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Spv: Olof Misgeld

Olof Misgeld
Olof Misgeld

Project 1: Visualising music and dance interactions

In this project you will work with experts at KMH Royal College of Music - folk music and dance teachers - in co-designing an interface for visualizing musicians’ and dancers’ movements. Playing for dancing is embedded in folk music performance programs at KMH, and this project is aiming to provide tools to be used in interactive settings - for artistic and pedagogical purposes.

Objective: develop an interface designed for selecting and animating Motion Capture data and stream as OSC messages into visual environments such as VJ and light software with possible extensions into audio synthesis.

You will be provided with recorded Mocap data which you will load into animation software in order to create scenes that visualizes performance. You will collaborate with dancers and musicians in how they want to select aspects of movements in the performances and develop an intuitive interface to visualize these movements in a lightning interface.


  • basic animation in i.e. blender
  • processing Mocap data
  • Connecting animation software with professional lighting equipment
  • building an interface in a co-design process

Technical environment:
Recorded Motion Capture data, OSC, Blender, Resolume, Astera PixelTube


  • Having conducted a co-design process in an artistic setting with experts in music and dance
  • Learning about MoCap data processing and streaming
  • Learning about interfaces between animation and lighting software
  • Learning about visualization of dance movements


Andre Holzapfel KTH, Olof Misgeld, KMH 

Project 2: Sonifying folk music and dance interactions

In this project you will work with experts at KMH Royal College of Music - folk music and dance teachers - in co-designing an interface for sonifying musicians’ and dancers’ movements. Playing for dancing is embedded in folk music performance programs at KMH, and this project is aiming to provide tools to be used in interactive settings - for artistic and pedagogical purposes.

Objective: develop an interface for sonifying movement data from dancers and musicians. You will work with prerecorded Motion Capture (MoCap) data, as well as with live-streamed sensor-data from accelerometers. You will explore sonification of these data in WebAudioXML and/or PureData/MaxMSP.

You will collaborate with dancers and musicians in how they want to select aspects of movements in the performances and develop an interface for performers to control parameters for sonifying movements.


  • process MoCap data 
  • process real-time data from accelerometers
  • develop sonifications in cooperation with users: dancers and musicians
  • create interface for movement sonification within music and dance performance

Technical environment:

Motion Capture, IMU-sensors, WebAudioXML, PureData/MaxMSP


  • Having conducted a co-design process in an artistic setting with experts in music and dance
  • Learning about MoCap data processing and streaming
  • Learning about sonification of movement parameters


Andre Holzapfel KTH, Olof Misgeld, KMH