- Nuclear force and second quantization
- Fundamental coupling schemes
- Basic excitations in atomic nuclei and collectivity
- Nuclear deformation
- Magnetic resonances and medical applications
- Normal product and the Wick theorem
- Tamm-Dankoff & Random Phase Approximations
- Nuclear shell model, seniority and computation
- Fission, fusion and nuclear energy
- Nuclear astrophysics and nucleosynthesis
Key words: Central forces, spherical tensors and angular momentum coupling by means of 3j, 6j and 9j symbols. The one particle potential, one particle excitations and the effect of polarization (concept of effective charge). Two-body forces and excitations in two-body systems. Anisotropic harmonic oscillator and the Nilsson model. The cranking approximation, the Inglis formula and determination of the moment of inertia. Quasispin and derivation of the BCS-equation. Second quantization, Wicks theorem, the self consistent Hartree-Fock potential and Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov approximation. The Tamm-Dankoff (TDA) and Random Phase Approximation (RPA). Broken symmetries and separation of spurious modes by means of the RPA. Restoration of broken symmetries and particle number projection.