TREE: Transition to efficient electrified forestry transport
The TREE project addresses the challenge of effectively transitioning to electrified heavy road transport.
Aim and main expected results
TREE focuses on the forestry industry, which accounts for 20% of Sweden's heavy road transport. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to 50% of new trucks in forestry being electrified by 2030. To achieve this, a system demonstrator is planned, distributed across seven sites. The system demonstrator will include innovative technical solutions, business models adapted for electrified transport, and tests of planning strategies and tools. The project will also build knowledge on the impact of policies and external factors, as well as develop an industry-wide roadmap for the transition.
Researchers at the Integrated Product Development and Design (IPDD) unit are responsible for subprojects that focus on sustainable business models and increasing our understanding of how to enhance the acceptance of electric heavy trucks, particularly in the forestry industry. Details about the other workpackages can be found at Skogforsk .
Project partners
Skogforsk (coordinator); KTH; Closer (Lindholmen Science Park); Linköpings universitet; Scania; SCA; Stora Enso; Sveaskog; Södra; Holmen; ...and several more.
Project duration
Start: November 2023; End: November 2026.
Vinnova FFI [2023-03185]