers of Cryptocurrency Infrastructure Adoption.  Small Business Economics. 3.555 3
Lööf, H., & Viklund-Ros, I. (2019) Board of directors and export-spillovers: What is the impact on extensive margins of trade?  World Economy. 1.088 2
Lööf, H., Stephan, A., & Wulandari, F. (2019) New ventures in Cleantech: opportunities, capabilities and innovation outcomes.  Business Strategy and the Environment. 6.381 3
Broström, A.(2019) Academic breeding grounds: Home department conditions and early career performance of academic researchers.  Research Policy 4.661 4*
Shafi, K., Mohammadi, A., & Johan, S., A. (2019) Investment Ties Gone Awry.  Academy of Management Journal 6.700 4*
Braunerhjelm, P., Eklund, J., & Thulin, P. (2019) Taxes, the tax administrative burden and the entrepreneurial life cycle.  Small Business Economics 2.852 3
2018 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Larsson, J.,P., & Thulin, P. (2018) Corporate Independent by necessity? The life satisfaction of necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in 70 countries . Small Business Economics 2.852 3
Hårsman, B., Mattsson, L. G., & Hovsepyan, V. (2018) The income return to entrepreneurship - theoretical model and outcomes for Swedish regions.  Annals of Regional Science 1.336 2
Braunerhjelm, P., & Torbjörn, T. (2018) Born Globals - Presence, performance and prospects . Industrial Business Review 2.754 3
Zhao, Z., Broström, A. & J. Cai (2018) Promoting academic engagement: university context and individual characteristics . Journal of Technology 2.932 2
Baum, C., Lööf, H., & Nabavi, P.(2018) Innovation strategies, external knowledge and productivity growth . Industry and Innovation 1.338 2
Åstebro, T., Braguinsky, S., Braunerhjelm, P., & Broström, A. (2018) Academic Entrepreneurship: Bayh-Dole versus the “Professor’s Privilege” . Industrial and Labor Relations Review 1.419 3
Nyström. K.(2018) Entrepreneurship after displacement . Small Business Economics. 2.421 3
2017 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Ahlin, L., Andersson, M., & Thulin, P.(2017) Human capital sorting: The “when” and “who” of the sorting of educated workers to urban regions. Journal of Regional Science. 1.743 3
Martinsson, G., & Brown., J (2017) Does Transparency Stifle or Facilitate Innovation? Management Science. 2.822 4*
Ding, D, Thulin, P., & Braunerhjelm, P.(2017) The knowledge spillover theory of intrapreneurship. Small Business Economics. 2.421 3
Broström, A., & McKelvey, M. (2017) Engaging experts: Science-policy interactions and the introduction of congestion charging in Stockholm.  Minerva. 1.050 n/a
Broström, A., & Giertz, E.(2017) Service development accounts for an even smaller share of European R&D investments than we may think.  Journal of Technology Transfer. 2.213 2
Lööf, H., Mairesse, J., & Mohnen, P. (2017) CDM 20 years after. Economics of Innovation and New Technology n/a 2
Nyström, K. (2017) When students are allowed to choose: Grading scale choices for degree projects.  Studies in higher education 1.527 3
Mohammadi, A., & Shafi, K. (2017) Gender differences in the contribution patterns of equity-crowdfunding investors . Small Business Economics. 2.421 3
2016 WoS IF AJG (ABS)

Brown, J., Martinsson, G., & Petersen, B. (2016) What promotes R&D? Comparative evidence from around the world.  Research Policy

4.495 4
Nyström, K. (2016) Regional resilience to displacement. Regional Studies 1.987 3
Mohammadi, A., Broström, A., & Franzoni. C. (2016) Workforce Composition and Innovation: How Diversity in Employees’ Ethnic and Educational Backgrounds Facilitates Firm-Level Innovativeness. Journal of Product Innovation Management. 2.086 4
Hårsman, B., Daghbashyan, Z., & Chaudhary, P. (2016) On the Quality and Impact of Residential Energy Performance Certificates. Energy & Buildings. 2.973 n/a

Brown, J., Martinsson, G., & Petersen, B. (2016) Stock Markets, Credit Markets, and Technology-Led Growth . Journal of Financial Intermediation.

