Postdoc positions
The Brummer & Partners MathDataLab is announcing three new postdoc positions. The application deadline is Jan 27, 2021. Here you can find out details about the proposed projects.
The full announcement and application details can be found here
The Department of Mathematics at KTH is offering two-year post-doctoral positions within the Brummer & Partners MathDataLab. The post-doctoral positions at the MathDataLab aims at conducting research in mathematics (e.g. topology, analysis, combinatorics, etc) or applied mathematics (mathematical statistics, numerical analysis, optimisation, etc) with emphasis on development of theory and/or methods for data analysis. The following projects are available.
1. Stochastic simulation and machine learning
Supervisors: Pierre Nyquist and Henrik Hult
Project description (pdf 57 kB)
2. Graphical Models: Causality and Algebraic Aspects
Supervisor: Liam Solus
Project description (pdf 94 kB)
3. Uniqueness and atomic modelling in cryo-electron microscopy
Supervisors: Joakim Andén, Pär Kurlberg and Ozan Öktem
Project description (pdf 99 kB)
4. Symmetry and Topological Data Analysis
Supervisor: Wojciech Chacholski
Project description (pdf 32 kB)
5. Autonomous learning of neural signals in bioelectronic medicine
Supervisors: Henrik Hult, Fredrik Viklund and Peder Olofsson (KI)