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Masterprogram, hållbar samhällsplanering och stadsutformning

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Welcome to programme website for Sustainable Urban Planning and Design!

On these pages students and employees at KTH can share information, discuss or ask questions about everything related to the programme. There are also links to programme related information that may be important for you as a student.

Programme Directors:

Peter Brokking, masterprogram.supd@abe.kth.se



School's Office of Student Affairs

Master’s coordinators:  Mia Kim and Felicia Flodin (off duty until 1 of January 2023)

Service: general questions related to your studies, course admission, individual study plans, study breaks, course transfer, transcripts of records and registration certificates etc.

Email: masterprogram@abe.kth.se

Visiting address: Teknikringen 74 C

Phone: 08-790 8029/08-790 6486

Drop-in hours to the master's coordinators and international coordinators is CLOSED until further notice

Please contact us via email or phone if you want to book an appointment.

International coordinators:

Saga Kjell and Hanna Korhonen

Service: questions related to exchange studies

Email: international.exchange@abe.kth.se

Visiting address: Teknikringen 74 C

Phone: 08-790 8064/08-790 8074

Drop-in hours to the master's coordinators and international coordinators is CLOSED until further notice

Please contact us via email or phone if you want to book an appointment.

Course administration 



Urban and Regional Studies:

Therese Gellerstedt, studentexp.som@abe.kth.se

Environmental Strategies Research:
