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Här visas de 50 senaste publikationerna från enheten för Redovisning, Finansiering, Nationalekonomi och Organisation.

S. Ahlbäck Öberg et al., "Sverige kan inte längre styras som ett företag," Dagens Nyheter, s. 5-5, 2023.
M. Ekman Rising, J. Packendorff och H. W. Svensson, "Distribuerat ledarskap : En relationell strategi för skolutveckling," i Distribuerat ledarskap och utveckling av relationer : En förändringsstrategi för hållbar skolutveckling, Henrik Hamilton & Karin Hermansson red., Stockholm : IFOUS, 2021, s. 27-53.
M. Lindgren och J. Packendorff, "Mätning : Prestationsmätning och tillitskulturer," i Tillit och omdöme : Perspektiv på tillitsbaserad styrning, Louise Bringselius red., 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2021, s. 229-253.
M. Lougui och A. Broström, "New firm formation in the wake of mergers and acquisitions : An exploration of push and pull factors," Journal of evolutionary economics, vol. 31, no. 1, s. 65-89, 2021.
A. Broström och E. Giertz, "Service development accounts for an even smaller share of European R&D investments than we may think," Journal of Technology Transfer, s. 1256-1267, 2021.
P. Braunerhjelm, J. Eklund och P. Thulin, "Taxes, the tax adminstrative burden and the entrepreneurial life cycle," Small Business Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, s. 681-694, 2021.
A. Broström, G. Bünstorf och M. McKelvey, "The Knowledge Economy, Innovation and the New Challenges to Universities," Innovation: Organisation and Management, vol. 23, no. 2, s. 145-162, 2021.
H. Lööf och I. Viklund Ros, "Board of directors and export spillovers : What is the impact on extensive margins of trade?," The World Economy, vol. 43, no. 5, s. 1188-1215, 2020.
E. Saiedi, A. Broström och F. Ruiz, "Global drivers of cryptocurrency infrastructure adoption," Small Business Economics, 2020.
L. Romani och C. Holgersson, "Inclusive leadership for the ethical management of cultural diversity," i Research Handbook of Global Leadership : Making a Difference, : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020, s. 235-250.
P. Braunerhjelm, D. Ding och P. Thulin, "Labour market mobility, knowledge diffusion and innovation," European Economic Review, vol. 123, 2020.
M. Ekman Rising, M. Lindgren och J. Packendorff, "Omgiven av instrumentalister : Har det akademiska medborgarskapet gått förlorat?," i Ledning och (sned-)styrning i högskolan, Mats Alvesson, Stefan Sveningsson red., 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, s. 187-217.
K. Larsen, L. Geschwind och A. Broström, "Organisational identities, boundaries, and change processes of technical universities.," i Technical Universities - Past, Present and Future, Geschwind, Broström and Larsen red., : Springer Nature, 2020.
Z.-Y. Zhao, A. Broström och J. Cai, "Promoting academic engagement : University context and individual characteristics," Journal of Technology Transfer, vol. 45, no. 1, s. 304-337, 2020.
Technical Universities : Past, present and future. 1. uppl. Stockholm : Springer Netherlands, 2020.
K. Berglund, M. Lindgren och J. Packendorff, "The worthy human being as prosuming subject : ‘Projectified selves’ in emancipatory project studies," Project Management Journal, vol. 51, no. 4, s. 367-377, 2020.
B. Östlund och C. Holgersson, "Under the radar – digitizing home care in times of gender inequality.," i Gendered norms at work: new perspectives on work environment and health., Keisu, Britt-Inger red., : Sage Publications, 2020.
T. Astebro et al., "Academic Entrepreneurship : The Bayh-Dole Act versus the Professor's Privilege," Industrial & labor relations review, vol. 72, no. 5, s. 1094-1122, 2019.
M. Minniti et al., "Boyan Jovanovic : recipient of the 2019 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research," Small Business Economics, vol. 53, no. 3, s. 547-553, 2019.
J. R. Brown och G. Martinsson, "Does Transparency Stifle or Facilitate Innovation?," Management science, vol. 65, no. 4, s. 1600-1623, 2019.
J. P. Larsson och P. Thulin, "Independent by necessity? The life satisfaction of necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in 70 countries," Small Business Economics, vol. 53, no. 4, s. 921-934, 2019.
P. Braunerhjelm och J. Eklund, "Migration and the European Welfare State in a Changing World Order," i The European Union in a Changing World Order, : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, s. 167-191.
