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Master's Degree Project: Updated info and forms

The degree project is carried out in the final phase of the studies. The project work, which is formally a course, will give you training in working independently, namely to plan, implement, document, and report your research or development project, as well as presenting scientific criticism in the form of opposition to another degree project. The scope corresponds to 20 weeks of full-time work. The start date is determined in consultation with the examiner.

In case links doesn't work below, see the same information intra.kth.se/cbh.

Degree Project (30 hp) at the Masters Programmes TMVTM, TMMMM, TKEMM

The following course codes should be used for the project:

KD200X if the examiner is employed at the Department of Chemistry.
KE200X if the examiner is employed at the Department of Chemical Engineering.
KF200X if the examiner is employed at the Department of Fiber and Polymer Technology.

It is the examiner's responsibility to decide which code to use and not which master's programme you are enrolled in. If the degree project is to be carried out at another department at KTH than those mentioned above, or outside KTH, the responsible programme director for the student must be contacted before the application process can begin.

General guidelines for Degree Projects at KTH can be found at the Degree Project information page at kth.se.

More specific rules for each course can be found at:

KD200X: www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/KD200X?l=en
KE200X: www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/KE200X?l=en
KF200X: www.kth.se/student/kurser/kurs/KF200X?l=en


1) All courses that are required for issuing the Degree of Bachelor and at least 60 credits of courses for second-cycle studies should be fully completed. These 60 credits should include all courses in the program relevant to the degree project, as well as at least 30 credits of specialization in second cycle courses within the main field of studies. A course in theory and methodology of science, normally AK2036 must be completed with a passing grade.

2) Part 1 and part 2 of the application for degree project (see below) should be approved.

In order to be admitted, you need to apply early enough, at least a couple of weeks before the project starts. The application process is described further below.

Requirements for examination of the degree project

1) Written report.

2) Oral presentation including answering questions from an opponent.

3) Opposition to another student's dissertation in a similar subject area (oral opposition recommended).

Below is a short checklist regarding the administrative around the degree project.

Before you begin - application and registration

Apply for a degree project. The application is made in two steps on the form "Application for degree project"

Download the form (link to pdf form at kth.se)

Start by completing part 1 of the form and handing it in to the education office (Teknikringen 50). The Education Office checks that you are eligible to be admitted to the course, sign part 1 and return it to you.

How/where do I find a suitable project?

Consider the area in which you wish to perform your work. The degree project can be carried out in collaboration with a company or at an institution at a university here in Sweden or abroad. See some suggestions at the KTH Degree Project Portal (link to info page at kth.se)

Our teachers at the departments of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Fiber and Polymer Technology often have additional project ideas derived from their own research projects - please contact them directly for suggestions. They can help with suggestions and further guidance even if you want to work outside these institutions but do not find something that suits you.

When you know who should be your supervisor and examiner (if you choose to do your degree work at a company, a supervisor should also be appointed at the company, but an examiner at KTH must always be present) you fill in the application form part 2, sign the form and return it to the education office. Along with Part 2, a brief summary of the proposed thesis work should also be submitted. It is important that part 1 is attached to part 2 so that we can see that the form is complete. After that, the form is approved by the program director and you are accepted and registered for the course in Ladok. If the project is performed outside KTH, it is important to clarify the roles of the supervisor at the company and the examiner at KTH already during the initial discussions (ie, well before the actual work begins).

Important to remember

KTH is a government agency and is governed by the principle of public access. This means that reports are public. In exceptional cases, sensitive information for clients can be omitted from the report for confidentiality reasons (for example due to a patent application or publication of the work in a scientific journal). In these cases, a discussion with the program director/examiner must be held before part 2 of the application form is completed and the start of the degree project is approved. In cases where the work is done in collaboration with a company, it is important to inform the company that KTH complies with the principle of publicity. It is possible to delay the registration of work up to 6 months. This should then be stated in writing in the grading protocol.

During the project

At least one start up meeting and a half-time meeting with the examiner should be held during the degree project, but more meetings are strongly recommended. For example, if the thesis work is performed outside KTH, a continuous e-mail contact can be kept, but a start up meeting and a half-time meeting are always necessary.

Towards the end of the project

  • Your thesis will be approved when the written report, oral presentation and opposition are approved. The examiner must attend the oral presentation, but when opposing another student's thesis work, the examiner can delegate the assessment to another teacher at KTH. The degree project can be written and presented in either Swedish or English, but a summary must be available in both languages. The thesis will also be checked for plagiarizm before being approved.
  • When the degree project is approved by the examiner, the examiner submits the grading protocol to the education office for reporting in Ladok.

All approved degree projects must be registered in DiVA, KTH's publication database, in accordance with decision by the Rector. Registration must take place as soon as the thesis work is approved by the examiner and no later than 6 months from the date of approval. See the discussion above about preventing possible conflicts of confidentiality.

On approval, the following documents should be handed in by the examiner:

  1. Thesis, with front cover should be e-mailed to kursexp@che.kth.se as a PDF-file (for registration in Diva).
  2. Grading protocol (download Degree project grading.docx at kth.se) attached to the same e-mail.
  3. A print-out hard copy for the archives.


Grades for the Degree Project is Pass or Fail (P/F). 
If all other courses are completed as well, you can now apply for your diploma.