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IL2233 Embedded Intelligence 7,5 hp

Course memo Spring 2024-60683

Version 1 – 03/14/2024, 11:47:29 AM

Course offering

TEBSM (Start date 18 Mar 2024, English)

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Electrical Engineering

Course memo Spring 2024

Headings denoted with an asterisk ( * ) is retrieved from the course syllabus version Autumn 2021

Content and learning outcomes

Course contents

  • Selected intelligent methods for realizing relevant functionalities (e.g. anomaly detection, forecasting, feature exaction and clustering, etc.) desired in embedded systems.
  • Application and evaluation of the selected intelligent methods in the emerging cloud-computing paradigm.
  • Challenges such as dependability, sustainability, security etc. and opportunities of deploying intelligent functions in cyber-physical systems.

Intended learning outcomes

After passing the course, the student shall be able to

  • identify the need of applying intelligent methods to realize smart embedded systems
  • explain and apply selected intelligent methods to address real-life problems in embedded systems
  • design and implement exemplary intelligent methods for practical problems in the edge-cloud computing paradigm
  • conduct systematic evaluations (functional versus non-functional, quantitative versus qualitative) of deploying intelligent functions in cyber-physical systems

in order to gain basic knowledge, skills, understanding and insights which are needed to build smart electronics and embedded systems.

Learning activities

The course starts by introducing the programming language Python and related machine learning libraries, then presents basic concepts of time-series analysis, data visualization and feature extraction, modeling and forecasting methods using statistical learning and deep learning, and finally discusses basic clustering algorithms using statistical and competitive learning. We also look into anomaly detection and AI challenges in embedded systems.

The course content is structured as 10 lectures, 3 labs, 2 seminars, 1 project, and 1 workshop.

Detailed plan

Learning activities Content Preparations
Lecture 1. Course Introduction and Practicalities  The first lecture gives an overview of the course content, structure, and examination. It also introduces the programming language Python and related libraries to be used in the course, such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib, scikit-learn, pandas, statsmodels, keras, etc. .

Visit the course room in Canvas, and get familiar with the materials there. Review Lecture 1 slides.

Read the online Python tutorial 


Lecture 2. Time-Series Analysis Basics: Part I  Lecture 2 introduces the basic concepts of time series analysis and data visualization.   

Review Lecture 2 slides.


Lecture 3. Time-Series Analysis Basics: Part II  Lecture 3 discusses feature extraction for time-series data including statistical, time-domain, and frequency-domain features, etc.  Review Lecture 3 slides.
Lab 0. Tool installation and environment setup This is a preparation lab for those students, who have issues or need help with experiment setup. Download, install Anaconda https://www.anaconda.com/ , and all necessary libraries on your own laptop. Test if the installations are successful.
Lab 1. Time Series Visualization and Feature Extraction  Visualize time series data in various forms and extract relevant features

Try to complete the lab tasks as much as possible before the lab session.

Use the lab time for Q & A with the lab assistant, and get your lab approved by the lab assistant.

Lecture 4. Statistical Time-Series Modeling and Forecasting: Part I 

Lecture 4 introduces classical statistical time-series models, specifically, the AR, MA, and ARIMA models.

Read Lecture 4 slides.
Lecture 5. Statistical Time-Series Modeling and Forecasting: Part II

Lecture 5 introduces the Box-Jenkins time-series modeling methodology and forecasting.

Read Lecture 5 slides.
Lecture 6. Neural Networks Based Prediction: Part I

Lecture 6 discusses basic artificial neural networks and their application to time-series prediction.

Read Lecture 6 slides.
Lecture 7. Neural Networks Based Prediction: Part II

Lecture 7 introduces recurrent neural networks and their application to time-series prediction. 

Read Lecture 7 slides.
Seminar 1. Time-Series Data Mining and Anomaly Detection

Paper presentations in groups and discussion. 


Group work: reading a paper, making slides, and orally presenting the paper. Also acting as opponent to another paper presentation in Q & A.
Project Introduction

Introduce the project work, and conduct the project work.

Read the project description and prepare questions for discussions, if any.
Lab 2. ARIMA Model and Prediction

AR, MA, and ARIMA models, and time-series forecasting using the Box-Jenkins methodology.

Try to complete the lab tasks as much as possible before the lab session.

Use the lab time for Q & A with the lab assistant, and get your lab approved by the lab assistant.

Lecture 8. Statistical Clustering

Lecture 8 introduces un-supervised statistical learning for clustering, specifically, the K-means algorithm and hierarchical clustering. In addition, we introduce dynamic time warping (DTW).

Read Lecture 8 slides.
Lecture 9. Neural Network Based Clustering

Lecture 9 discusses the competitive learning based clustering algorithm, in particular, Self Organizing Map (SOM).

Read Lecture 9 slides.
Lecture 10. Outlook, AI Dependability and Course Summary

In Lecture, 10 we discuss some issues of deep learning in pattern recognition, AI dependability and explainability. We then review the key learning points (KLPs) of the course and give a holistic picture of the entire course.  

Read Lecture 10 slides.
Lab 3. Clustering with K-means and SOM, Similarity with DTW

Implement, evaluate, and application of the clustering algorithms such as K-means and SOM, etc. 

Try to complete the lab tasks as much as possible before the lab session.

Use the lab time for Q & A with the lab assistant, and get your lab approved by the lab assistant.

Seminar 2. Anomaly Detection and AI Challenges in Embedded Systems 

Paper presentations in groups and discussion. 


Group work: reading a paper, making slides, and orally presenting the paper. Acting  as opponent to another paper presentation in Q & A.
Project work 1

Conduct project work, and have Q & A with lab assistants.

Use the project work time for Q & A with the lab assistant, and get your project results validated by the lab assistant.
Project work 2 

Conduct project work, and have Q & A with lab assistants.

Use the project work time for Q & A with the lab assistant, and get your project results validated by the lab assistant.

Project Workshop 

Present your project work in the workshop.

Individual work as part of examination: Make slides and present your project. Be prepared to answer questions related to the project.

(Two sessions, sign-up and attend one of the two sessions)


Preparations before course start


The recommended course literature (books and papers) is updated and can be found at the Canvas course room


Programming environment with Python, C/C++.

Examination and completion

Grading scale

P, F


  • LAB1 - Lab assignments, 2.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • PRO1 - Project assignments, 3.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F
  • SEM1 - Seminars, 1.5 credits, Grading scale: P, F

Based on recommendation from KTH’s coordinator for disabilities, the examiner will decide how to adapt an examination for students with documented disability.

The examiner may apply another examination format when re-examining individual students.

The section below is not retrieved from the course syllabus:

Lab assignments ( LAB1 )

Project assignments ( PRO1 )

Seminars ( SEM1 )

Ethical approach

  • All members of a group are responsible for the group's work.
  • In any assessment, every student shall honestly disclose any help received and sources used.
  • In an oral assessment, every student shall be able to present and answer questions about the entire assignment and solution.

Further information

No information inserted

Round Facts

Start date

18 Mar 2024

Course offering

  • TEBSM Spring 2024-60683

Language Of Instruction


Offered By

EECS/Electrical Engineering


Course Coordinator


Teacher Assistants
