We work at the Department of Intelligent Systems Last Name First Name Title Email Phone Sánchez Roncero Alejandro Doctoral student alesr@kth.se Pramono Tafarrel Firhannoza Teaching assistant tafarrel@kth.se Gao Yulan Postdoc yulang@kth.se Lai Lee-Lun Doctoral student lllai@kth.se Sewlia Mayank Doctoral student sewlia@kth.se Liu Siyuan Postdoc siyliu@kth.se Duberg Daniel Postdoc dduberg@kth.se Delmotte Chloè Doctoral student chloedel@kth.se Munhoz Arfvidsson Kaj Research Engineer kajarf@kth.se Lodetti Marco Teaching assistant lodetti@kth.se Dhullipalla Mani Hemanth Postdoc manihd@kth.se Yang Quantao Postdoc quantao@kth.se Beskow Jonas Professor beskow@kth.se +46 8 790 78 99 Yan Chenyang Doctoral student chya@kth.se Kiefer Nils Teaching assistant nkiefer@kth.se Wong Annika Teaching assistant ytawong@kth.se Sibirtseva Elena DOCTORAL STUDENT elenasi@kth.se Li Haoyun Doctoral student haoyunl@kth.se Xie Yiping Researcher yipingx@kth.se Shi Yibo Doctoral student yibos@kth.se Aronsson Cecilia Technician cecaro@kth.se +46 8 790 90 49 Antonova Rika DOCTORAL STUDENT antonova@kth.se Kavand Hanie POSTDOC kavand@kth.se Smith Christian Associate professor ccs@kth.se Malm Lia Research Engineer liamal@kth.se Jaquier Noémie Assistant professor jaquier@kth.se Belgioioso Giuseppe Assistant professor giubel@kth.se Zhuang Zheyu Postdoc zheyuzh@kth.se Mo Xiaoyu Researcher xmo@kth.se Tegnér Gustaf Doctoral student gustafte@kth.se Molnö Victor Doctoral student vmolno@kth.se Zahid Muhammad Research Engineer mzmi@kth.se Djuphammar August Doctoral student augustdj@kth.se Lakshminarayanan Braghadeesh Doctoral student blak@kth.se Ren Chao Researcher chaor@kth.se Hedberg Ellinor Doctoral student ellhed@kth.se Hassan Kamil Doctoral student kamilha@kth.se Kulczak Alana Inhyrd kulczak@kth.se Al-Jaff Mohammad Doctoral student mohamaj@kth.se Shirizly Alon Postdoc ashiri@kth.se Gross James Professor jamesgr@kth.se +46 8 790 88 19 Wang Ying Doctoral student yinwang@kth.se Gerard Sebastian Doctoral student sgerard@kth.se Ottersten Björn Visiting professor otterste@kth.se Alisic Rijad Postdoc rijada@kth.se Qi Haotian Doctoral student haotianq@kth.se Stefansson Elis Doctoral student elisst@kth.se Xing Yu Postdoc yuxing2@kth.se Wang Siyang Doctoral student siyangw@kth.se Saeidian Sara Postdoc saeidian@kth.se Mahmoudi Kamelabad Alireza Doctoral student alimk@kth.se +46 8 790 92 69 Luo Yichen Stipendiat yichenlu@kth.se Grouwels Joris Doctoral student grouwels@kth.se Gutha Sai Bharath Chandra Doctoral student sbcgutha@kth.se Wennberg Ulme Doctoral student ulme@kth.se Harting Alice Doctoral student aharting@kth.se Mostafavi Samie FOFU-engineer ssmos@kth.se Duan Yufei Doctoral student yufeidu@kth.se Busch Finn Doctoral student flbusch@kth.se Abdul Khader Shahbaz DOCTORAL STUDENT shahak@kth.se Lindbäck Jacob Doctoral student jlindbac@kth.se Ling Chen Doctoral student chenlin@kth.se Stower Rebecca Postdoc