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Circadia, Too Loud and Too Bright: Representation of Light Pollution through the Arts

Workshop conducted by Thematic Working Group 'Too Loud Too Bright' during Nobel Lights Week 2023

Too Loud Too Bright 6 December 2023 Workshop Cover Image
Photo: Federico Pellegrino

In connection with Nobel Week Lights 2023, NAVET, SKH, and Fellonica Film AB are glad to invite you to a workshos on light pollution. The session is related to Costanza Julia Bani's artistic research and multimedia project “ Circadia, Too Loud and Too Bright ” and the Nobel Week Lights Installation " Circadian Waves: Resonances ."

The intense rise in nighttime brightness isn’t solely due to population increase; cheaper technology has led to a huge surge in light pollution over the past two decades. The overuse of light at night not only diminishes the way we connect to the night sky but it affects the environment, it affects all other animals, it affects plant pollination and insect activity. 70% of all species are nocturnal, they are more active at night. So light pollution is stealing the night habitats, and it is impacting their survival and we need these species for our survival. In this workshop, you will experience, listen to – and reflect on the representation of light pollution through the arts.

Information and Booking Registration:

​When: 6 December, at 16.00–17.30
Where: Scenkonstmuseet (Swedish Museum of Performing Arts), Sibyllegatan 2, Stockholm
Price: Free of charge, book tickets!
Book tickets: Here  .

Johan Eklöf, Swedish bat scientist and writer, author of the Darkness Manifesto.
Irene Borgna, Italian Alpine anthropologist, who in 2021 published Cieli Neri, where she undergoes a journey under the last black skies in Europe.
Sofia Axelrod, Sleep researcher in the laboratory of Michael W. Young (winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine.)
Fabio Falchi, Physicist and astronomist. Author of The World Atlas of Light Pollution.

What to expect:
At 16:00: Visitors and participants will arrive at the workshop and be led into a complete dark room – there will be a short while to experience darkness. The room will slowly be illuminated by a pristine nocturnal sky, shown on a screen.
At 16:15:  Moderator Costanza Julia Bani will introduce the panelists, in real life or in telepresence.
At 17:00: there will be 20-30 minutes for a Q&A. The audience is requested to fill in a hand-out where they will briefly described what they felt when sharpening their eyes in darkness and their degree of comfort or discomfort.