2.145 4
Colombo, M., Cumming, D., Mohammadi, A., Rossi-Lamastra, C., & Wadhwa, A (2016). Open Business Models and Venture Capital Finance . Industrial and Corporate Change. 2.198 3
2015 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Backman, M., & Lööf, H.(2015) The geography of innovation and entrepreneurship . The Annals of Regional Science. 1.651 2
Lööf, H., & Nabavi, P. (2015) Knowledge spillovers, productivity and patent.  The Annals of Regional Science 0.651 2
Lööf, H., Nabavi, P (2015) Innovation and credit constraints: Evidence from Swedish exporting firms.  Economics of Innovation and New Tchnology. n/a 2
Braunerhjelm, P., Desai, S., & Eklund, J. (2015) Regulation, firm dynamics and entrepreneurship.  European Journal of Law and Economics. 0.330 n/a
Wahlström, M., & Hårsman, B. (2015) Residential energy consumption and conservation.  Energy and Buildings. 2.465 n/a
Nyström, K., & Zhetibaeva, G.(2015) New firms as employers: The wage penalty for voluntary and involuntary job switchers . Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. n/a 1

Baltzopoulos, A., Braunerhjelm, P., & Tikoudis, I. (2015) Spin-offs: Why geography matters . Journal of Economic Geography

2.821 4

Andersson, Å., Andersson, D., Hårsman, B., & Daghbashyan, Z. (2015) Unemployment in European Regions: Structural Problems vs. the Eurozone Hypothesis . Journal of Economic Geography

2.821 4
Johansson, B., Lööf, H (2015) Productivity, Networks and Knowledge Flows . Economics of Innovation and New Tchnology. n/a 2
Lööf, H., Nabavi, P., Cook, G., & Johansson, B. (2015) Learning-by-exporting and Innovation Strategies . Economics of Innovation and New Technologies n/a 2
Börje Johansson, B., Lööf, H., & Savin, M.(2015) European R&D Efficiency . Economics of Innovation and New Technologies n/a 2
2014 WoS IF AJG (ABS)
Ahlin, L., Andersson, M., & Thulin, P. (2014) Market Thickness and the Early Labour Market Career of University Graduates: An Urban Advantage?  Spatial Economic Analysis 1.231 2
Andersson, R., Nabavi, P., & Wilhelmsson, M. (2014) The impact of advanced vocational education and training on earnings in Sweden . International Journal of Training and Development. n/a 2
Lööf, H., Nabavi, P. (2014) The Joint Impact of Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers on Productivity and Growth for Exporting Firms . The World Economy 1.229 2

Lohse, T., Pascalau, R., & Thomann, C. (2014) Public enforcement of securities market rules: Resource-based evidence from the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization



Lohse, T., & Thomann, C. (2014) Are bad times good news for the Securities and Exchange Commission?

