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Georgios Andrikopoulos

Profile picture of Georgios Andrikopoulos

Assistant Professor


Brinellvägen 83, rum B421

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in Mechatronics, specializing in the field of Robot Design, and the head of the KTH Robot Design Lab. My research is centered around the design, development, and control of autonomous robotic systems, with a focus on interdisciplinary applications. These applications include soft robots for safe interactions, exoskeletons designed to assist in human motion, as well as hybrid robotic solutions, designed primarily for industrial inspection purposes.
I have been involved in the creation, technical implementation, scientific or overall management of several European and National R&D projects, including EU Horizon (FETOPEN CSA, FETOPEN RIA, ICT), Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council), and Digital Futures, among others. I have also initiated multiple national and international research collaborations, including an ongoing collaboration with HONDA Research Institute of Japan.
My scientific work includes more than 60 articles published in high-impact international journals and conferences in the fields of interest, while listed in IVA's (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) top-100 innovations of 2021, top-25 most popular publications in Elsevier's Control Engineering Practice and the top-10 most downloaded articles in Springer's Meccanica journal.
I have served as an International Program Committee member and Technical Track Chair for multiple international conferences, while being an active reviewer for several high-impact international journals and conferences (including Science Robotics, IEEE Trans. on Mechatronics, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, IEEE RA-L, ICRA, IROS, among others). I am currently a member of the Socially Intelligent Robotics Consortium, a member of the Swedish Society of Biomechanics and a member of IEEE (CSS, RAS, IES, Young Professionals).
My teaching experience involves mechatronics, robotics, industrial automation and control engineering courses. I have designed and taught multiple iterations of special studies on mechatronics and bioinspired robotics, involving advanced applications of actuation design, implementation and control for undergraduate students.


Degree Project in Mechatronics, Second Cycle (MF214X), examiner, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Mechatronics, Second Cycle (MF224X), examiner, teacher | Course web

Dynamics and Motion Control (MF2007), assistant | Course web

Literature Course in Mechatronics (FMF3011), examiner, teacher | Course web

Mechatronics basic Course (MF2030), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Mechatronics, Advanced Course, Fall semester (MF2059), assistant | Course web

Project Work in Mechatronics (MF2025), examiner, course responsible | Course web