L. Bringselius et al., "Offentliga sektorn måste utvecklas nära medborgarna," Dagens Nyheter, s. 5-5, 2019.
A. Broström, A. Feldmann och M. A. Kaulio, "Structured relations between higher education institutions and external organisations : opportunity or bureaucratisation?," Higher Education, vol. 78, no. 4, s. 575-591, 2019.
B. Hårsman, L.-G. Mattsson och V. Hovsepyan, "Correction to : The income return to entrepreneurship: theoretical model and outcomes for Swedish regions," The annals of regional science, vol. 61, no. 3, 2018.
J. Packendorff, "Därför bör projekt vara hållbara," Personal & Ledarskap, no. 4, 2018.
A. Broström och M. McKelvey, "Engaging Experts : Science-Policy Interactions and the Introduction of Congestion Charging in Stockholm," Minerva, vol. 56, no. 2, s. 183-207, 2018.
L. Ahlin, M. Andersson och P. Thulin, "Human capital sorting : The "when" and "who" of the sorting of educated workers to urban regions," Journal of regional science, vol. 58, no. 3, s. 581-610, 2018.
M. Lougui, "In Search for Greener Grass : Employee Mobility, Self-employment and Career Choices in the Wake of Consolidation," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2018:55, 2018.
K. Nyström, "Regional resilience to displacements," Regional studies, vol. 52, no. 1, s. 4-22, 2018.
A. Malm, "The Absent Entrepreneur : Exploring the Role of the Entrepreneur in Economics," Doktorsavhandling : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2018:49, 2018.
C. F. Baum et al., "A new approach to estimation of the R&D-innovation-productivity relationship," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 26, no. 1-2, s. 121-133, 2017.
R. Müller, J. Packendorff och S. Sankaran, "Balanced leadership : A new perspective for leadership in organizational project management," i Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Project Management, S. Sankaran, R. Müller, N. Drouin red., 1. uppl. : Cambridge University Press, 2017, s. 186-199.
H. Lööf, J. Mairesse och P. Mohnen, "CDM 20 years after," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 26, no. 1-2, s. 1-5, 2017.
C. Holgersson och S. Thögersen, "Corporate sexual responsibility : How companies can act against the purchasing of sex," i Gender Equality and Responsible Business: Expanding CSR Horizons, : Taylor and Francis, 2017, s. 87-96.
K. Pilhofer och C. Holgersson, "Diversity at Work-The Practice of Inclusion," Scandinavian Journal of Management, vol. 33, no. 3, s. 195-197, 2017.
K. Nyström och I. Viklund Ros, "Exploring regional differences in the regional capacity to absorb displacements," i Geographies of Growth : Innovations, Networks and Collaborations, Karlsson, C. Andersson M. and L Bjerke red., : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, s. 19-47.
A. Broström och S. Karlsson, "Mapping research on R&D, innovation and productivity : a study of an academic endavour," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 26, no. 1-2, s. 6-20, 2017.
K. Berglund, M. Lindgren och J. Packendorff, "Responsibilising the next generation : Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender," Organization, vol. 34, no. 6, s. 892-915, 2017.
J. R. Brown, G. Martinsson och B. C. Petersen, "Stock markets, credit markets, and technology-led growth," Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 32, s. 45-59, 2017.
A. Wahl och C. Holgersson, "Sweden : Work for change and political threats," i Gender Diversity in the Boardroom : Volume 2: Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas, Cathrine Seierstad Patricia Gabaldon Heike Mensi-Klarbach red., 1. uppl. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, s. 129-157.
J. R. Brown, G. Martinsson och B. C. Petersen, "What promotes R&D? Comparative evidence from around the world," Research Policy, vol. 46, no. 2, s. 447-462, 2017.
A. Mohammadi, A. Broström och C. Franzoni, "Workforce Composition and Innovation : How Diversity in Employees' Ethnic and Educational Backgrounds Facilitates Firm-Level Innovativeness," The Journal of product innovation management, vol. 34, no. 4, s. 406-426, 2017.
C. Holgersson et al., "Executive search as ethnosociality : A cross-cultural comparison," International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, vol. 16, no. 2, s. 153-169, 2016.
M. van den Brink et al., "Inflating and down playing strengths and weaknesses-Practicing gender in the evaluation of potential managers and partners," Scandinavian Journal of Management, vol. 32, no. 1, s. 20-32, 2016.
Fullständig lista i KTH:s publikationsportal