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The Posthumanities Hub

The Posthumanities Hub is a research group that was hosted by KTH 2018-2021. Focus is on feminist posthumanities. It is also a lively community of more-than-feminist research, PhD-training and networking across several universities (for instance University of Helsinki, where Hub co-director Dr Marietta Radomska is presently stationed), and a platform for postdisciplinary reinventions, environmental humanities and more-than-human humanities. In the spring of 2021 the hub moved back to Lindköping University.


Bringing science to the humanities, and more-than-human humanities to the people since 2008!

As a network of networks for field philosophy, arts, and sciences informed by advanced cultural critique and some seriously humorous feminist creativity, we host scholarly and public events, guest researchers, artists-in-residence and seminars. From such collaborative vantage points, we bring science and nonhumans (nature, animal, technology) to the humanities, and transformational humanities to the people.

Storied and Situated Knowledge - as if the World Mattered

In our transdisciplinary research - across different projects - we specialize in the human and more-than-human condition of our times. Inventive feminist materialisms assist here with analytics and pragmatics of care, concern, curiosity and conviviality. In scholarly practice, we work in, develop and draw on, environmental humanities, feminist philosophy, STS, human animal studies, cultural studies of science, medicine and technology, new media and communication research, citizen science/citizen humanities, digital and techno-humanities, medical humanities and environmental health. We explore empirically the bearing of concepts like the posthuman, postnatural, ahuman, inhuman, Anthropocene, and nonhuman, as those uncover who and what in practice gets to count as human proper, with societal privilege and citizen status. A range of trans-, queer or anti-imperialist theory-practices, many of them with one foot in the traditions of feminist science studies are also explored if the specific case work demands it. All this, for the normative purpose of researching better a complex and changing world that does not admit to old academic disciplinary divisions of labour, such as that research on “culture” is for the humanities and “nature” for science. We work instead to meet up with pressing societal challenges across the natureculture divide, curiously, creatively, critically, and collaboratively.

Director and founder: Cecilia Åsberg
Co-Director: Marietta Radomska
Artistic Director and Coordinator: Janna Holmstedt

Read more about the group, members, seminars, projects and events here:

Belongs to: Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Last changed: May 19, 2021