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IV1013 Introduction to Computer Security 7.5 credits

About course offering

For course offering

Spring 2025 Start 17 Mar 2025 programme students

Target group


Part of programme

Bachelor's Programme in Information and Communication Technology, åk 3, Mandatory

Degree Programme in Computer Engineering, åk 3, DPU2, Conditionally Elective

Degree Programme in Computer Engineering, åk 3, SAIN, Recommended

Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology, åk 3, Mandatory


P4 (7.5 hp)


17 Mar 2025
2 Jun 2025

Pace of study


Form of study

Normal Daytime

Language of instruction


Course location

KTH Campus

Number of places

Places are not limited

Planned modular schedule


For course offering

Spring 2025 Start 17 Mar 2025 programme students

Application code



For course offering

Spring 2025 Start 17 Mar 2025 programme students


Peter Sjödin (


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Course coordinator

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Headings with content from the Course syllabus IV1013 (Spring 2024–) are denoted with an asterisk ( )

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

  • Basic cryptography: symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
  • Cryptographic hashing and digital signatures.
  • Security in protocols and services of the Internet.
  • Certificates and infrastructures for open key encryption.
  • Security in network systems: routers, firewalls, and systems to detect intrusion.
  • Security in operating systems.
  • Software security: vulnerability, attacks, and defence mechanisms.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student should be able to

  • explain basic mechanisms in, and the structure of, secure communications protocols
  • describe weaknesses in computer systems, software, networks, and communications protocols as well as explain attacks that utilise such weaknesses
  • explain and compare advantages and disadvantages with common cryptographic technologies
  • design and implement simple cryptographic applications
  • account for and recognise threats against information security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. as well as choose appropriate methods to protect against threats
  • design, implement, and evaluate security in networks

in order to receive an introduction to the basics of cryptography, security in computer systems and network security.

Literature and preparations

Specific prerequisites

Knowledge and skills in Java programming, 6 credits, corresponding to completed course ID1018/DD1337 or alternatively a completed course in basic programming such as DD1310-DD1319/DD1321/DD1331/DD100N combined with a completed course in Java programming corresponding to DD1380.

Knowledge of low-level programming, 6 credits, corresponding to completed course IS1200/IS1500/EP1200.

Knowledge in networks and communication, 6 credits, corresponding to completed course IK1203/EP1100.

Knowledge in discrete mathematics, 6 credits, corresponding to completed course IX1500/SF1610/SF1630/SF1662/SF1679/SF1688.

Active participation in a course offering where the final examination is not yet reported in Ladok is considered equivalent to completion of the course. Registering for a course is counted as active participation. The term 'final examination' encompasses both the regular examination and the first re-examination.

Recommended prerequisites

  • ID1206 Operating Systems
  • ID1019 Programming II
  • ID1020 Algorithms and Data Structures 


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Examination and completion

If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.

Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Project Assignment, 6.0 credits, grading scale: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F
  • TENT - Digital examination, 1.5 credits, grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

TENT is carried out as continuous, digital examination and is given in English. Solutions may be given in Swedish or English. 

Opportunity to complete the requirements via supplementary examination

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Opportunity to raise an approved grade via renewed examination

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Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

Course room in Canvas

Registered students find further information about the implementation of the course in the course room in Canvas. A link to the course room can be found under the tab Studies in the Personal menu at the start of the course.

Offered by

Main field of study


Education cycle

First cycle

Add-on studies

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Peter Sjödin (

Supplementary information

In this course, the EECS code of honor applies, see:

This course overlaps with IK2206 Internet Security and Privacy, only one of IK2206, IV1013 can be included in the degree.