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1.         Editorial and Reviewing Jobs:

1.1.     Editorial board member: Polymer Testing Journal (Elsevier Publications, Impact factor: 2.247)

1.2.      Lead Guest Editor: Special Issue, “Recent Advances in Fully Biobased Polymers and Their Composites” International Journal of Polymer Science (Hindawi Publication)

1.3.      Editorial board member: Research and Advances: Environmental Sciences (Ocimum Scientific Publishers, Victoria, Australia)

1.4.      Editorial board member: Probe- Environment and Waste Management (Universe Scientific Publishing, Singapore)

1.5.      Editorial Advisory Board Member: Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Sustainability (JASES).

1.5.      Invited and/or recognised reviewer for the following journals along with their 2018 impacts:

  • Journal of Cleaner Production (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Composites Part A: Applied Science and manufacturing (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Composites Part B: Engineering (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Industrial Crops and Products (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Polymer Degradation and Stability (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Energy and Fuels (Publisher= ACS Publications)
  • Polymer Testing (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Waste Management Journal (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Resources, Conservation & Recycling (Publisher=Elsevier)
  • Renewable Energy Journal (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Science of the Total Environment (Publisher=Elsevier)
  • Chemosphere (Publisher=Elsevier)
  • Polymers (Publisher: MDPI)
  • Journal of Polymers and the Environment (Publisher= Springer)
  • Applied Surface Science (Publisher=Elsevier)
  • Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Publisher= Elsevier)
  • Environmental Management Journal (Publisher= Springer)
  • Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures (Publisher= Emerald Insight)
  • Bioresources (Publisher= North Carolina State University, USA)
  • The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal (Publisher=Bentham Open)

2.         Invited Lectures:

2.1.      Invited to deliver a lecture on “Polymer Testing” for the course “KF2505 Polymer Engineering and Processing” by KTH Royal Institute of technology (5.09.18).

2.2.      Invited to give a guest lecture on “Active fire safety systems” by Otago Polytechnic, Auckland Campus (12.07.17).

2.3.      Invited to present current research on composites by The School of Material Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, India (14.06.17).

2.4.      Invited to give a guest lecture on “Plastics and polymers in construction” by NorthTec Polytechnic, Auckland Campus (28.03.17)

3.         Awards:

3.1. Dean's list for excellence in PhD thesis entitled, "The development of novel biocomposites from waste derived biochars" at the University of Auckland, New Zealand (2017).

3.2. Best poster award for poster entitled, “The Best from the Waste: Biochar added Wood Polymer Composites.” Faculty of engineering poster competition (2014), Auckland, NZ

3.3. Publication Award for Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Rank-A journals by The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Auckland > 10 times.

3.4. University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship (2014-2017)

3.5. Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership (Formerly, e8 Sustainable Energy Development) Scholarship (2008), Montreal, Canada.

3.6. Foundation for Biomass Energy Development Scholarship (2008), USA

Profile picture of Oisik Das
