The course focuses on leadership to promote all pupils' learning and development, which for example implies the view that all pupils can benefit from special education efforts. To establish a good working and learning climate, including focus on for example communication and conflict management and psychology and cognitive science. The learning content of the whole course is connected in practice to authentic learning situations during the VFU2 of the spring. The course consists of three course component 1, 2 and 3:
Item 1, Social relationships, communication and leadership; treats the school as an arena for social interaction and learning. Special attention is given to the role of the teacher as a leader, but other relations that are of importance for the schoolwork are also brought up: pupils' relations to each other and relations between teachers, school headmasters, other school staff, pupils and guardians. The course covers the importance of communication for a good learning and working environment, also concerning potentially sensitive subjects such as sexuality, discrimination and gender roles. Finally, strategies and methods are brought up for both proactive and reactive conflict management, as a tool for the creation of good social relationships.
The second item, Introduction to Special needs education, is based on the responsibility of the school to give all pupils conditions for learning, irrespective of disabilities, ethnicity, gender and social class and how the organisation of the teaching can have consequences for processes of social inclusion and exclusion. The item deals with the importance of being able to identify, analyse and handle special education needs, on both individual level and on school and community level, in collaboration with guardians, teachers and other professional groups within and outside the school. The course also provides orientation in educational tools that can increase pupils' possibilities to learn and develop.
The third item, Introduction to Cognitive science and psychology, brings up modern brain research, psychology and cognitive science. In this part, knowledge of how the brain functions, its possibilities and limitations, development and maturity are included and how the learning is influenced. Furthermore, it is discussed how knowledge of neuropedagogy and learning can influence the design of teaching.