stower@kth.se Serras Vasco Miguel Postdoc miguelsv@kth.se Quellmalz Arne Researcher arneq@kth.se +46 73 765 05 94 Ögren Petter Professor petter@kth.se Mermerci Mert Doctoral student mermerci@kth.se Sundberg Johan Professor emeritus jsu@kth.se +46 8 790 78 73 Wahlberg Bo Professor bo@kth.se Granström Björn Axel Arvid Professor emeritus bgran@kth.se +46 8 790 78 47 Moothedath Vishnu Narayanan Doctoral student vnmo@kth.se Zheng Frédéric Doctoral student fzheng@kth.se Häuselmann Ramona Research Engineer ramonaha@kth.se Kaliff Axel Teaching assistant akaliff@kth.se Li Yingying Doctoral student yingyli@kth.se Fodor Gabor Adjunct professor gaborf@kth.se Vlahakis Eleftherios Postdoc vlahakis@kth.se Zhang Nankun Doctoral student nankun@kth.se Song Ci Doctoral student cisong@kth.se Friberg Anders Professor afriberg@kth.se +46 8 790 75 76 Vidalakis Georgios Teaching assistant gvid@kth.se Marchesini Gregorio Doctoral student gremar@kth.se Malmberg Fredrik Doctoral student fmalmb@kth.se Liu Aihui Doctoral student aihui@kth.se Mirzaeedodangeh Omid Intermittent, Research Engineer omidm@kth.se Barreau Matthieu Assistant professor barreau@kth.se Mehdifar Farhad Doctoral student mehdifar@kth.se He Jiabao Doctoral student jiabaoh@kth.se Niklaus Frank Professor frank@kth.se +46 8 790 93 32 Edlund Jens Professor edlund@speech.kth.se +46 8 790 78 74 Klezovich Anna Doctoral student annkle@kth.se Ghadirzadeh Ali POSTDOC algh@kth.se Wozniak Maciej Doctoral student maciejw@kth.se Tihanyi Dániel Research Engineer tihanyi@kth.se Khanna Parag Doctoral student paragk@kth.se Delgado Roque Pedro Postdoc padr@kth.se Zhang Jiaojiao Postdoc jiaoz@kth.se Bongole Raghav Doctoral student bongole@kth.se Dolas Aryan Teaching assistant aryand@kth.se Da Col Andrea Doctoral student andreadc@kth.se Lindström Martin Doctoral student martin12@kth.se Tian Xu FOFU-engineer xutian@kth.se Reichlin Alfredo Doctoral student alfrei@kth.se Karlsson Jesper Doctoral student jeskarl@kth.se Sprague Christopher Postdoc sprague@kth.se Renz Kinga Doctoral student kingar@kth.se Kjellström Hedvig Professor hedvig@kth.se +46 8 790 69 06 Porzio Jacopo Doctoral student porzio@kth.se Honoré Antoine Postdoc honore@kth.se Roy Neelabhro Doctoral student nroy@kth.se Chen Guanpu Postdoc guanpu@kth.se Upadhyay Shekhar Doctoral student sdup@kth.se Andersson Olov Assistant professor olovand@kth.se Changizi Abolfazl Doctoral student changizi@kth.se Skoglund Mikael Professor skoglund@kth.se +46 8 790 84 30 Marcinek Lubos Doctoral student lubosm@kth.se Wijk Klas Doctoral student kwijk@kth.se Wang Dan Postdoc danwang@kth.se Wu Tianxing Teaching assistant tianxing@kth.se Daei Omshi Sajad Postdoc sajado@kth.se Zhao Hongbo DOCTORAL STUDENT hongbo@kth.se Wang Nana Doctoral student nanaw@kth.se Lu Haofei Doctoral student haofeil@kth.se Verhagen Joris Doctoral student jorisv@kth.se Jacobsen Elling W Professor jacobsen@kth.se +46 8 790 73 25 O'Regan Jim