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Doktorand ( Start date 30 Oct 2023, English ) , relaut23 ( Start date 30 Oct 2023, English )

Kursplan DD2528 ( HT 2021 - )Inget kurs-PM tillagtInget kurs-PM tillagtKursanalys: 2024-06-24
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Elena Troubitsyna

Elena Troubitsyna


LAB2 (6.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

QUI1 (1.0) P, F

100 %

* The course strengthen active learning. In addition to self-study materials (videos and text, e.g, articles, examples of problem solving and slides), each lecture contained at least one mini-challenge – a small task to be solved in 5 minutes in small groups followed by a general class discussion. Such mini-challenges were offered right after the students got acquainted with certain concepts of methods, which proved to be hard to grasp based on the experience from the previous course releases. * Suggestions on the material to refresh background knowledge as well as get a deeper insight into the topic were updated. * One assignments was redesigned because students found it unclear in the previous release of the course. The students praised the idea of assignments that are defined as the parts of a large project allowing then to work on different aspects of the same system in all assignment. It was a very good solution because the students developed the modules of one large system and got coherent view on how dependability aspects are interrelated in large autonomous systems design. * The grading criteria were redefined in more detailed and transparent way. Moreover, they were made proportional to the size of the group. As a result, the students could better plan their time and efforts as well as set different goals for the grades. * New questions for canvas quiz were defined. The quiz verifies mastery of theoretical aspects.

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relaut21 ( Start date 01/11/2021, English )

Kursplan DD2528 ( HT 2021 - )Kurs-PM DD2528 Autumn 2021-51084Kursanalys: 2022-02-01
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Elena Troubitsyna

Elena Troubitsyna


LAB2 (6.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

QUI1 (1.0) P, F

85.7 %

The main changes in the course for 2021 were: * The course includes a strong active learning component. Each lecture contains self-study materials (videos and text, e.g, articles, examples of problem solving and slides). Suggestions on the material to refresh background knowledge as well as get a deeper insight into the topic are included. * The assignments were redesigned: instead of three small unrelated mini-projects and one large project (as in the previous version) the students now work on different aspects of the same system in all assignment. It was a very good solution because the students developed the modules of one large system, and got coherent view on how dependability aspects are interrelated in large autonomous systems. * The work distribution between the assignments is now made even. It was a good idea because the students could better plan their time and efforts and avoid being overwhelmed with a large final project. * Better opportunities to reflect are introduced via the presentation sessions. * Constructive alignment is improved via a large system development carried out throughout the entire course. * Canvas quiz is introduce to verify mastery of theoretical aspects. It made the theoretical part better structured. * A reflection on the sustainability, societal and ethical issues of autonomous system is better supported now via quiz questions.

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