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EH2070 Projektstyrning och verksamhetsutveckling 6.0 hp

Kurs-PM HT 2024-51402

Version 2 – 2024-09-10 18:18:45


HT 2024-51402 (Startdatum 2024-08-26, Svenska)



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Kurs-PM HT 2024

Rubriker markerade med en asterisk ( * ) kommer från kursplan version VT 2023

Innehåll och lärandemål


Kursen fokuserar mer på att ge förståelse för problemställningarna förknippade med projektstyrning än på att ge praktisk färdighet i någon projektmetod. Exempel på olika projektmodeller ges dock av inbjudna gästföreläsare.
I kursen behandlas följande moment: projektet som arbetsform, utvecklings-, leverans- och upphandlingsprojekt, samspelet mellan kund och leverantör, genomgång och exempel på projektmodeller, ett projekts olika faser, anbudsförfarande, ledarskap, gruppdynamik, riskanalys, projektdokument (t.ex. offertförfrågan, anbud, kontrakt, projekthandbok, projektplan/startrapport, progressrapport), projektavslut och utvärdering samt kvalitetsstandarder.


Efter kursen skall deltagaren förstå vad en projektledare gör och hur man arbetar i ett industriellt projekt genom att kunna:

  • beskriva och tillämpa de olika faserna i ett projekt, dvs. planera, följa upp och avsluta ett projekt
  • använda metoder och verktyg för att planera och följa upp projekt med hänsyn till tid, kostnad och resurser
  • ge exempel på hur aktiviteter som planering, projektmöten, dokumentation och muntlig presentation skall genomföras
  • med utgångspunkt från en projektmodell skapa nödvändig projektdokumentation
  • planera och genomföra en riskanalys
  • analysera ett industriellt projekt redovisa resultat genom muntlig och skriftlig kommunikation


Learning activities Content Preparations
Basic lectures Provides the basic knowledge and theories of project management. The information needed to pass the assignments will be presented in the lectures.
Most of these lectures will be provided as videos you can watch whenever you want.
Read through the handbook
Guest lectures Guests with different specialications and different backgrounds come and present their take on how to manage projects Come to the lecture on time if you are provided a slot or follow the streaming
Assignments The assessment of the course, is where you test and document your knowledge.

You might need to resubmit your assignments
Read through the assignment specifications, watch relevant material and read the chapters in the handbook that you find relevant (it is a handbook, so you need to look for what you need)


Please note that the lectures marked with "GUEST" is mandatory.


Time and place


w35 2024-08-26 15:00 17:00 D2 Course Introduction
2024-08-27 13:00 15:00 E1 Project planning
2024-08-30 13:00 15:00 F2 Management of risk
w36 2024-09-04 10:00 12:00 F1 Project economy
2024-09-05 13:00 15:00 F1 Project organization
2024-09-06 10:00 12:00 F1 (GUEST) Example of a project model - Anna Burack
w37 2024-09-09 08:00 10:00 Q1 Feedback and group dynamics 1
2024-09-10 15:00 17:00 Q1 Feedback and group dynamics 2
2024-09-11 13:00 15:00 Q1 (GUEST) Agile - Henrik Kniberg
w38 2024-09-18 13:00 15:00 F2 (GUEST) Scrum and agile project planning - Martin Bäcklund
w39 2024-09-25 10:00 12:00 F2 (GUEST) Leadership in practise - Peter Roos
w40 2024-10-03 13:00 15:00 D1 (GUEST) Project management from the inside -
Terence Acton
w41 2024-10-07 13:00 15:00 F1 (GUEST) Agile Leadership - Björn Sandberg
2024-10-09 13:00 15:00 E1 Final lecture: Summary & outlook

Förberedelser inför kursstart


Eriksson & Lilliesköld: Handbok för mindre projekt/Handbook for small projects (Liber)

Examination och slutförande


A, B, C, D, E, FX, F


  • PRO1 - Projektuppgift, 1,5 hp, Betygsskala: P, F
  • PRO2 - Projektuppgift, 1,5 hp, Betygsskala: P, F
  • PRO3 - Projektuppgift, 1,5 hp, Betygsskala: P, F
  • PRO4 - Projektuppgift, 0,7 hp, Betygsskala: P, F
  • SEM1 - Seminarium, 0,8 hp, Betygsskala: P, F

Examinator beslutar, baserat på rekommendation från KTH:s handläggare av stöd till studenter med funktionsnedsättning, om eventuell anpassad examination för studenter med dokumenterad, varaktig funktionsnedsättning.

Examinator får medge annan examinationsform vid omexamination av enstaka studenter.