Doctoral student joregan@kth.se Eshkofti Katayoun Postdoc eshkofti@kth.se Marczuk Bereza-Jarocinski Robert FOFU-engineer robbj@kth.se Zhang Yuchong Postdoc yuchongz@kth.se Yu Suxian Doctoral student suxian@kth.se +46 8 790 90 89 Johansson Karl Henrik Professor kallej@kth.se +46 73 404 73 21 Taleb Farzaneh Doctoral student farzantn@kth.se Karimi Mamaghan Amir Mohammad Doctoral student amkm@kth.se House David Senior professor davidh@kth.se +46 8 790 75 65 Tapper Karlsson Elliot Teaching assistant elliottk@kth.se Admoni Henny Researcher admoni@kth.se Sandberg Henrik Professor hsan@kth.se +46 8 790 72 94 Osaid Mohammad Doctoral student osaid@kth.se Bengtsson Mats Professor matben@kth.se +46 8 790 84 63 Thobaben Ragnar Professor ragnart@kth.se +46 8 790 84 52 Olsson Carl Doctoral student carlo3@kth.se Ahlberg William Doctoral student wiahlb@kth.se Marino Miguelez Maria Henar Doctoral student mhmm@kth.se Simões Marta Daniel FOFU-engineer dlmarta@kth.se Winqvist Rebecka Doctoral student rebwin@kth.se Kirkland Ambika Doctoral student kirkland@kth.se Kokic Mia DOCTORAL STUDENT mkokic@kth.se Wieland Theo Doctoral student theow@kth.se Bin Elisa Doctoral student ebin@kth.se Spyrou Argyris Researcher argyris@kth.se Dubey Neeru Postdoc needub@kth.se Folkesson John Associate professor johnf@kth.se Hammer Patrick Postdoc pahammer@kth.se Johansson Mikael Professor mikaelj@kth.se +46 8 790 74 36 Liu Xinxin Doctoral student xinxinl@kth.se Cabral Muchacho Rafael Doctoral student ricm@kth.se Mitsioni Ioanna DOCTORAL STUDENT mitsioni@kth.se da Palma Marques Filipe Researcher fildpm@kth.se +46 70 087 70 64 Mårtensson Jonas Professor jonas1@kth.se Rojas Cristian Professor crro@kth.se Longhini Alberta Doctoral student albertal@kth.se Stinkeste Charlotte Doctoral student csti@kth.se Natarajan Raja Shyamprasad Researcher shnr@kth.se +46 72 148 62 09 Kanhov Elin Postdoc ekanhov@kth.se Jansson Magnus Professor janssonm@kth.se +46 8 790 84 43 Daghestani Amir Doctoral student ahda@kth.se Flierl Markus Associate professor mflierl@kth.se +46 8 790 74 25 Xiao Ming Professor mingx@kth.se +46 8 790 65 77 Eriksson Arvid Doctoral student arveri@kth.se Morozovska Kateryna Postdoc kmor@kth.se Zhyvkov Oleksandr Postdoc zhyvkov@kth.se Shirvanimoghaddam Mahyar Postdoc mshirvan@kth.se Moletta Marco Doctoral student moletta@kth.se Lameris Harm Doctoral student lameris@kth.se Ju Yue Postdoc yuej@kth.se Bruns Leonard FOFU-engineer leonardb@kth.se Ramachandran Viswanathan Postdoc visra@kth.se Zamanisiboni Amirreza Postdoc amizam@kth.se Guerrero Salazar Margarita Andrea Doctoral student mags3@kth.se Björkman Mårten Associate professor celle@kth.se +46 8 790 62 02 Yang Cheng Doctoral student yangch@kth.se Lukasiewicz Zofia Intermittent, Teaching assistant zofialu@kth.se Traboulsi Ahmad Teaching assistant ahmadtr@kth.se Zhang Qingwen Doctoral student qingwen@kth.se Miniota Jura Doctoral student jura@kth.se Oechtering