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ML1203 Energiteknik 6.0 hp

Kurs-PM HT 2022-50560

Version 1 – 2022-09-16 14:51:11


HT 2022-1 (Startdatum 2022-10-31, Svenska)



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ITM/Hållbar produktionsutveckling

Kurs-PM HT 2022

Rubriker markerade med en asterisk ( * ) kommer från kursplan version HT 2019

Innehåll och lärandemål


  • Olika energiformer och energiomvandling
  • Storheter och enheter
  • Arbete och förluster
  • Strömningslära
  • Hydrostatik
  • Bernoullis ekvationer
  • Termodynamik
  • Turbomaskiner och andra värmemotorer
  • Värmeöverföring
  • Fläktar och pumpar
  • Förbränningsteknik
  • Värme- och kylprocesser
  • Tillståndsdiagram
  • Verkningsgrader
  • Energilagringsmetoder


Efter godkänd kurs skall studenten kunna:

  • använda energitekniska begrepp
  • visa färdighet i strömningslära och värmeöverföring
  • beräkna värmeflöden i olika media
  • utföra beräkningar på strömningsmaskiner
  • tillämpa verkningsgradsbegreppet i energiprocesser
  • rimlighetsbedöma resultaten


Course structure

The course presupposes that the students plan their studies, actively participate in scheduled activities and work independently with the course outside the scheduled time. Lectures and exercises and more support the students in their knowledge acquisition and skills development.



  • Energiteknik, Alvarez, Henrik, ISBN: 9789144014128 (Chapters: 2-5, 7, 8, 10)
  • Energiteknik - Formler och tabeller (ISBN: 9 789 144 002 330).
  • Distributed material as well as material and links laid out in CANVAS


Ethical approach *

- In group work, everyone in the group is responsible for the group's work.

- During the examination, each student must honestly report help received and sources used.

At the oral examination, each student must be able to account for the entire task and the entire solution.



Level of education

Basic level

Main area


Grading scale

A, B, C, D, E, FX, F




Completed courses: ML1101 and ML1000

Recommended prior knowledge

ML1101 Mechanics ak or equivalent

ML1000 Mathematics for engineers or equivalent

The course is given by

ITM/Sustainable production development

Course coordinator

Jafar Mahmoudi, PhD <mahmoudi@kth.se>, tel. 08/790 9448


Jafar Mahmoudi, PhD <mahmoudi@kth.se>, tel. 08/790 9448


Jafar Mahmoudi, PhD <mahmoudi@kth.se>, tel. 08/790 9448



Energy technology consists partly of fluid theory, where the movements of fluids (liquids and gases) are studied, and partly of more pure energy technology, including classical thermodynamics. In connection with the flow section, basic hydrostatics are also treated.

- The course includes a laboratory and an assignment.

- The course ends with an exam, comprising four hours.


Course planning:

- Lectures, assignments, projects and laboratory work

Examination part: Individual exam and group work (Laboratory).


Learning objectives

After passing the course, the student should be able to:

  • use energy technology concepts
  • show skills in fluid mechanics and heat transfer
  • solve problems for heat transports in different media
  • perform calculations on turbomachinery
  • apply the concept of efficiency in energy processes
  • evaluate the plausibility of the results

The main content of the course

  • Hydro-mechanical, thermodynamics, energy storage methods and heat transfer
  • Perform calculations on power machines such as Heat and cooling process, pumps and fans
  • Exemplify various methods of energy storage
  • Sketch and interpret the state diagram
  • Clarify how it can improve a factory energy system from the perspective of sustainability and combustion technology

Course contents

  • Different forms of energy and energy conversion
  • Quantity and units
  • Work and energy loss
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Hydrostatics
  • Bernoulli’s principle
  • Thermodynamics
  • Compressor engine and other heat engines
  • Heat transfer
  • Fans and pumps
  • Combustion engineering
  • Thermal and cooling processes
  • Indicator diagrams
  • Degree of efficiency
  • Energy storage methods

Course structure

The course presupposes that the students plan their studies, actively participate in scheduled activities and work independently with the course outside the scheduled time. Lectures and exercises and more support the students in their knowledge acquisition and skills development.



  • Energiteknik, Alvarez, Henrik, ISBN: 9789144014128 (Chapters: 2-5, 7, 8, 10)
  • Energiteknik - Formler och tabeller (ISBN: 9 789 144 002 330).
  • Distributed material as well as material and links laid out in CANVAS


Ethical approach *

- In group work, everyone in the group is responsible for the group's work.

- During the examination, each student must honestly report help received and sources used.

At the oral examination, each student must be able to account for the entire task and the entire solution.


Language of instruction

Swedish, The course is conducted partly in English (i.e. some parts of the course may be in English):

  • The course exam should be provided in Swedish, and all course material should be prepared to serve that purpose.
  • Course plans and other legally binding documents must therefore be in Swedish. English versions of legally binding documents such as course plans, educational plans, protocols, etc. should be seen exclusively as translations without legal effect”.

