Dates, times, places
30 August 09:15-15:00 in M311, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 68
19 September 09:15-12:00 in V01, KTH Campus Teknikringen 72D, 13.15-15.00 in M311, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 68
3 October 09:15-15:00 in M23, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 64A
17 October 09:15-15:00 in M311, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 68
8 November 09:15-15:00 in M231, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 68
21 November 09:15-12:00 in M23, KTH Campus Brinellvägen 64A, 13:15-15:00 in M311
KTH Campus Brinellvägen 68
12 December 09:15-15:00 in M23 (final assignment presentations), KTH Campus Brinellvägen 64A
13 January 10.00 (catch-up seminar, final assignment presentations), online
This course should contribute to knowledge on gender research and gender equality, as well as the basics on how this knowledge can be used in various ways in teaching and learning in higher education, in the classroom, in program syllabus development, as well as in learning environments and organisational development work of higher education departments. Teachers should be able to discuss how a gender perspective can be integrated in one´s teaching, i.e. how a gender perspective could develop the subject content. Further, teachers should be able to strive for a gender-conscious teaching and learning, and integration of knowledge of gender equality in teaching, in development of learning environments, and in educational programmes. The aim is that the education at KTH, the learning environments and the organisation should be characterised by gender equality and contribute to knowledge development in the technical areas of KTH, with a focus on gender and equality.
On completion of the course, the participants should be able to:
- Describe and discuss central concepts, theories and methods in gender research and analyse the relation of the concepts to one's own subject area
- Plan courses based on an integrated gender perspective on one´s own subject area content, by analysing and developing course literature, learning outcomes and assessment
- Analyse, make visible and problematize the importance of gender, in the structure and instruction methods and practice of higher education
- Evaluate and develop the practice of teaching by implementing gender-conscious teaching and learning and knowledge on (gender) equality
- Promote cooperation among teachers and students in departments, tracks or educational programmes, with the aim to analyse and develop equality integration, gender-conscious educational working methods and subject related gender development