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Publikationer av Mattias Höjer



Y. Kishita, M. Höjer och J. Quist, "Consolidating backcasting : A design framework towards a users' guide," Technological forecasting & social change, vol. 202, s. 123285, 2024.
T. Santarius et al., "Digitalization and Sustainability : A Call for a Digital Green Deal," Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 147, s. 11-14, 2023.
J. Erlandsson, P. Bergmark och M. Höjer, "Establishing the planetary boundaries framework in the sustainability reporting of ICT companies-A proposal for proxy indicators," Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 329, 2023.
H. Berg Mårtensson, K. Larsen och M. Höjer, "Investigating potential effects of mobility and accessibility services using the avoid-shift-improve framework," Sustainable cities and society, vol. 96, s. 104676-104676, 2023.
T. Santarius et al., "Digital sufficiency : conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet," Annales des télécommunications, 2022.
J. C. T. Bieser et al., "Toward a method for assessing the energy impacts of telecommuting based on time-use data," Travel Behaviour & Society, vol. 27, s. 107-116, 2022.
N. Francart et al., "Sharing indoor space: stakeholders’ perspectives and energy metrics," Buildings and Cities, s. 70-85, 2020.
T. Ringenson et al., "Digitalization and environmental aims in municipalities," Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 4, 2018.
M. Höjer och K. Mjörnell, "Measures and Steps for More Efficient Use of Buildings," Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 6, 2018.
A. Kramers et al., "Smart sustainable cities - Exploring ICT solutions for reduced energy use in cities," Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 56, s. 52-62, 2014.
A. K. Håkansson, M. Höjer och R. Howlett, "Preface," Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol. 22, 2013.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling, Å. Svenfelt och M. Höjer, "Participatory methods for creating feminist futures," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 44, no. 10, s. 914-922, 2012.
M. Höjer, A. Gullberg och R. Pettersson, "Backcasting images of the future city-Time and space for sustainable development in Stockholm," Technological forecasting & social change, vol. 78, no. 5, s. 819-834, 2011.
D. K. Jonsson et al., "Energy at your service : highlighting energy usage systems in the context of energy efficiency analysis," Energy Efficiency, vol. 4, no. 3, s. 355-369, 2011.
M. Höjer et al., "Experiences of the development and use of scenarios for evaluating Swedish environmental quality objectives," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 43, no. 4, s. 498-512, 2011.
M. Höjer et al., "Experiences of the development and use of scenarios for evaluating Swedish national environmental objectives," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 43, no. 1, s. 1-15, 2011.
M. Höjer et al., "Experiences of the development and use of scenarios for evaluating Swedish national environmental objectives (vol 43, pg 1, 2011)," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 43, no. 4, s. 497-512, 2011.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling och M. Höjer, "Scenario Planning for Sustainability in Stockholm, Sweden : Environmental Justice Considerations," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 35, no. 5, s. 1048-1067, 2011.
Å. Svenfelt, R. Engström och M. Höjer, "Use of explorative scenarios in environmental policy making : Evaluation of policy instruments for management of land, water and the built environment," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 42, no. 10, s. 1166-1175, 2010.
C. Wallgren och M. Höjer, "Eating energy : Identifying possibilities for reduced energy use in the future food supply system," Energy Policy, vol. 37, no. 12, s. 5803-5813, 2009.
M. Höjer et al., "Scenarios in selected tools for environmental systems analysis," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 16, no. 18, s. 1958-1970, 2008.
S. Ahlroth och M. Höjer, "Sustainable energy prices and growth : Comparing macroeconomic and backcasting scenarios," Ecological Economics, vol. 63, no. 4, s. 722-731, 2007.
K. Larsen och M. Höjer, "Technological innovation and transformation perspectives in environmental futures studies for transport and mobility," International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, vol. 3, no. 1, s. 95-115, 2007.
J. Åkerman och M. Höjer, "How much transport can the climate stand? Sweden on a sustainable path in 2050," Energy Policy, vol. 34, no. 14, s. 1944-1957, 2006.
L. Börjeson et al., "Scenario types and techniques : Towards a user's guide," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 38, no. 7, s. 723-739, 2006.
M. Höjer, "A hundred nodes in the Stockholm region : a simple calculation of the effects on commuting," Environment and Planning, B : Planning and Design, vol. 29, no. 2, s. 197-217, 2002.
M. Höjer, "A hundred nodes in the Stockhom region – a simple calculation of the effects on commuting," Environment and Planning, B : Planning and Design, vol. 29, no. 2, s. 197-217, 2002.
M. Höjer och L.-G. Mattsson, "Determinism and backcasting in future studies," Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, vol. 32, no. 7, s. 613-634, 2000.
M. Höjer, "Transport telematics in urban systems : A backcasting Delphi study," Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment, vol. 3, no. 6, s. 445-463, 1998.
H. Gudmundsson och M. Höjer, "Sustainable development principles and their implications for transport," Ecological Economics, vol. 19, no. 3, s. 269-282, 1996.
M. Höjer, "Urban transport, information technology and sustainable development.," World Transport Policy & Practice, vol. 2, no. 1-2, s. 46-51, 1996.


