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Some Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications and Editorials: 

  1. Esmaeely Neisiany, R., Enayati, M.S., Kazemi-Beydokhti, A., Das, O., Ramakrishna, S., 2020. Multilayered bio-based electrospun membranes: a potential porous media for filtration applications. Frontiers in Materials7, 67.
  2. Jiang, L.,  Yang, X., Gao, X., Xu, Q., Das, O., Sun, J., Kuzmand, M., 2020. Pyrolytic characteristic and combustion kinetics of polystyrene particle in nitrogen atmosphere: particle size effects and application of distributed activation energy method. Polymers, In press.
  3. Afriyie Mensah, R.; Xiao, J.; Das, O.; Jiang, L.; Xu, Q.; Alhassan, M. 2020. Application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System in Flammability Parameter Prediction. Polymers, 12(1), 122.
  4. Das, O., Kim, N-K., Hedenqvist, M.S., Bhattacharyya, D., Johansson, E., Xu, Q., Holder, S. 2019. Naturally-occurring bromophenol to develop fire retardant gluten biopolymers. Journal of Cleaner Production. 243, 118552. 
  5. Das, O., Hedenqvist, M.S., Prakash, C., Lin, R.J.T., 2019. Nanoindentation and flammability characterisation of five rice husk biomasses for biocomposites applications. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 125. 105566
  6. Das, O., Rasheed, F., Kim, N-K., Johansson, E., Capezza, A.J., Kalamkarov, A.L., et al. 2019. The development of fire and microbe resistant sustainable gluten plastics. Journal of Cleaner Production. 222, 163-173. 
  7. Das, O., Hedenqvist, M.S., Johansson, E., Olsson, R.T., Loho, T.A., Capezza, A.J., et al. 2019. An all-gluten biocomposite: comparisons with carbon black and pine char composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 120, 42-48. 
  8. Das, O., Loho, T., Capezza, A., Lemrhari, I. and Hedenqvist, M., 2018. A Novel Way of Adhering PET onto Protein (Wheat Gluten) Plastics to Impart Water Resistance. Coatings8(11), p.388.
  9. Hedenqvist, M.S., Das, O., 2018. Are we missing the reality in polymer testing? Polymer Testing Journal. 71: A1- A2. 
  10. Das, O., Hedenqvist, M.S., 2018. Wettability properties of biochar added wood/polypropylene composites. Academic Journal of Polymer Science. (In Press)
  11. Das, O., Hedenqvist, M.S., 2018. Self-Reinforced Gluten Polymers: A Step towards a True Biocomposite. Open access government. ISSN 2516- 3817. Edition 18. p.178. https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/Launch.aspx?EID=558600cb-8de9-4616-9242-f8f3b41da315
  12. Das, O., Kim, N-K, Hedenqvist, M.S., Lin, R.J.T., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2018. An attempt to find a suitable biomass for biochar based polypropylene biocomposites. Environment Management Journal. 62(2), 403-413.
  13. Piri, I.S., Das, O., Hedenqvist, M.S., Väisänen, T., Ikram, S., Bhattacharyya, D., 2018. Imparting resiliency in biocomposite production systems: A system dynamics approach. Journal of Cleaner production. 179: 450-459.
  14. Das, O., Kim, N-K., Kalamkarov, A.L., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2017. Biochar to the rescue: balancing the fire performance and mechanical properties of polypropylene composites. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 144: 485-496. 
  15. Väisänen, T., Das, O., Tomppo, L., 2017. A review on new bio-based constituents for natural fiber-polymer composites. Journal of Cleaner Production. 149: 582-596.
  16. Das, O., Kim, N-K., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2017. Development of waste based biochar/wool hybrid biocomposites: Flammability characteristics and mechanical properties. Journal of Cleaner Production. 144: 79-89.
  17. Ikram, S., Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. A parametric study of mechanical and flammability properties of biochar reinforced polypropylene composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 91: 177-188.
  18. Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., Hui, D., Lau, K.T., 2016. Mechanical and flammability characterisations of biochar/polypropylene biocomposites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 106: 120-128.
  19. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. Nanoindentation assisted analysis of biochar added biocomposites. Composites Part B: Engineering. 91: 219-227.
  20. Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., Sarmah, A.K., 2016. Sustainable eco-composites obtained from waste derived biochar: a consideration in performance properties, production costs, and environmental impact. Journal of Cleaner Production. 129:159-168.
  21. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Zujovik Z, Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. Characterisation of waste derived biochar added biocomposites: Chemical and thermal modification. Science of the Total Environment. 550: 133-142.
  22. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. Biocomposites from waste derived biochars: Mechanical, thermal, chemical, and morphological properties. Waste Management Journal. 49: 560-570.
  23. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015. Structure-mechanics property relationship of waste derived biochars. Science of the Total Environment. 538: 611-620.
  24. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015.  A novel approach in organic waste utilization through biochar addition in wood/polypropylene composites. Waste Management Journal. 38: 132–140.
  25. Das, O. and Sarmah, A.K., 2015. The love- hate relationship of pyrolysis biochar and water: A perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 512–513: 682–685.
  26. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015. A sustainable and resilient approach through biochar addition in wood polymer composites. Science of the Total Environment. 512–513: 326–336.
  27. Srinivasan, P., Sarmah, A.K., Smernik, R., Das, O., Farid, M., Gao, W., 2015. A feasibility study of agricultural and sewage biomass as biochar, bioenergy and biocomposite feedstock: production, characterisation and potential applications. Science of the Total Environment. 512-513: 495-505.
  28. Das, O. and Sarmah, A.K., 2015. Mechanism of waste biomass pyrolysis: Effect of physical and chemical pre-treatments. Science of the Total Environment. 537: 323–334.
  29. Das, O. and Sarmah, A.K., 2015. Value added liquid products from waste biomass pyrolysis using pretreatments. Science of the Total Environment. 538: 145–151.


