The course consists of a project that aims to provide and in-depth understanding of an area in material science, improved project management and communication skills and practical skills in material science.
The various projects deal with different areas and aspects of material science. The scientific quality of a project is only included in a small part of the assesment. The course and assesment of the project focuses on project management, communication and aspects such as calculations, simulations, experiments and field investigations.
A list of suitable projects is presented at the beginning of the course. The project work is carried out in groups of 2-3 students, but can also be carried out individually. Students can also propose their own project, but the course coordinator must then approve this. Each project must have a supervisor from KTH to support the project work, if the project does not already have a supervisor, the course coordinator assigns a supervisor.
All projects must generate:
- A project plan that has been approved by the supervisor after an oral presentation
- Regular meetings between the student and the supervisor, on average on hour per week
- A written technical report / research report, including;
- Introduction / goals of the project
- Literature study / Background
- Experiment / Method (calculations, simulations, field surveys)
- Results
- Discussion, Conclusion, Analysis of results
- References of used work