On this course, participants should acquire Academic English in order to display their knowledge and ideas in both speech and writing. Course participants take inspiration from both published research and successful academic work, and they can expect training in and personal feedback on:
- language and discourse analysis
- strategies (for e.g. multimodal presentations) and rhetorical models
- structures for effective academic communication
- advanced scientific English: text flow, sentence structure
- scientific style, and vocabulary
- handling of source materials and references
On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to do the following in both speech and writing:
- analyse and compare the rhetoric, structure, style, and referencing in successful academic texts and published research articles within their specific technical discipline
- apply the appropriate conventions for rhetoric, structure, style, and referencing to describe a data-collection process in their technical discipline
- present results related to their technical discipline, and apply the appropriate conventions for rhetoric, structure, style, and referencing to comment on and discuss the results
- apply the appropriate conventions for rhetoric, structure, style, and referencing to motivate a project in their technical discipline