The course introduces k-space (wave vector space) and the reciprocal lattice with its applications, which are central concepts for further studies within solid state physics. In addition, the course gives an overview of different models to describe the properties of solid materials. The syllabus is as follows
- Classification of solid material, atomic binding
- Crystalline materials, lattice vectors, unit cells
- Reciprocal space, Brillouin zones
- X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law, von Laue equations
- Lattice vibrations, phonons, heat capacity
- Free electron model, resistance in metals, Hall effect
- Band structure, Bloch wave functions, introduction to band structure calculations
- Semiconductors, metals, superconductivity and magnetism
After the course, the student should be able to
- describe and classify materials from their crystal structure and atomic arrangements
- apply the theory for X-ray diffraction in reciprocal space (k-space) to determine the lattice structure of crystalline materials and also be able to use these principles for other waves in solid materials
- describe the different physical mechanisms for crystal binding by identifying repelling and attractive interaction coupled to atomic properties
- formulate basic models for lattice vibrations (phonons) and their influence on the physics of crystalline materials, make calculations based on these models and be able to relate the conclusions form the models to experimentally measured properties of materials
- formulate electron properties in a periodic potential, explain factors that affects the band structure of a crystalline material, make a simple band structure calculation and based on this develop a qualitative understanding of the band structure of materials
- explain the physical principles for different types of electric and magnetic phenomena in solid materials and relate this to macroscopically measurable quantities
with the aim of being able to handle the coupling between fundamental theoretical models and experimental results in solid state physics and having sufficient knowledge to continue with deeper studies within the field.
For higher grades, it is in addition required that the students should be able to apply the knowledge learnt in the course on for them completely unknown problems.