Here is a collection of interviews/lectures in recordings. Also, see the list of lectures for recordings. Note that participation in national TV news is generally not included since their recordings are unavailable.
Interviews (see extended list at page: https://www.kth.se/profile/linab/page/media-and-interviews/ )
L. Bertling Tjernberg, Sustainable power systems – the future energy system. (In Swedish: Uthålliga elkraftnät – framtidens energisystem), page 18-19, Fysikaktuellt , Nr 1, February 2023, Svenska Fysikersambundet, (Link to pdf of the magazine from FA-1-2023_webb.pdf (fysikersamfundet.se))
Popular Science writings
L. Bertling Tjernberg, The energy of the future is spelled Smart Grid. (In Swedish: Framtidens energi stavas smarta elnät), Page 26-27, IVA Aktuellt Nr 4, September 2013. Link with pdf of the magazine from here.
Also see list of chapters in Complete List of Publications in KTH | Complete List of Publications | Lina Bertling Tjernberg
- #7 - Ett hållbart energisystem - Futurapodden | Acast January 11, 2024.
- Energimarknadens intervju pod Spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/4A8DLyR6XYY20Z9UsOFHaF?si=AfLN8xtpSMqNIbLUpVdM1A&t=7 April 2023.
- Experten - Vi behöver både kärnkraft och vindkraft (We need both nuclear power and wind power) - YouTube, Rejlers Play 230116
- How will we cope with the energy crisis? Sthlm Talks #31 - hur ska vi klara energikrisen? - Fastighetsägarna (fastighetsagarna.se), October 6, 2022.
- Professor Lina Bertling Tjernberg om elförsörjningen - Dagens Media , 246th episode of the podcast "Under 15" guest Henric Smolak, August 29, 2022.
- #120 - Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Professor KTH & EnergiStrategiPodden fokuserar på ALMEDALEN 2022 by EnergiStrategiPodden (soundcloud.com), July 2022. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1gAnBQOxIB9ZwNipK6qzM3?si=Ga7ADFlFQqSk-VlX2o4k7Q
- Ekomodernistpodden: 3 Tänka smart inom elkraft, med Lina Bertling Tjernberg (libsyn.com), March 21, 2022.
- Energistrategipodden #79 - Lina Bertling Tjernberg, KTH & Årets Kraftkvinna 2021 by EnergiStrategiPodden (soundcloud.com), Published February 2022. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4nhaOTuf5vzckWztEDK3GA?si=wMDysDGkS-a7NYVXrzsnJQ
Future sustainable power grids, Hitachi ABB Power Grid, Podcast #3 Framtidsspaning med professorn i elkraft (podbean.com), September 202
- IVA pod med Lina Bertling Tjernberg med samtal om elnät https://www.iva.se/publicerat/nytt-nummer-av-iva-podden-med-lina-bertling-tjernberg , November 2019.
- SwedishSmartGrid pod Interview Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Räcker elen till bilen? http://swedishsmartgrid.se/aktuellt/poddensmartaelnat/ , September 2019.
- National Radio P1 God morgon Världen , interview with four experts about nuclear power and the role in the future Swedish power grid , P1 Godmorgon världen (around 1650 in the program), .
- Efter det stora strömavbrottet – "Uppenbart att något skett" - P4 Stockholm | Sveriges Radio, 26 April 2023.
- National campaign on saving electricity. Discussion Lina Bertling Tjernberg and Niklas Damsgård Swedish National Grid. National Radio "P1 Morgon", Link to recording of the interview: P1-morgon 5 oktober 2022 | Sveriges Radio, National (~59 minutes in the program). October 5, 2022.
Ekot's Saturday interview with the General Director of the Swedish National Grid with closing comments by Lina Bertling Tjernberg. See with info here: https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/svenska-kraftnat-i-varsta-fall-kopplar-vi-ifran-elen , National Radio P1 Ekot, 1 October 2022.
Record high electricity prices, a feared electricity shortage this winter, and a jungle of different electricity contracts. Lina Bertling Tjernberg is a professor of power grids and explains everything you want to know about electricity, the emergence of the electricity crisis, and what you yourself can do in these times. We talk about the Swedish electricity system, energy sources, electrification, and "Putin prices". What consumes the most electricity in a household? And are there ways to reduce your own electricity consumption? https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/darfor-har-vi-en-elkris (In Swedish), Swedish National Radio, P3, September 8, 2022.
Tax on electricity producers to be introduced in Germany - News (Ekot) | Swedens radio, Skatt på elproducenter ska införas i Tyskland - Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio, Swedish National Radio, September 5, 2022.
This is how Swedish electricity bills can be affected by Russia cutting off gas to Germany - P1 morning , In Swedish: Så kan svenska elräkningar påverkas av att Ryssland strypt gasen till Tyskland - P1-morgon | Sveriges Radio, National Radio, September 5, 2022.
Ringhals 4 hålls avstängd under hela hösten - Studio Ett | Sveriges Radio, 31 August 2022.
Svenska elen rekorddyr - Studio Ett | Sveriges Radio, August 12, 2022.
Det saknas terminologi för att prata om en energiomställning - P1-morgon | Sveriges Radio, August 10, 2022.
Swedish Radio, December 2021, About the Swedish electricity supply.
Elpriserna på rekordnivå när Ryssland stänger av gasen - Studio Ett | Sveriges Radio, 11 July, 2022.
- Professor om vindkraft till havs: ”Borde kunna byggas ut fortare” - Nyheter (Ekot) | Sveriges Radio , 2 July 2022.
Hur ska elkrisen lösas, Vattenfalls vd Anna Borg? 4 december 2021 - Ekots lördagsintervju | Sveriges Radio (closing comment on the interview). December 4th, 2021.
December 6th, https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/studio-ett-kvall-6-dec Studio Ett Kväll 6 dec 6 december 2021 - Studio Ett | Sveriges Radio
Professor kritisk mot ABB:s storaffär - P4 Västmanland | Sveriges Radio, 18 December 2018.
Sveriges elnät klarar inte miljontals solceller - Klotet | Sveriges Radio, 12 December 2012 .
TV/WebTV/YouTube etc.
- Lina Bertling Tjernberg, professor i elkraftnät KTH - YouTube, Svea Vind Offshore 230224
- The professor answers five quick questions about electricity prices, KTH-professorn svarar på frågor om elpriserna (expressen.se), Expressen TV, September 17, 2022.
- My question: Nuclear power or wind power? (In Swedish: Min fråga: Kärnkraft eller vindkraft? - Aftonbladet TV), Aftonbladet TV, July 2022.
- How Europe will reduce dependence on natural gas from Russia (In Swedish), Nyhetsmorgon TV4, News channel, April 11, 2022.
- Comeback för kärnkraft när EU tänker om (Comeback for nuclear power in the EU) - YouTube, Rejlers Play,March 7, 2022.
- Swedish national television broadcast, SVT Aktuellt, 3rd February 2022. Rekordmånga svenskar byter värmekällor och investerar i solceller, Aktuellt 220203 (time 30:45)
- The Swedish energy challenge - how do we secure the electricity needs of the future? (In Swedish: Den svenska energiutmani ngen – hur säkrar vi framtidens elbehov?) Arenagruppen, May 17, 2022, LO-Borgen, Stockholm. Program.den-svenska-energiutmaningen-a.pdf (Recording https://fb.watch/dxtGK_rNv0/ ).