The historical development and bases of language engineering, morphology, syntax, semantics, vector space models, evaluation methods, machine learning, information theory and Markov models.
Morphological analysis, generation and language statistics and corpus processing, parsing, generation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, probabilistic parsing and statistical lexical semantics.
Application areas:
Spelling and grammar checking, information retrieval, word prediction for smart text entry, text clustering and text categorization, computer-aided language learning, dialogue systems, speech technology and machine translation.
After passing the course, the student shall be able to
- explain and use basic concepts in linguistics, language engineering and machine learning
- apply language engineering concepts, methods and tools to build language engineering systems as well as be able to explain the structure of such systems
- implement standard methods in language engineering
- design and carry out simple evaluations of a language engineering system as well as interpret the results,
- independently be able to solve a well delimited practical language engineering problem
in order to be able to
- work with a bachelor's degree project with a focus on language engineering or machine learning,
- be an important link between systems designers, programmers, and interaction designers in industry as well as in research projects.