Avsnittet nedan kommer inte från kursplanen:

Projektuppgift ( PRO1 )

Projektuppgift ( PRO2 )

Projektuppgift ( PRO3 )

Projektuppgift ( PRO4 )

Seminarium ( SEM1 )

Övriga krav för slutbetyg

80 % Närvaro på föreläsningar.

Målrelaterade betygskriterier/bedömningskriterier

The different submissions get graded with a number of course points, see Table 2 below. Some assignments can give either 3, 4 or 5 course points, whereas others are pass/fail only. To get more than three points, the assignment must be very well done when submitted the first time. This means that it should be clear that the authors have fully understood and mastered the important concepts and skills tested in that particular assignment in addition to having fulfilled the specific requirements. Both contents and form are important in this respect; i.e. no important contents or analysis should be missing, the structure and formatting should adhere to the relevant templates, and the text should be carefully proof-read.

Note that a higher grade can be rewarded for an assignment that is very well done, even if a re-submission is required due to some minor details. Whenever an assignment requires a re-submission to pass, the comments from the course staff will make it clear whether the final grade after re-submission is likely to be a pass or a pass with a higher grade. However, a higher grade is never guaranteed, but is completely determined by the quality of the final submission.

Table 2. Project phases with submission and grades.



Course points

Assignment 1

Project plan

3-5 points

Status report 1

pass/fail (no points)

Status report 2

pass/fail (no points

Final report

3-5 points

Assignment 2

Project description

3-5 points

Oral presentation (optional)

3 points

Assignment 3

Risk analysis

3-5 points

Assignment 4

Reflection report

3-5 points

Peer review

3 points

Guest lecture attendance


3 points

A total number of 34 course points can be obtained in the course. The total sum determines the final grade, as follows:


Course points













Goal oriented grading

Mål Assignment  Adequate Excellent
Beskriva och tillämpa de olika faserna i ett projekt, dvs. planera, följa upp och avsluta ett projekt Assignment 1 Project documents are created that fulfills the requirment of the assignment (following the project model) It is clear from the document in every step, what should be done, how the work is structure, what has been done, is there problem, what is the lessons learned
Använda metoder och verktyg för att planera och följa upp projekt med hänsyn till tid, kostnad och resurser Assignment 1  Project plan is creaeted that includes a WBS EVM is used in status report The status report is a tool not only used to report status but to make a forcast
Ge exempel på hur aktiviteter som planering, projektmöten, dokumentation och muntlig presentation skall genomföras Assignment 1, Assignment 2 & Assignment 4 Examples are given in the assignments Examples are analysed and there are suggestions on what works well and why and vice versa
Med utgångspunkt från en projektmodell skapa nödvändig projektdokumentation Assignment 1 & Assignment 3 Project documents are created that fulfills the requirment of the assignment (following the project model) There is a reflection on what was god and bad in the process 
Planera och genomföra en riskanalys Assignment 3 A risk analysis is performed and documented so it fulfills the requirment of the assignment There is a reflection on what was god and bad in the process and how the risk analysis could be improved. Actions to identified risks are both procative and reactive, and is not always the obvoius choise
Analysera ett industriellt projekt redovisa resultat genom muntlig och skriftlig kommunikation Assignment 2 An interview is performed and documented There is an analysis on the differences and similarities between what was done in the industial case you studied and what was taught in class

Etiskt förhållningssätt

  • Vid grupparbete har alla i gruppen ansvar för gruppens arbete.
  • Vid examination ska varje student ärligt redovisa hjälp som erhållits och källor som använts.
  • Vid muntlig examination ska varje student kunna redogöra för hela uppgiften och hela lösningen.

Avsnittet nedan kommer inte från kursplanen:

Please note that when solving the project assignments co-operation between students is allowed and even encouraged. However, both project group members are responsible for the content of their own reports and any plagiarism will result in an immediate failing of the assignment in addition to a written report to KTH’s central disciplinary committee.

This means that all groups should write their own reports. You are not allowed to copy text from other students; you are not allowed to copy text from the internet. If you want to use a quote from a source, it must be clearly indicated that it is a quote.

The use of references is mandatory. When you use a fact from some source you should include a reference to this source.

NOTE!  The better the sources, the more accurate the facts, therefore please note that reports that use credible sources (as for instance peer-reviewed scientific papers) will receive higher grades than those that only rely on Wikipedia as a source.

Use references according to this or some similar standard but be consistent. For instance:

”Early assessment of system characteristics in software projects is one of the main concerns of the discipline of software architecture [1] [2] [3].”

List of references:

[1] Heineman, G., W. Councill (Eds), Component-based software engineering: Putting the pieces together, Addison-Wesley, 2001.

