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Mattias Höjer

Profile picture of Mattias Höjer



Mobile +46 70 7616451


Researcher ID

About me

Professor in Environmental strategies and futures studies
Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED)

Division of Strategic Sustainability Studies, SEED

KTH Digital Futures


KTH Climate Action Centre

My main interests are digitalisation, use of building space and transport, all in a perspectice of Futures studies for sustainable development and often related to Smart sustainable cities in a broad sense. I lead a work package on the future of transport in Mistra-SAMS. I am chair of the Smart society working group and member of the Strategic Research Council of KTH Digital Futures. My PhD-thesis from 2000 was on long-time futures studies on sustainable development with a focus on environment, transport and information technology in the future city. After the dissertation my research has been mainly focused on futures studies of sustainable cities, especially on energy use in cities. I have also been doing some work on futures studies and the Swedish environmental quality objectives and some on how to develop feminist futures. The possible role of information technology for changes of various kinds has been a part in many of those studies.

I am currently main supervisor for Anneli Kamb, Erika Kriukelyte and Hampus Mårtensson and co-supervisor for Zoé Barjot and Ahmad Al-Najjar.

Program director of the doctorate program in Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH

Chair of WG Smart Society/Digital Futures, KTH

Member of the Interdiciplinary team of KTH Climate Action Centre

Member of the Scientific Advisory board of the Volvo Research and Education Foundations 2018-

Member of the European Expert panel D4S, Digitalization for sustainability 2021-2022

Director for the VinnEx Centre for Sustainable Communications 2009-2017

Member of the Swedish Government's steering group for the Innovation Partnership Program on Smart Cities 2016-2018


Degree Project in Energy and Environment, First level (AL127X), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner | Course web

Digitalisation and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AL1523), course responsible | Course web

Futures Studies and Forecasts (AG2171), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Methods in Sustainability Science (FAL3512), teacher | Course web

States and Trends (MJ1501), teacher | Course web

Sustainability and Media Technology (DM2573), teacher | Course web