Book Chapters:

  1. Das, O., Kim, N-K., Hedenqvist, M.S., Bhattacharyya, D., 2018. The Flammability of Biocomposites. In: Durability and Life Prediction in Bio Composite, Fiber Reinforced Composite and Hybrid Composite. Jawaid, M., Thariq, M., Saba, N., (editors), Elsevier Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Pp. 335-365.
  2. Das, O., Kim, N-K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2017. The mechanics of biocomposites. In: Biomedical Composites (2nd Ed), Ambrosio, L., and Overend, L., (editors), Elsevier Ltd, Cambridge, UK. Pp. 375-411. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100752-5.00017-2
  3. Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. Development of polymeric biocomposites: Particulate incorporation, interphase generation and evaluation by nanoindentation. In: Interface/Interphase in Polymer Nanocomposites, Netravali, A.N., and Mittal, K.L., (editors), Scrivener Publishing LLC/Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. Pp. 333-374. DOI: 10.1002/9781119185093.ch10


Conference Publications:

  1. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2014. A sustainable approach in waste utilization through biochar addition in wood polypropylene composites. The 9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology. October, 2014. Beijing, China.
  2. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015. Nano-mechanical properties of waste wood derived biochar: A nanoindentation investigation. International Conference on Solid Waste. May, 2015. Hong Kong.
  3. Das, O., Sarmah, A.K., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015. Nano-mechanical characterisation of waste wood, biochar, and activated biochar. 5th International Conference on Solid Waste Management. Invited paper presented November, 2015. Bangalore, India.
  4. Xie, W., Somashekar, A.A., Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., 2015. Characterization and potential applications of biochar”, PFAM-24: Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials – XXIV, Kansai University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, 18-20 December 2015. Eds M Ikeda, T Haruna, M Niinomi and T S Srivatsan. Invited paper presented on 19 December 2015, pp 79-89.
  5. Bhattacharyya, D., Das, O., 2016. Biochar based biocomposites: Mechanical and flammability Characterisation14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Sustainable Bioeconomy to Marketplace May 31 to June 03, 2016, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
  6. Das, O., Bhattacharyya, D., 2016. Trash to Treasure: Value added Composites from Waste derived Biochar. ICCE-24. 24th Annual International Conference on Composites and Nano Engineering. 17 Jul 2016 - 23 Jul 2016. Sanya, Hainan Island, China.

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