The analysis of individual CLEW components (and their related services) is routinely undertaken using modelling tools. However, these models often lack the functionality required to conduct the integrated analysis required in developing climate-impact, land, energy, and water-use related policies. The development of an integrated tool linking the above components can enhance the knowledge about these systems and help policymakers assess different development strategies. During literature review and hands on learning of the methodology behind each individual resource assessment tool will give the students a broad knowledge base in resource assessment models. The tools included in the CLEWS framework are: General Circulation Models (GCM) to estimate weather changes, the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) model, the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP), and the Agro-Ecological Zones (AEZ) land production planning model.
During the course, students will work on individual assignments to learn the methodology and application of tools related to the course. The main focus will be given to knowledge sharing and in-depth hands-on training on the tools. After successful completion of the assignments, students will be involved in a challenging individual project on the national or regional level, where students will apply the CLEWS framework on real case studies.