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STEM 2013-001672 Energiframtidsstudier

Projektledare: Mattias Höjer

The goal of the project was to lay the foundations for a futures study of a Swedish sustainable energy system, and suggest how such a study can be carried out. The purpose was to define system boundaries for a main study and suggest suitable methods for generation and analysis of scenarios. The project focused on contemporary and future energy potentials, future challenges for the energy system and analyze options for policy objectives on climate and energy area in an equity perspective. (avslutat)

Life Cycle Impacts of Road Infrastructure
Centre for Sustainable Communications
Environmental Assessment of Waste Management
FORMAS Gårdars resiliens
CESC Scenarios & Impacts
STEM 2013-001672 Energiframtidsstudier
IEA ANNEX 57, STEM 2013-003195 Integrering av livscykel
Sustainability assessment of innovation areas in Vinnväxt
Methods for sustainability assessment of ICT in phase IV