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Spring 2024-20070 ( Start date 18 Mar 2024, English ) , Spring 2024-61358 ( Start date 18 Mar 2024, English )

Kursplan CH2012 ( VT 2023 - VT 2024 )Kurs-PM CH2012 Spring 2024-20070-61358Kursanalys: 2024-09-13
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Catherine Trask

Catherine Trask


LAB1 (1.5) P, F

PRO1 (1.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

TEN1 (3.0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

ÖVN1 (1.5) P, F

0 %

Canvas improvements: Following a student suggestion, we plan to put all of the course Media into one ‘gallery’ page on Canvas (to consolidate all videos and powerpoints etc for study and review purposes). Case study improvements: • This year it was great to have support from TAs to give feedback on the Case studies. We plan to continue this whenever resources allow. Lab-specific improvements: • Propose combining the lab reports to be a group assignment (students were already encourage to work in groups and submitted very similar lab reports within a group). To help control the participation, the lab report will include a mandatory contribution statement outlining the role of each member. • A step by step manual for the noise dosimeter, like the ones for the vibration meter, should be produced • Pre-lab equipment preparations: o check that the instruments displays correspond with the information in the measurement manuals (i.e. that the correct display windows are shown before starting the measurements) o deletion of all existing files from measurement equipment before the lab starts, o setting the correct date and time o ensure that dosimeters enable only LpAeq, LpAFmax and LPCpeak to be read from the display after the measurements (to avoid confusion) • Students could get more out of the lab with some instruction on the top 10 typical functions for graph options, windowing data, selecting metrics, etc. We can start the lab at 9 instead of 10 and use the hour to have a software workshop, as another course does with statistics software. • The free software does not work on Macs, so we will request it to be added to the campus computer labs, and remote desktop. We will also create lab groups based on who has a PC, to make sure that each group has at least one PC laptop.

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Spring 2023-61684 ( Start date 20 Mar 2023, English )

Kursplan CH2012 ( VT 2023 - VT 2024 )Inget kurs-PM tillagtKursanalys: 2023-10-18
Kursansvarig Examinator Studenter Examination Resultat Förändringar som har införts till den här kursomgången

Catherine Trask

Catherine Trask


LAB1 (1.5) P, F

PRO1 (1.5) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

TEN1 (3.0) A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

ÖVN1 (1.5) P, F

88 % *

Although it would be pedagogically beneficial to have more individual feedback, the current resources for the course are a limitation. Instead, we propose combining the lab reports to be a group assignment (students already worked in groups and submitted very similar lab reports within a group) and hiring a course assistant to provide feedback on case reports based on a rubric provided by the teachers.

Kursdata har registrerats manuellt

Ytterligare data om kursanalysen

Kursanalysen gäller för följande kursomgångar

Obligatorisk inom program

Ingen information tillagd

Publicerad första gången


Senaste ändrad

ej ändrad efter publicering


När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.


När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.


När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.


När kursanalysen är publicerad visas kursdata, kurs-PM och kursplan.