Tobias Professor oech@kth.se +46 8 790 84 62 Foffano Daniele Doctoral student foffano@kth.se Ali Waqas Doctoral student waqasali@kth.se Carlsson Stefan PROFESSOR EMERITUS stefanc@kth.se Stemme Göran Professor stemme@kth.se +46 8 790 77 87 Deichler Anna Doctoral student deichler@kth.se Irfan Bahar Postdoc birfan@kth.se Maki Atsuto Professor atsuto@kth.se Tajvar Pouria DOCTORAL STUDENT tajvar@kth.se Hässler Anton Doctoral student ahassler@kth.se Bandali Maryam Doctoral student maryamb@kth.se Székely Éva Assistant professor, Researcher szekely@kth.se +46 8 790 62 93 Jonason Nicolas Doctoral student njona@kth.se Mehrpanah Amir Doctoral student amirme@kth.se Erickson Andersson Samuel Doctoral student samuelea@kth.se Gylfason Kristinn Professor gylfason@kth.se +46 73 944 27 05 Homberger Timon Doctoral student timonh@kth.se Fu Jingwen Doctoral student jingwenf@kth.se Van Der Wijngaart Wouter Professor wouter@kth.se +46 8 790 66 13 Elg Marcus Intermittent, Teaching assistant melg@kth.se Lyubchenko Dmitry Researcher dml@kth.se +46 73 765 24 09 Dubail Bastien Postdoc bastdub@kth.se Mavridis Christos Postdoc mavridis@kth.se Gonzalez Oliveras Pablo Doctoral student pablool@kth.se Bleiker Simon Researcher bleiker@kth.se +46 73 765 24 06 Iordanidis Theocharis FOFU-engineer tnio@kth.se Bleeksma Meike Doctoral student bleeksma@kth.se Kipen Javier Doctoral student kipen@kth.se Breukelman Enno Doctoral student cebre@kth.se Kaya Kerem Doctoral student keremk@kth.se Schenkman Bo Guest Researcher bosch@kth.se +46 8 790 78 94 Oberhammer Joachim Professor joachimo@kth.se +46 73 765 23 68 Madannejad Alireza Doctoral student madann@kth.se Kragic Danica Professor danik@kth.se +46 8 790 67 29 Qi Nan Postdoc naq@kth.se Jo Gaehun FOFU-engineer gaehun@kth.se Ye Sicong Doctoral student sicongy@kth.se Cros Vila Laura Doctoral student lcros@kth.se Cheng Zhaoyang Postdoc zhcheng@kth.se Ikemura Kei Teaching assistant ikemura@kth.se Vahs Matti Doctoral student vahs@kth.se Bastianello Nicola Postdoc nicolba@kth.se Ljunggren Per TECHNICAL INVESTIGATOR perlj@kth.se Kanellopoulos Aris Postdoc arisk@kth.se Jensfelt Patric Professor patric@kth.se +46 8 790 67 31 Azizpour Hossein Associate professor azizpour@kth.se +46 8 790 67 19 Abdellaoui Andaloussi Maane Mehdi Teaching assistant mehdiaam@kth.se Coimbatore Anand Sribalaji Postdoc srca@kth.se Simon-Guth Szabolcs Doctoral student szsg@kth.se Nagy Rajmund Doctoral student rajmundn@kth.se Li Chengxi Postdoc chengxli@kth.se Grosse Leonhard Doctoral student lgrosse@kth.se Sturm Bob Associate professor bobs@kth.se Sullivan Josephine Associate professor sullivan@kth.se +46 8 790 61 36 Proutiere Alexandre Professor alepro@kth.se +46 8 790 63 51 Ling Li Doctoral student liling@kth.se Leva Chrysovalantou Vasiliki FOFU-engineer cvleva@kth.se Dong Yifei Doctoral student yifeid@kth.se He Jeannie Doctoral student jeannie@kth.se Shi Henglin Postdoc henglin@kth.se