Schedule (2024 / 2025)
The course will in Academic year 2024/2025 be given on zoom, with the following preliminary schedule:
Nov 20, 2024 10:00 AM
Dec 4, 2024 10:00 AM
Dec 18, 2024 10:00 AM
Jan 8, 2025 10:00 AM
Jan 15, 2025 10:00 AM
Jan 22, 2025 10:00 AM
Jan 29, 2025 10:00 AM
Feb 5, 2025 10:00 AM
Feb 12, 2025 10:00 AM
Feb 19, 2025 10:00 AM
Feb 26, 2025 10:00 AM
Mar 5, 2025 10:00 AM
Meeting ID: 623 3471 1567
Additional material (2024 / 2025) [this part has been carried forward from 2023/2024, and will be updated as appropriate at the end of the course]
1. In 2023/2024 lecture 4 I discussed the stochastic wave equation as a way to simulate open quantum systems without memory, following BP chapters 6 and 7. I then also covered "stochastic Liouville equation" after
Stochastic Liouvillian algorithm to simulate dissipative quantum dynamics with arbitrary precision
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 4983 (1999);
Jürgen T. Stockburger and C. H. Mak
It is a method with one real random driving field F. The density matrix by solving a Markov equation for each F, and then averaging over F. The limitation of this method is that it requires the real Feynman-Vernon action term (kernel k_i) to be Markov. It is therefore a method well adapted to the Caldeira-Leggett model with Ohmic spectrum and arbitrary temperature because while in this case Feynman-Vernon kernel k_r has memory, k_i does not. But it does not work for problems where also kernel k_i has memory.
In 2022 I discussed attempts to use a similar method to also eliminate k_i using a random complex field Z. The first idea (covered in some detail in 2022) can be found in
Linear quantum state diffusion for non-Markovian open quantum systems
Walter Strunz
Phys Lett A (1996)
and then slightly later (material covered more superficially in 2022) in
The non-Markovian stochastic Schrödinger equation for open systems
Lajos Diosi and Walter Strunz
Phys Lett A (1997)
There is a major technical problem of both those papers, that the complex field Z only eliminates the cross-terms between the forward and backward path in the Feynman-Vernon action. The forward-forward and backward-backward terms remain, and this means that the eventual stochastic wave equation has memory.
The two above papers also use an unnormalized propagator, hence they are not properly stochastic wave function techniques. They further have a somewhat complicated structure where
\partial_t \psi (t, [Z]) = [.....simple terms...] + q \int \alpha(t,s) \delta \psi (t, [Z])/\delta \psi (s, [Z])
where the last term is quite hard to evaluate.
In 2022 I further discussed later attempts along the same lines:
Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion
Diosi, Gisin & Strunz
Physical Review A (1998)
Open-system Dynamics with Non-Markovian Quantum Trajectories
Strunz, Diosi & Gisin
Phys Rev Lett (1999)
In 2023/2024 I instead discussed instead of the above more recent papers along these lines lines:
On the unraveling of open quantum dynamics
Donvil & Muratore-Ginanneschi
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 30(03): 2350015 (2023)
Time-local unraveling of non-Markovian stochastic Schrödinger equations
Antoine Tilloy
Quantum 1, 29 (2017)
While simpler than the earlier attempts, the treatment in the four papers listed above remains mathematically somewhat complex.
2. In 2023/2024 I discussed the Hierarchical Equation of Motion (HEOM) method, mostly after the original paper
Time evolution of a quantum system in contact with a nearly Gaussian-Markoffian noise bath
Tanimura & Kubo
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 58 (1): 101–114 (1989)
I then also discussed briefly the recent modifification where the poles of the spectral function (assumed in HEOM, leading to exponential terms in the Feynman-vernon kernels) are free adjustment parameters.
Taming quantum noise for efficient low temperature simulations of open quantum systems
Xu, Yan, Shi, Ankerhold & Stockburger
Physical Review Letters 129 (23):230601 (2022)
3. In 2023/2024 I discussed the reactive coordinate method as a general idea and then in more detail the recent implementation where a system interacting with a harmonic bath of general spectrum is modelled as a system interacting with a finite set of harmonic oscillators
Pseudomode description of general open quantum system dynamics: non-perturbative master equation for the spin-boson model
Pleasance & Petruccione
In the above (so far unpublished) method, the spectral function is also assumed to have poles, and the Markov open quantum system dynamics (Lindblad equation) of the system and the finite set of harmonic oscillators is deduced from the location and the residues of these poles.
4. In 2023/2024 I discussed after completing the discussion of BP chapter 12 also the paper
Two-slit diffraction with highly charged particles: Niels Bohr's consistency argument that the electromagnetic field must be quantized
Baym & Ozawa
PNAS 106 (9) 3035-3040
Homework exercise (2023/2024) [This is included for 2024/25 as an example; the homework for 2024/25 will be updated later]
Delivery date: As agreed upon (turned out to be 2024-04-05)
Due date: one week later (turned out to be 2024-04-12)
Consider the two papers Xu et al (below called A) and Pleasance & Petruccione (below called B). Both papers address the problem of the evolution of one quantum system (in the example considered one qubit) interacting with an environment of harmonic oscillators with non-trivial spectrum. In both papers the interaction is bilinear in the system and the environment, i.e. of the type A_S \otimes B_E. From Feynman-Vernon theory it is known that all the influence of the environment on the system can be expressed through the correlation function of the operator B_E. Both papers assume that this correlation function is a sum of exponentials, as follows if the spectrum of B_E (Fourier transform of the correlation function) is a meromorphic function of frequency in the lower half plane.
Paper A and B develop two different ways to compute the evolution of the quantum system in this setting, and test these on two different environments.
The exercise is to take one of the environments, analyze it with the method in the other paper, and compare. See notes below.
Note 1. The report shall contain a clear presentation of the method and the environment chosen, and a statement of the task.
Note 2. Numerical solution hinges on availability of codes and/or precise enough description of software used in the two papers. It is part of the exercise to investigate if the authors (either set of them) have given enough information and / or detail so that the above task is possible to perform in the allotted time (one week). From scratch construction or implementation of a full computational pipeline is not considered a feasible task.
Note 3. A possible outcome of the exercise is that the task is not possible. Such a conclusion will the then have to be argued in a detailed manner in the report.
Taming quantum noise for efficient low temperature simulations of open quantum systems
Xu, Yan, Shi, Ankerhold & Stockburger
Physical Review Letters 129 (23):230601 (2022)
Pseudomode description of general open quantum system dynamics: non-perturbative master equation for the spin-boson model
Pleasance & Petruccione