J. C. T. Bieser och M. Höjer, "A Framework for Assessing Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Passenger Transport and Greenhouse Gas Emissions," i Advances And New Trends In Environmental Informatics : A Bogeyman Or Saviour For The Un Sustainability Goals?, 2022, s. 235-253.
P. Bergmark et al., "A Methodology for Assessing the Environmental Effects Induced by ICT Services : Part II: Multiple Services and Companies," i Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 46-55.
V. C. Coroama et al., "A Methodology for Assessing the Environmental Effects Induced by ICT Services : Part I: Single Services," i Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability, 2020, s. 36-45.
D. Pargman et al., "The (Un)sustainability of Imagined Future Information Societies," i PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 ACM SIGCHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS (CHI'17), 2017, s. 773-785.
V. C. Coroama och M. Höjer, "Assessing GHG Benefits Induced by ICT Services in Practice A Case Study and Resulting Challenges," i Proceedings of ICT for Sustainability 2016, 2016, s. 29-35.
A. Kramers, J. Wangel och M. Höjer, "Governing the Smart Sustainable City : The case of the Stockholm Royal Seaport," i PROCEEDINGS OF ICT FOR SUSTAINABILITY 2016, 2016, s. 99-108.
T. Ringenson och M. Höjer, "Smart City Planning and Environmental Aspects? : Lessons from six cities," i Proceedings of ITC for Sustainability 2016, 2016, s. 159-166.
A. Kramers et al., "Work hubs : Location considerations and opportunities for reduced travel," i PROCEEDINGS OF ENVIROINFO AND ICT FOR SUSTAINABILITY 2015, 2015, s. 126-135.
G. Henriksson et al., "ICT-based sub-practices in sustainable development of city transport," i 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICTS), AUG 24-27, 2014, Stockholm, SWEDEN, 2014, s. 265-271.
A. Kramers, M. Höjer och J. Wangel, "Planning for smart sustainable cities : Decisions in the planning process and actor networks," i 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICTS), Stockholm, SWEDEN, AUG 24-27, 2014, 2014, s. 299-305.
J. Wangel et al., "Engineers of the future : using scenarios methods in sustainable development education," i Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Cambridge, UK. September 22 – 25, 2013, 2013.
A. Kramers et al., "ICT for Sustainable Cities : How ICT can support an environmentally sustainable development in cities," i ICT4S 2013 : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainability, ETH Zurich, February 14-16, 2013, 2013, s. 183-189.
J. Wangel et al., "Backcasting and design for sustainable social practices," i Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Consumer Research, 2012.
M. Höjer, K. Larsen och H. Wintzell, "Sustainable communications and innovation : Different types of effects from collaborative research including university and companies in the ICT-sector," i ICT Critical Infrastructures and Society : 10th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC10 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27-28, 2012. Proceedings, 2012, s. 170-182.
G. Finnveden et al., "A Classification of Scenario Methods : Useful for the Expansion of Tools for Industrial Ecology," i The 3rd International Conference of The International Society for Industrial Ecology, 2005.
P. Steen et al., "A sustainable transport system for Sweden in 2040," i World Transport Research : Selected Proceedings from the 8th World Conference onTransport Research, 1999, s. 667-677.