European Journal of Law and Economics



Oh, D., Heshmati, A., Lööf, H (2014) Total factor productivity of Korean manufacturing industries: Comparison of competing models with firm-level data . Japan and the World Economy. 0.275 1
Lööf, H., & Johansson, B. (2014) R&D Strategy, Metropolitan Externalities and Productivity: Evidence from Sweden . Industry and Innovation 1.338 2
Lööf, H., & Nabavi, P. (2014). Survival, Productivity and Growth of New Ventures across Locations . Small Business Economics. 2.857 3
Nyström, K., & Zhetibaeva, G. (2014) New firms and labor market entrants: Is there a wage penalty for employment in new firms?   Small Business Economics. 2.857 3
Daghbashyan, Z., & Hårsman, B. (2014). University choice and entrepreneurship . Small Business Economics. 2.857 3
Mohammadia, A., & Franzonia, C. (2014) Inventor's Knowledge Set as the Antecedent of Patent Importance . Industry and Innovation 1.338 2
2013 WoS_IF AJG_(ABS)
Moretti, E. & Thulin, P. (2013). Local Multipliers and Human Capital in the United States and Sweden . Industrial and Corporate Change. 2.198 3
Andersson, M. & Thulin, P. (2013). Does Spatial Employment Density Spur Inter-Firm Job Switching?  Annals of Regional Science. 1.336 2
Kappeler, A., Solé-Ollé, A., Stephan, A., & Välilä, T. (2013). Does fiscal decentralization foster regional investment in productive infrastructure?  European Journal of Political Economy. 1.246 2
Kemmerling, A., & Stephan, A. (2013). Comparative political economy of regional transport infrastructure investment in Europe . Journal of Comparative Economics. 1.236 3
Stephan, A. (2013). Are Research Spin-Offs More Innovative? Evidence from a Matching Analysis. Small Business Economics. 2.857 3
Holgersson, H. E. T., Nordström, L., & Öner, Ö. (2013). Dummy variables vs. category-wise models . Journal of Applied Statistics. 0.699 2
Lööf, H., & Nabavi, P. (2013) Increasing returns to smart cities . Regional Science Policy & Practice. n/a n/a
Holgersson, H. E. T. (2013) A Note on a commonly used ridge regression Monte Carlo design. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 0.353 n/a
Holgersson, H. E. T., & Mansoor, R. (2013). Assessing Normality of High-Dimensional Data . Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 0.501 n/a
Backman, M. (2013). Human capital in firms and regions: Impact on firm productivity . Papers in Regional Science.


Åke E. Andersson, D. E. A., Daghbashyan, Z., Hårsman, B. (2013). Spatial Clustering of Artists. Regional Science and Urban Economics. 1.278 3
Andersson, M., Klaesson, J., & Larsson, J. P. (2013). The sources of the urban wage premium by worker skills: Spatial sorting or agglomeration economies?  Papers in Regional Science. 1.657 n/a
Westlund, H., Larsson, J. P., & Olsson, A. R. (2013). Startups and Local Social Capital in the Municipalities of Sweden. Regional Science. 3.147


Larsson, J. P. & Öner, Ö. (2013) Which retail services are co-located? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. n/a 2
Broström, A. (2013). Interaction with science: In what sense a case of learning by doing? . Science and Public Policy. 1.368 2
Baltzopoulos, A., & Broström, A. (2013). Attractors of entrepreneurial activity: universities, regions and alumni entrepreneurs . Regional Studies. 3.147  3
Åstebro, T., Braunerhjelm, P., & Broström, A. (2013). Does academic entrepreneurship pay? . Industrial and Corporate Change. 2.198 3
Broström, A., et al. (2013). Academic Engagement and Commercialization: A Review of the Literature on University-Industry Relations . Research Policy. 2.598 4
Cook, G. A., Pandit, N. R., Lööf, H., & Johansson, B. (2013). Clustering, MNEs, and Innovation: Who Benefits and How?  International Journal of the Economics of Business. n/a 2
Braunerhjelm, P., Carlsson, B., Olofsson, C., McKelvey, M., Persson, L. & Ylilenpää, H. (2013). The Domain of Entrepreneurship Research. Small Business Economics 2.857 3
Braunerhjelm, P., & Henrekson, M. (2013). Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Economic Dynamism: Lessons from a Comparison of the United States and Sweden . Industrial and Corporate Change 2.198 3
Fogel, K., Lee, W., Lee, K., & Palmberg, J. (2013). Foreign Direct Investors as Change Agents: The Swedish Firm Experience . Corporate Governance: An International Review. 2.753 3
Geschwind, L. & Broström, A. (2013) Managing the teaching-research nexus: ideals and practice in research oriented universities.
Higher Education Research & Development.
2.006 n/a
Nyström, K. (2013) Entrepreneurial politicians . Small Business Economics. 2.857 3