Scheme HT-2021-883

Förberedelser inför kursstart


  • Energy Technology, Alvarez, Henrik, ISBN: 9789144014128 (Chapters: 2-5, 7, 8, 10)
  • Energy Technology - Formulas and Tables (ISBN: 9 789 144 002 330).
  • Distributed material as well as material and links laid out in CANVAS

Examination och slutförande


A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • LAB1 - Laboration, 1,5 hp, Betygsskala: P, F
  • TEN1 - Skriftlig tentamen, 4,5 hp, Betygsskala: A, B, C, D, E, FX, F

Examinator beslutar, baserat på rekommendation från KTH:s samordnare för funktionsnedsättning, om eventuell anpassad examination för studenter med dokumenterad, varaktig funktionsnedsättning.

Examinator får medge annan examinationsform vid omexamination av enstaka studenter.

Avsnittet nedan kommer inte från kursplanen:



There will be two parts in the final exam;

  • Theoretical part, where the questions will be about Energy Technology in industrial production based on lectures and reading materials. For each question, you must write the answer to that question.
  • Calculation part, which will be based on the problem assignments. Here you need to calculate answers that are similar to the problem assignments.

Målrelaterade betygskriterier/bedömningskriterier

TEN 1- Betygskriterier


TEN1 (A, B, C, D, E, FX, F)

Learning objectivesl

Rating E

Rating C

Rating A

perform calculations on flow machines

Solve basic problems within some parts of the course

Solve more advanced problems in several parts of the course

Solve advanced problems in most parts of the course

calculate heat flows in different media

With some certainty

With safety

With great certainty

Apply the concept of efficiency in energy processes


With safety

Carefully and safely

demonstrate proficiency in fluid mechanics and heat transfe

With some certainty

With safety

With great certainty

use energy technology concepts


With safety

With great certainty


- To pass the course (grade E), the student needs to show that the course's learning objectives are met at the basic level (ie Overview) by passing the exam.

For grade D, it is required that the objectives for grade C are predominantly met.

- For the grade C: Meet the requirements for E and show greater breadth (ie with certainty) at the advanced level in their knowledge by passing the exam.

For grade B, it is required that the objectives for grade A are predominantly met.

- For the grade A: Meet the requirements for C and show greater depth (ie with accuracy and great certainty) at the advanced level in their knowledge and through deep understanding and analysis of the questions on the exam.


Rating limits for TEN1 (50 points)

- For grade A : 45.0-50 0 points

- For grade B : 40.0-44.5 points

- For grade C : 35.0-39.5 points

- For grade D : 30.0-34.5 points

- For grade E : 25.0-29.5 points

- For grades Fx : 22.0-24.5 points the possibility of supplementing to grade E.

- For grade F : less than 22.0 points


  • Notification of the completion of the score Fx is done by personal visits to the examiner within a week after the exam results have been allocated.
  • The examiner decides, based on a recommendation from the KTH coordinator of disabilities, if any custom examination for students with documented, lasting disabilities.
  • The examiner may allow other examination form at omexamination of individual students.

AIDS for TEN1:

  • Calculator,
  • 1 A4, front and back handwritten pages with own formula collection notes
  • Energy Technology - Formulas and Tables (ISBN: 9 789 144 002 330)


LAB1 (P/F)


  • Please read carefully the LAB1-PM ((LAB1 - Laboratory Work, 1.5 credits, grading scale: P, F).


Learning objectives

Rating P

perform calculations on flow machines


Solve basic problems within some parts of the course

  calculate heat flows in different media

With some certainty

Apply the concept of efficiency in energy processes


demonstrate proficiency in fluid mechanics and heat transfer

With some certainty

use energy technology concepts



Requirements for the final grade of the course

To complete the course with a passing grade, you must complete all parts (TEN1 and LAB1) with a passing grade;


Grading limits for the Course final grade (TEN1 = 50 credits)

For grade A : 45.0-50 0 points

- For grade B : 40.0-44.5 points

- For grade C : 35.0-39.5 points

- For grade D : 30.0-34.5 points

- For grade E : 25.0-29.5 points

- For grades Fx : 22.0-24.5 points the possibility of supplementing to grade E.

- For grade F : less than 22.0 points

Etiskt förhållningssätt

  • Vid grupparbete har alla i gruppen ansvar för gruppens arbete.
  • Vid examination ska varje student ärligt redovisa hjälp som erhållits och källor som använts.
  • Vid muntlig examination ska varje student kunna redogöra för hela uppgiften och hela lösningen.

Ytterligare Information

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Fakta om kursomgång




  • HT 2022-50560



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ITM/Hållbar produktionsutveckling