Tumova Jana Associate professor tumova@kth.se Nyström Sofia KONSULT sofianys@kth.se Holk Simon FOFU-engineer sholk@kth.se Cabrera David Alberto Postdoc dalmazzo@kth.se Wiltz Adrian Doctoral student wiltz@kth.se Adelöw Anton Research Engineer aadelow@kth.se Esfandiari Baiat Ghazaleh Doctoral student geb@kth.se Olin Axel Researcher axelolin@kth.se Stojanovic Stefan Doctoral student stesto@kth.se Bogatov Wilkman Dennis Doctoral student dwilkman@kth.se Xu Bingxue Teaching assistant bingxue@kth.se Stöckner Raphael Johannes Markus Teaching assistant stockner@kth.se Selvaratnam Daniel Postdoc selv@kth.se Tang Zhiqi Postdoc ztang2@kth.se Torubarova Ekaterina Doctoral student ekator@kth.se Jain Saumey Doctoral student saumey@kth.se Bergqvist Mikael Engineer mibergq@kth.se +46 72 148 63 43 Gouverneur Amaury Doctoral student amauryg@kth.se Qian Livia Doctoral student liviaq@kth.se De Ferrari Fabio Doctoral student fabiodf@kth.se Ateyya Mariam Doctoral student ateyya@kth.se Gautier Anna Postdoc annagau@kth.se Hjalmarsson Håkan Professor hjalmars@kth.se +46 8 790 84 64 Duan Peihu Postdoc peihu@kth.se Friedl Katharina Doctoral student kfriedl@kth.se Charitidou Maria Researcher mariacha@kth.se Wang Lingfei Postdoc lingfei@kth.se Raghavan Aneesh Postdoc aneesh@kth.se Maus Rickard Doctoral student maus@kth.se Chatterjee Saikat Associate professor sach@kth.se +46 8 790 84 78 Gillet Sarah Postdoc sgillet@kth.se Todarwal Yogesh Postdoc todarwal@kth.se Alexanderson Simon Researcher simonal@kth.se +46 8 790 62 93 Ekström Axel Doctoral student axeleks@kth.se Orthmann Bastian Research Engineer orthmann@kth.se Shah Syed Umer Abbas Researcher umers@kth.se +46 73 765 23 93 Fontan Angela Assistant professor angfon@kth.se Ribet Federico Researcher ribet@kth.se +46 73 765 23 82 Medbouhi Aniss Doctoral student medbouhi@kth.se Somjit Nutapong Researcher somjit@kth.se +46 8 790 77 94 Butepage Judith DOCTORAL STUDENT butepage@kth.se Letsiou Afroditi Doctoral student aletsiou@kth.se Casini Luca Postdoc casini@kth.se Skantze Gabriel Professor skantze@kth.se +46 8 790 78 74 Dong Anqi Postdoc anqid@kth.se Wang Zesen Doctoral student zesen@kth.se Penacho Riveiros Alejandro Doctoral student alejpr@kth.se Roxhed Niclas Professor roxhed@kth.se +46 8 790 91 43 Dos Santos Carvalho Leite Iolanda Associate professor iolanda@kth.se Anguera Peris Jaume FOFU-engineer jaumeap@kth.se Jaldén Joakim Professor jalden@kth.se +46 8 790 77 88 Kühn Hannah Doctoral student hkuhn@kth.se Zaccherini Tommaso Doctoral student tommasoz@kth.se Wang Ruiyu Doctoral student ruiyuw@kth.se Chen Xiao FOFU-engineer xiao2@kth.se Pinto Basto De Carvalho Joao Frederico DOCTORAL STUDENT jfpbdc@kth.se +46 8 790 161 38 Rajabi Nona Doctoral student nonar@kth.se Seo Sangwon Doctoral student sangwon@kth.se Boye Johan Associate professor jboye@kth.se +46 8 790 75 63 Ólafsson Axel Teaching assistant axelola@kth.se Campos Pinto Coelho de Aguiar