M. Höjer, A. Gullberg och R. Pettersson, Images of the Future City : Time and Space for Sustainable Development. 1. uppl. Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2011.
A. Gullberg, M. Höjer och R. Pettersson, Bilder av framtidsstaden : tid och rum för hållbar utveckling. Stockholm : Symposion Brutus Östlings bokförlag, 2007.

Kapitel i böcker

M. Höjer och J. Wangel, "Smart sustainable cities : definition and challenges," i ICT Innovations for Sustainability, : Springer, 2015, s. 333-349.
P. Tapio et al., "Exploring the space of alternatives : Heuristics in sustainability scenarios," i Transdisciplinary Sustainability Studies : A Heuristic Approach, Huutoniemi red., London : Routledge, 2014, s. 85-99.
A. Håkansson, M. Höjer och R. J. Howlett, "Sustainability in energy and buildings ," i Sustainability in Energy and Buildings : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings (SEB'12), Hakansson, A., Höjer, M., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C. (Eds.) red., Berlin Heidelberg : Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013, s. I-1110.
M. Höjer, Å. Svenfelt och J. Wangel, "Backcasting öppnar upp framtiden," i Att utforska framtiden : valda perspektiv, Alm, S., Palme, J., Westholm, E. red., Stockholm : Dialogos Förlag, 2012, s. 1-255.
Å. Svenfelt och M. Höjer, "Framtidsstudier och osäkerheter," i Att utforska framtiden : Valda perspektiv, Alm, S., Palme, J. and Westholm, E. red., : Dialogos Förlag, 2012, s. 111-128.
A. Gullberg et al., "Den hållbara staden : Stockholm som exempel," i Stockholm : Den växande staden, : Samfundet St Erik, 2005, s. 70-85.
M. Höjer et al., "Tid och rum för mindre energi i staden," i Krävs energi i samhällsplaneringen?, : Vadstena forum Symposium, 2004, s. 131-149.
M. Höjer, "Telecommunicators in the multinuclear city," i Reshaping Regional Planning, F. Snickars, B. Olerup & L.-O. Persson red., Aldershot : Ashgate, 2000, s. 347-362.
M. Höjer, "Options for transport telematics," i New contributions to transportation analysis in Europe, Beuthe, M; Nijkamp, P red., Aldershot : Ashgate, 1999, s. 297-316.

Icke refereegranskade


G. Finnveden och M. Höjer, "Regeringen stjäl godis från framtidens småbarn.," Dagens Nyheter, 2024.
J. Åkerman et al., "Alla stora investeringar i infrastruktur måste leda till minskade utsläpp," Dagens Nyheter, no. 20210525, 2021.
J. Åkerman et al., "Höghastighetsbanor ger ingen positiv klimateffekt," Dagens Nyheter, no. 20210513, 2021.
S. Karlsson et al., "EU:s utsläppshandel otillräckligt för flyget.," Dagens Nyheter, 2018.
S. Karlsson et al., "Hyfs och kunskap krävs i debatten om flyg och klimat.," Dagens Nyheter, 2018.
G. Finnveden et al., "Östlig förbindelse löser inte trängselproblemen.," Svenska Dagbladet, 2018.
J. Åkerman et al., "Forskare: Så ser vi på alternativen till flygskatt," Dagens Samhälle, 2017.
M. Blinge et al., "Trafikverket på kollisionskurs med klimatmålen," Göteborgsposten, 2015.
M. Höjer-T och G. Finnveden, "Vi måste våga diskutera flygets klimatpåverkan," Dagens nyheter, no. 2015-12-18, 2015.
H. Antonsson et al., "Elbilar och förnybara bränslen räcker inte.," Dagens nyheter, 2014.
H. Antonsson et al., "Nu finns chansen att riva upp beslutet om förbifarten," Dagens nyheter, no. 2014-09-16, 2014.
G. Finnveden, J. Åkerman och M. Höjer, "Underkänt till både Maud och Maria," Expressen, s. 4, 2010.


