Publikationer av Li Ling
J. Zhang et al., "A fully-automatic side-scan sonar simultaneous localization and mapping framework," IET radar, sonar & navigation, vol. 18, no. 5, s. 674-683, 2024.
A. Wahlin et al., "Swirls and scoops : Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf," Science Advances, vol. 10, no. 31, 2024.
I. Stenius et al., "A system for autonomous seaweed farm inspection with an underwater robot," Sensors, vol. 22, no. 13, 2022.
L. Ling et al., "Benchmarking classical and learning-based multibeam point cloud registration," i 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024, 2024, s. 6118-6125.
W. Xu et al., "Evaluation of a Canonical Image Representation for Sidescan Sonar," i OCEANS 2023 - Limerick, OCEANS Limerick 2023, 2023.
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2025-02-17 23:25:50