Part 1: Introductory Mechanical Engineering: This part of the course gives an overview of the field of mechanical engineering. After completing this course element the student should know about basic mechanical systems and components and additionally use basic equations from mechanics, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and industrial production for simple estimations. The book “An introduction to Mechanical Engineering” (J. Wickert) is being used for this course element. The examination takes place in form a written exam (4 ECTS). A two-day study trip to a paper mill in Sweden is also part of this course element.
Part 2a: Problem solving with MATLAB: This course element gives the student an introduction to programming and how to use matrices and loop constructs to solve some mathematical and mechanical engineering problems. Examination takes place in front of the computer (1.5 ECTS). This course element introduces the first part of the course book “MATLAB Programming for Engineers “(S.J. Chapman) while the rest of the book is used in the course “DN1212 Numerical methods and basic programming”.
Part 2b: Graphical communication (3D-CAD): In the course element the students learn how to use the software SolidWorks to be able to present a construction with mechanical drawings, a three-dimensional model and also be able to animate the model. The examination consists of both compulsory computer lab exercises and a home assignment (1.5 ECTS).
Part 3: Construction project: A vehicle is to be created. The student practices constructional work from idea/concept to a final and functional product. Furthermore the student experiences group dynamics, co-operation, creativity and fantasy. Finally the student learns how to communicate in a written report and to present his/her work orally. The examination (2 ECTS) consists of a vehicle, a competition, a project report including sketches, CAD-drawings on the vehicle and an oral presentation.
Part 4: Sustainable Development: In thecoursemoduleIntroduction toSustainableDevelopment is sustainable development introduced holisticallyin a waythat is appropriateforengineering students.The moduleprovides basicknowledge in the fieldand the opportunityfor reflection and debateon sustainability issuesthat are central toengineers.The book”Hållbar utveckling – en introduktion för ingenjörer” (Dahlin) is used.(1.5 ECTS)