The main components of the climate system: radiation balance, atmospheric circulation, land-atmospheric interaction.
Hydrologic processes: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, unsaturated flow, overland flow.
Surface water: open channel flow, hydrographs, the unit hydrograph, synthetic hydrographs, the SCS method.
Lumped and distributed flow routing: the Muskingum method, SaintVenants equations, the kinematic wave.
The linear reservoir: analytical solution and modelling of a system of linear reservoirs.
Hydrologic design: hydrologic statistics, frequency analysis, hydroeconomic analysis, uncertainty based modelling techniques.
Urban hydrological processes: quantifying runoff and groundwater recharge in urban areas, quantitative impact on surface and groundwater due to human activity.
Municipal water supply systems: hydraulic analysis and design of pipe networks and distribution reservoirs.
Waste water collection systems: hydraulic analysis and design of storm and sanitary sewer systems and treatment plants.