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DD152X Degree Project in Computer Science, Communication and Industrial Management, First Level 15.0 credits

A relatively large independent project in computer science of analytical nature.

This course is designed for students at Degree Program in Industrial Engineering and Management, specialisation Computer Science and Communications.

Information per course offering

Course offerings are missing for current or upcoming semesters.

Course syllabus as PDF

Please note: all information from the Course syllabus is available on this page in an accessible format.

Course syllabus DD152X (Spring 2021–)
Headings with content from the Course syllabus DD152X (Spring 2021–) are denoted with an asterisk ( )

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

The Bachelor's essay shall treat an interesting problem in computer science. For the assignment to be appropriate as a degree project, there must be interesting issues from the subject area to investigate.

Intended learning outcomes

The student should after completed independent degree project in computer science be able to

  • apply skills and knowledge in computer science to a given problem
  • independently analyse and discuss relevant aspects of, and solutions to, a large problem in computer science,
  • apply standard methods of practice in industry, administration and academic environments regarding planning, conducting, reporting and evaluating independent design and investigation projects
  • reflect on, evaluate and critically discuss one's own and others' scientific results,
  • document and present the work orally and in writing, with requirements for  structure, contents, presentation, formal contents, style and writing
  • identify own information needs and independently acquire the knowledge and skills that are needed to solve the problem
  • independently plan and carry out a design or study in computer science
  • independently collect and organise the requirements and expectations for project deliverables
  • evaluate these requirements and expectations under constraints of time and other resources.

Literature and preparations

Specific prerequisites

In addition to the KTH general requirement for 120 completed credits from the programme syllabus of the programme for year 1-3, courses in fields corresponding to the following courses should be completed:
•    Programming and computer science fundamentals, equivalent to DD1320 Applied computer science
•    Planning and implementation of project work, equivalent to ME1306 Industrial project management for I
•    Fundamentals in Industrial Engineering and Management, corresponding to ME1314 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management
•    Sustainable development and social aspects, equivalent to ME1314 Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Management
•    Planning, implementation and evaluation of computer science studies in user interaction, equivalent to DH1620 Human-Computer Interaction, introductory course

Active participation in a course offering where the final examination is not yet reported in LADOK is considered equivalent to completion of the course.

Being registered for a course counts as active participation.The term 'final examination' encompasses both the regular examination and the first re-examination.


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Examination and completion

If the course is discontinued, students may request to be examined during the following two academic years.

Grading scale

P, F


  • XUPP - Exam Project, 15.0 credits, grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

Opportunity to complete the requirements via supplementary examination

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Opportunity to raise an approved grade via renewed examination

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Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

Course room in Canvas

Registered students find further information about the implementation of the course in the course room in Canvas. A link to the course room can be found under the tab Studies in the Personal menu at the start of the course.

Offered by

Main field of study


Education cycle

First cycle

Add-on studies

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Joakim Gustafsson (

Transitional regulations

From the spring semester 2021, changed requirements apply to Specific prerequisites. Students who have started their studies before 01/07/2018 should during a transitional period, until the expiration of the autumn semester 2022, be considered eligible, if either the requirements for special admission requirements that have been set before the spring semester 2021, or the requirements in the current official course syllabus are satisfied. For course offerings starting from the spring semester 2023, only the specific prerequisites of the current official course syllabus will apply.