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Frequently Asked Questions about Canvas for Students (FAQ)

How do I log in? When can I see my courses? Who can send messages to me? How does the app work? Here you find some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about Canvas.

How do I log in to Canvas to see my courses?

You log in with your KTH account. If you are a new student, you will get your KTH account with login information during the Orientation Week.

The easiest way to go to Canvas is through the "Personal menu". Go to Click on "LOGIN" in the top right corner. In the top menu, select "Courses/My courses". You can also go to "Services/Learning Management System (Canvas)" or use the direct link: .

If you are an external student without a KTH account (for example from Stockholm University or Karolinska Institutet) you must ask your course administrator to send an e-mail to  that you need to be added manually to Canvas and to the course. Here is a list of Course- and Student Offices . Once you have received your login information and access to the course, log in to Canvas via this link: .

I've forgotten my password, what should I do?

If you are a student with a KTH account, you need to visit KTH Entré  to get a new password. Please note that you must provide an acceptable form of identification . If you are unable to visit the support, you can still get help, read more here:  If you are an external student without a KTH account, go to  and request a new password.

My course is about to start but I can't find it in Canvas, where is it?

If you cannot find the course in Canvas, it may be because the teacher has not published the course room. You can see all the course rooms you are connected to and whether the course room is published or not by going to "Courses" and then clicking on "All courses". Contact the teacher if the course room is not published.

My course disappeared from Canvas, how do I access it again?

Before a course starts, you must register for the course in order to continue to have access to the course in Canvas. Here you will find information on how to register and when the course registration is open.

Course registration

I can't find my schedule in Canvas, why?

Your schedule is not in Canvas, but under the "Personal menu" when you have logged in to In Canvas and the course rooms, there is a "Calendar" located in the left-hand menu. Select the course you want to see the calendar for. In "Calendar", the teacher can add events related to the course. There is also information about, for example, deadlines for assignments.

How do I set up so I get notifications about what's happening in my course rooms?

You can receive notifications about new messages, new assigments, discussion posts, and much more that you may want to keep in mind. You set up how you want your notifications (E-mail, SMS, etc.) and how often you want to receive notifications (immediately, daily, weekly). We recommend that you take some time to adjust this in Canvas. This can reduce the risk of missing any important course information. Read more on the page How to change your notification settings in Canvas.

I'm having trouble uploading files and assigments, what do I do?

If you have trouble uploading and downloading files in Canvas, you can start by trying to clear the browser cache, How do I clear my browser cache on a PC?  You can also try another browser. If that didn't solve the problem contact .

Who can send messages to me?

In Canvas there are "Conversations", a built-in e-mail and message feature. In your "Inbox" you can read messages and send messages to both teachers and classmates. You can only send messages to people you share course room with. Read more in How do I use Conversations as a student? (  and the video Conversations Overview ( .

How do I "clear" the list of my Canvas courses?

You can choose to favourite specific courses. Then the courses will be the ones that appear under "Courses" in the left menu. The list of all of your courses is, of course, still there.

Log in to Canvas and select "Courses" in the left menu. Select "All courses" and click on the star in front of the courses you want to be displayed as favourites in the drop-down menu.

Read more about customizing My Courses list

How do I find a course room from a previous course offering?

You can find all course rooms by opening "Courses" in the Canvas global menu and then selecting "All courses". Further down the page for all courses you will find "Previous registrations" where all deactivated course rooms are located.

Course rooms are deactivated 60 days after the end of the course and that is when they disappear from the overview in Canvas.

Can I use Canvas on my mobile phone?

You can access Canvas from any browser on Android / iOS. Please note that not all functions work as well in the mobile browser as they do if you use Canvas from a regular computer and browser. 

How does the app "Canvas Student" work?

With the app you get updates about the course directly to your phone. You can get notifications when your teacher submits feedback on an assignment and send and receive messages to/from others in the course. The app has certain limitations that are important to know. Read more under "Restrictions on the app" below.

Problem med inloggning på KTH i appen?

Logga in med skolnamnet

KTH:s Canvas dirigerar om från den gamla webbadressen "" till den nya "". Detta kan orsaka problem i appen, men det går snabbt att lösa.

För att logga in i Canvas student-app eller Canvas lärar-app:

  1. Tryck på knappen "Hitta min skola" på startsidan för appen.
  2. Skriv in "" och tryck på "Nästa". Obs! Sök inte på KTH.
  3. Logga in som vanligt.

Get feedback on tasks

See assessments and results on data. Remember that the results you find in Canvas and the app are preliminary and not the examiner's grade decision. You can always find your final grades in Ladok.

Restrictions on the app

There are limitations in calendar management, uploading files to quizzes as well as answering quizzes. These features work best through web browsers.

Good to know about Canvas apps!

  • If you do not have a KTH account, you will not be able to use the app.

  • It is Canvas (Instructure) that develops and updates the apps. KTH does not provide support or handle questions about the apps.

  • Download the app from where you usually download apps. You can also see the latest updates and bug fixes there.
  • The apps are updated regularly. The latest information can be found on Canvas's own web pages about the apps.

Read more: Canvas student guide ( . Instruction film about the app (