U. Gunnarsson Östling, M. Höjer och Å. Svenfelt, "Creating Feminist Futures," i Stockholm Futures Conference - Our Future in the Making. Stockholm, November 18-19th, 2010.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling och M. Höjer, "Just Futures?," i AESOP 2007 conference, 11-14 July, Naples, Italy, 2007.


A. Gullberg, M. Höjer och R. Pettersson, Bilder av framtidsstaden : Tid och rum för hållbar utveckling. Eslöv : Symposion Brutus Östlings bokförlag, 2007.

Kapitel i böcker

G. Finnveden och M. Höjer, "Hållbarhetsfunderingar under en ljuskonsert 2056.," i In Hos Own Environment. : En festskrift till Sverker Sörlin, Nina Wormbs, Arne Kaijser, Sabine Höhler, Mats Benner, Marco Armiero red., Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2021, s. 174-180.
M. Höjer, "Options for transport telematics," i New Contributions to Transportation Analysis in Europe, : Informa UK Limited, 2018, s. 297-316.
M. Höjer, "Stockholm 2050," i Bekvämlighetsrevolutionen : Stockholms hushåll och miljöer under 150 år och i framtiden, Pettersson, Ronny red., Stockholm : Stockholmia förlag, 2008.


M. Höjer, "What is the Point of IT? : Backcasting urban transport and land-use futures," Doktorsavhandling Stockholm : KTH, Trita-IP. FR, 00-72, 2000.


J. Åkerman och M. Höjer, "Höghastighetsbanorna ur ett klimatperspektiv," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2114, 2021.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling och M. Höjer, "Framtiden för Naturvårdsverket : tre workshoppar med Naturvårdsverkets personal," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 1817, 2018.
M. Höjer, Å. Moberg och G. Henriksson, "Digitalisering och hållbar konsumtion : Underlagsrapport till fördjupad utvärdering av miljömålsarbetet," Stockholm : Naturvårdsverket, Naturvårdsverket, 2015.
W. Suwala et al., "Shaping our energy system – combining European modelling expertise : Case studies of the European energy system in 2050," Energy System Analysis Agency (ESA2), KIC InnoEnergy, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, 2013.
A. Björklund et al., "Giftfria och resurssnåla kretslopp : Åtgärdsstrategier under olika omvärldsutveckling," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-INFRA-FMS, 2007:8, 2007.
R. Engström, M. Höjer och K.-H. Dreborg, "Omvärldsscenarier till miljömålsarbetet," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-FMS, 2007:5, 2007.
R. Engström et al., "Åtgärdspaket och omvärldsscenarier för de svenska miljömålen," KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-FMS, 2007:6, 2007.
U. Gunnarsson-Östling, M. Höjer och K.-H. Dreborg, "Att använda scenarier : förslag till långsiktigt miljömålsarbete," Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-INFRA-FMS, 2006:3, 2006.
M. Höjer, "Telematics in Urban Transport : a DelphiStudy Using Scenarios," Stockholm : KTH, Trita-IP. FR, 97:23, 1997.

Proceedings (redaktörskap)


G. Finnveden, J. Åkerman och M. Höjer, "Elbilar gör inte Förbifarten förenlig med klimatmålen," , 2010.
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