Miguel Doctoral student aguiar@kth.se Francis Juliana Doctoral student jfrancis@kth.se Reveillard William Doctoral student wilrev@kth.se Gustafsson Linnea VISITING RESEARCHER lingusta@kth.se Sörhammar Lisa Avdelningskoordinator sorh@kth.se Ebadi Fatemeh Doctoral student febadi@kth.se Abelho Pereira André Tiago Researcher atap@kth.se Löffler Wendi Doctoral student loeffler@kth.se Büsching Marcel Doctoral student busching@kth.se Wang Zifan Doctoral student zifanw@kth.se Welle Michael Postdoc mwelle@kth.se Shen Haoming Teaching assistant haomings@kth.se Edinger Pierre Postdoc edinger@kth.se +46 73 765 24 19 Koczy Piotr Research Engineer pkoczy@kth.se Behera Adarsh Prasad Postdoc apbehera@kth.se Jiang Frank FOFU-engineer frankji@kth.se Amerotti Marco Intermittent, Research Engineer amerotti@kth.se Henter Gustav Assistant professor ghe@kth.se +46 8 790 78 56 Nan Fernandez-Ayala Victor Doctoral student vnfa@kth.se Zhao Hanying Postdoc hanying@kth.se Fang Heng Doctoral student hfang@kth.se Rivetti Steven Doctoral student stevenr@kth.se Gürgünoglu Doga Doctoral student dogag@kth.se Han Shaohang Doctoral student shaohang@kth.se Jin Shutong Doctoral student shutong@kth.se Dubois Valentin Postdoc valentin.dubois@ee.kth.se +46 73 765 23 92 Dimarogonas Dimos Professor dimos@kth.se Weng Shudi Doctoral student shudiw@kth.se Werner Hanna Research Engineer hannawer@kth.se Gamba Matteo FOFU-engineer mgamba@kth.se Malisz Zofia Researcher malisz@kth.se +46 8 790 78 56 Gustafsson Joakim Professor jkgu@kth.se +46 8 790 89 65 Pokorny Florian Associate professor fpokorny@kth.se +46 8 790 67 92 Asefaw Aron Teaching assistant asefaw@kth.se Mehta Shivam Doctoral student smehta@kth.se Sun Yingzhuo Doctoral student yingzhuo@kth.se Ericson Ludvig Doctoral student ludv@kth.se Niazi Muhammad Umar B Postdoc mubniazi@kth.se Engwall Olov Professor engwall@kth.se Ortega Peimbert Jesus Gerardo Teaching assistant jgop@kth.se Lin Pen-Sheng Doctoral student pslin@kth.se Moell Birger Doctoral student bmoell@kth.se Poklukar Petra DOCTORAL STUDENT poklukar@kth.se Zhao Mengyuan Doctoral student mzhao@kth.se Ternström Sten Professor stern@kth.se +46 8 790 78 55 Mohamed Youssef Doctoral student ymo@kth.se Englesson Erik Postdoc engless@kth.se Zhou Wenyin Doctoral student wenyinz@kth.se Rezaei Golghand Mehrdad Doctoral student merg@kth.se Lundell Jens Postdoc jelundel@kth.se Carlsson Rolf Professor emeritus rolfca@kth.se +46 8 790 78 47 Özkahraman Özer Postdoc ozero@kth.se Rönngren Stefan Research Engineer steron@kth.se Sidrane Chelsea Rose Postdoc chelse@kth.se Kogucki Timothy Teaching assistant kogucki@kth.se Kartasev Mart Doctoral student kartasev@kth.se Ghosh Anubhab Doctoral student anubhabg@kth.se Winkler Thomas Associate professor winklert@kth.se +46 73 270 28 97 Huang Yan Postdoc yahuang@kth.se Glubokov Oleksandr Researcher glubokov@kth.se +46 73 765 24 03 Bartoli Ermanno Doctoral student bartoli@kth.se