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SUNRISE Sparks Innovation and Dialogue at French-Swedish Research Days Conference

Published Sep 19, 2023

In a groundbreaking presence at the French-Swedish Research Days Conference hosted at the prestigious KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SUNRISE took center stage in shaping the discourse on the future of nuclear power.

Pär Olsson and Elina Charatsidou, among others, shared insights into the dynamic activities at the SUNRISE Centre, highlighting their commitment to advancing nuclear technology. The duo also delved into the crucial aspect of fostering public awareness about the role and potential of nuclear power, making their contributions a beacon of enlightenment in the evolving landscape of sustainable energy.

On the bottom left we can see PhD student Elina talking. On the right we can see the Reaktorhallen.
On the bottom left we can see PhD student Elina talking. On the right we can see the Reaktorhallen.
On the top we can see Prof. Pär Olsson giving a presentation in Reaktorhallen.
On the top we can see Prof. Pär Olsson giving a presentation in Reaktorhallen.