In order to give a context to the teaching process, the course is focused on the conditions, control and relevant regulations of the school and different educational didactic perspectives. The course consists of two course components; item 1 and 2:
In the first item, Education, school and society, the aim is to give an introduction to the conditions and control of the school, including laws and regulations, as well as norms and values. Also the development of the teacher/pupil role and the role of the school in relation to education, democracy and upbringing is included.
The second item, Perspective on learning, treat different perspectives on learning (learning theories and representatives for these) such as: behaviourism, cognitivism, pragmatism, learning in a socio-cultural perspective and learning in a situated perspective. This component brings up the fundamental features of the theories, their views on the individual and the learning, as well as their importance for teaching.
After passing the course, the student should be able to:
Part 1:
- give an account of and compare how the views of children and youth have changed over time and how these changes have influenced the activities of the school
- give an account of and compare the teaching assignment before and now, and describe its change over time
- give an account of the mission of the school regarding education and upbringing in relation to democratic values, the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and reflect on their practical consequences today
- give an account of the principles for control of the school and analyse how political control of the school is connected to the everyday reality of the teacher
Part 2: Perspective on learning: - give an account of the main features of the dominating learning theories and compare their view on the individual and the learning
- Analyse learning situations and argue for what in the teaching that hinders and facilitates learning by means of different learning theories