If the source is a web-page use the following standard.[name of page],[URL],[access date]

Wikipedia: Requirement, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements, 2015-08-26

General information on the assignments

The members of the course staff correct hundreds of assignments every week. In order to give you quick and relevant feedback on your work, the following rules apply:

  • Assignments are done in groups of two, with the exception of assignment 3. These groups must be formed and reported on lists available at the lectures before Assignment 1 is submitted! Note that the members of a group must aspire to the same grade.
  • A prerequisite for obtaining a higher grade than an E is that all assignments and re-submissions are submitted on time!
  • The assignments are submitted in the pdf format via the Canvas system. Pdf files can be created with the Adobe Acrobat software, which is not free-of-charge. There are, however, several services on the Internet which can be used free-of-charge to create pdf files.
  • Any reports suggesting mass duplication will be unconditionally failed, and no opportunity to complete the course will be offered
  • Build a single pdf for each assignment. Do not hand in any appendices separately if not explicitly specified. Either build the pdf from a single document containing everything, or merge separate pdf files into a single one using Adobe Acrobat or free software services available on the internet.
  • Please name your files after the following formate, where “XX” is your group number (two digits, 01, 02, 03, etc), “Y” is a number between 1 and 3 indicating whether it is the first, second or third submission of the assignment, and “assignment” is one of the following: projectplan/ statusreport/ finalreport/ projectdescription/ riskanalysis/ agilereport (EH2720) / reflection (EH2070) / peerreviewAll submissions should be in pdf format. 

Example: G06_2019_projectplan_2.pdf is group 6’s project plan, which after correction had to be submitted a second time.

  • Optional parts of an assignment will only be corrected twice, i.e. if you don´t perform the necessary corrections after the first submission the chance to get a higher grade will be lost.
  • Assignments submitted after the deadline will be corrected during the next re-exam period.
  • Any complaints about the corrections are to be submitted in writing to the course responsible or examiner.



Deadlines for assignments and presentations

Suggested dates for optional oral presentation of Assignment 2:

A booking system will be available on the Calendar in Canvas where you book yourself a slot. Check the box for EH2070 to the right to see available slots. Only one student from each group chooses only one slot. When booking write a note which group you belong to. Your time allocation is the hour you present - you stay and listen to the other two groups presentations. The oral presentations will take place during week 40.

Dates for peer review seminars in Assignment 4:

You will book a slot on the Calendar on Canvas. The peer review seminars will take place during week 41. Please submit the written version of you peer review on Canvas no later than 7.00 p.m. the day before your peer review seminar. 

Submission deadlines




Submissions due
(at 17:00)

Feedback Published
(at 17:00)

Re-submissions due (at 17:00)

Final grading published
(at 17:00)



Sep 6

A1 Project plan






Sep 13


A1 Project plan






Sep 17

A1 Status report 1





Sep 18

A3 Risk analysis





Sep 20



A1 Project plan




Sep 25

A2 Project description

A3 Risk analysis




Sep 27


A1 Project plan



Oct 1

A1 Status report 2





Oct 2

A4 Reflection

 A2 Project description

A3 Risk analysis




Oct 9



A2 Project description



Oct 11




A3 Risk analysis



Oct 16

A1 Final report



A2 Project description



Oct 23


A1 Final report



Oct 25



A4 Reflection






Oct 28



A1 Final report



Oct 30




A4 Reflection


Nov 1




A1 Final report

Ytterligare Information

Kursadministration (in english)

  • The course administration and communication are handled on Canvas, the learning management system, reached via https://kth.instructure.com (NB: we are not using KTH Social): Canvas is used for:
  • Signing up in groups
  • Posting questions to the course administration
  • Communicating with other course participants
  • Reading and accessing instructions and other material needed for the assignments
  • Submission and re-submission of assignments
  • Obtaining corrected assignments and comments, and lists of results
  • Booking time slots for seminars
  • The course leaders are located at Teknikringen 33, ground floor (NSE department).
  • Attendance will be registered on one or more lists that are passed around during the guest lectures. Approved attendance of all except one (marked GUEST in the lecture schedule) yields 0.8 ECTS credits, which means that the attendance requirement is a grading factor. Therefore, cheating with the attendance list is equivalent to cheating on an exam. You are required to inform the course staff if you have to leave a lecture. Show respect to our guest lecturers by being on time to the lectures!

Fakta om kursomgång




  • HT 2024-51402



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Kommunikation i kursen

All kommunikation sker genom Canvas med kursens lärare.

För snabbare svar är det bra om frågorna ställs på engelska.


