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Production Logistics

The flow of goods and information in a manufacturing facility is often key to an effective and efficient production system. However, production logistics are undergoing major changes. The pervasive digitization of all processes and the need for radical transformation towards an environmentally sustainable production will change the role of production logistics in the flows of goods and information. Our research into production logistics concerns both these changes.

System schematic

Our research activities are concerned with (1) how new material flows for manufacturing can enable a more resilient and sustainable industry and consumption, but also with (2) how comprehensive digitalization of development and operating processes change the terms of production logistics. Cyber-physical systems and digital representation of the production logistic system are key areas for this. This work relates to how complex socio-technical systems can be described and predicted. The challenge in the field is often to balance many competing aspects to achieve an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable production system.

Focus areas:

  • Connected production logistics.
  • Analytical applications based on digital twins
  • Production logistics enabling circularity


Magnus Wiktorsson
Magnus Wiktorsson professor

Publications within the team for Production Logistics


M. Zafarzadeh, "Data-driven Production Logistics : A value-oriented transition approach," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2023.
R. Kalaiarasan, "Supply chain visibility in the manufacturing industry: conditions and realisation," Licentiate thesis Stockholm : Universitetsservice US-AB , 2022, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2022:25, 2022.
M. Zafarzadeh, "The transition to data-driven production logistics:Opportunities and challenges," Licentiate thesis Stockholm : Universitetsservice US-AB, TRITA-ITM-AVL, 2021:50, 2021.

Journal articles (50 recent)

X. Wang et al., "Dynamic multi-tour order picking in an automotive-part warehouse based on attention-aware deep reinforcement learning," Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 94, pp. 102959-102959, 2025.
S. Das et al., "Towards gamification for spatial digital learning environments," Entertainment Computing, vol. 52, 2025.
E. Flores-García et al., "Machine learning in smart production logistics : a review of technological capabilities," International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1-35, 2024.
M. Zafarzadeh, M. Wiktorsson and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Capturing value through data-driven internal logistics: case studies on enhancing managerial capacity," Production & Manufacturing Research, vol. 11, no. 1, 2023.
F. Bellotti et al., "Alessandro De Gloria-1955-2023," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERIOUS GAMES, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 2-3, 2023.
R. Kalaiarasan et al., "Supply chain visibility for improving inbound logistics : a design science approach," International Journal of Production Research, vol. 61, no. 15, pp. 5228-5243, 2023.
T. K. Agrawal et al., "Demonstration of a blockchain-based framework using smart contracts for supply chain collaboration," International Journal of Production Research, vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1497-1516, 2023.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Educational Location-based Interaction," IxD&A : Interaction Design and Architecture(s), no. 52, pp. 141-143, 2022.
F. De Rosa et al., "Introduction to the Special Issue on GaLA Conf 2021," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERIOUS GAMES, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 3-4, 2022.
S. Grudpan et al., "Towards Transforming Game Premise : Validating an Approach for Developing Cooperative Serious Games," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERIOUS GAMES, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 43-61, 2022.
H. Soebke et al., "Editorial : "Serious location-based games"," Frontiers in Education, vol. 7, 2022.
T. K. Agrawal et al., "Supply chain visibility : A Delphi study on managerial perspectives and priorities," International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1-16, 2022.
A. Nurdiawati and T. K. Agrawal, "Creating a circular EV battery value chain : End-of-life strategies and future perspective," Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 185, pp. 106484-106484, 2022.
J.-F. Uhlenkamp et al., "Digital Twins : A Maturity Model for Their Classification and Evaluation," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 69605-69635, 2022.
J. Raghothama, J. Baalsrud Hauge and S. Meijer, "Curating Player Experience Through Simulations in City Games," Urban Planning, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 253-263, 2022.
E. Flores-García et al., "Enabling industrial internet of things-based digital servitization in smart production logistics," International Journal of Production Research, pp. 1-26, 2022.
R. Kalaiarasan et al., "The ABCDE of supply chain visibility : A systematic literature review and framework," International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 248, 2022.
A. Singh et al., "Optimizing local and global objectives for sustainable mobility in urban areas," Journal of Urban Mobility, vol. 2, 2022.
A. Singh, J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Wiktorsson, "Simulation-Based Participatory Modelling in Urban and Production Logistics: A Review on Advances and Trends," Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 17, 2022.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Digital Twin Testbed and Practical Applications in Production Logistics with Real-Time Location Data," International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 129-140, 2021.
J. Baalsrud Hauge, S. E. Birkie and Y. Jeong, "Developing a holistic decision support framework: From production logistics to sustainable freight transport in an urban environment," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 12, 2021.
Q. Wang, J. Baalsrud Hauge and S. Meijer, "The complexity of stakeholder influence on MaaS : A study on multi-stakeholder perspectives in Shenzhen self-driving mini-bus case," Research in Transportation Economics, pp. 101070, 2021.
Z. Chavez, J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Bellgran, "Industry 4.0, transition or addition in SMEs? A systematic literature review on digitalization for deviation management," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021.
E. Ruiz Zuniga et al., "Holistic simulation-based optimisation methodology for facility layout design with consideration to production andlogistics constraints," Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part B, journal of engineering manufacture, pp. 095440542110173, 2021.
T. K. Agrawal et al., "Blockchain-based framework for supply chain traceability: A case example of textile and clothing industry," Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 154, 2021.
H. Shen et al., "Analysis on Hull Block Erection Process Considering Variability," Journal of Ship Production and Design, vol. 37, no. 02, pp. 67-77, 2021.
F. Ore et al., "Design method of human–industrial robot collaborative workstation with industrial application," International journal of computer integrated manufacturing (Print), vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 911-924, 2020.
J. G. Shin et al., "Model-Based Computational Shipyard Dynamics and Its Applications," Journal of Ship Production and Design, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 87-95, 2020.
B. Kim, Y. Jeong and J. G. Shin, "Spatial arrangement using deep reinforcement learning to minimise rearrangement in ship block stockyards," International Journal of Production Research, vol. 58, no. 16, pp. 5062-5076, 2020.
S. Ju et al., "System development for establishing shipyard mid-term production plans using backward process-centric simulation," International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, vol. 12, pp. 20-37, 2020.
E. Flores-Garcia et al., "Decision-making approaches in process innovations : an explorative case study," Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2019.
M. Zafarzadeh et al., "Data-Driven Production Logistics - An Industrial Case Study on Potential and Challenges," Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 53-78, 2019.
E. Flores-Garcia et al., "Challenges of Discrete Event Simulation in the Early Stages of Production System Design," International journal of industrial engineering, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 819-834, 2019.
M. Kornevs, J. Baalsrud Hauge and S. Meijer, "Gamification of a Procurement Process for Professional Training of Public Servants," INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERIOUS GAMES, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 23-37, 2019.
Y.-K. Jeong et al., "A Spatial Layout Optimization Program considering the Survivability of a Naval Vessel in the Early Design Stage," Journal of Ship Production and Design, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 126-138, 2019.
K. Liu et al., "Parametric design of garment flat based on body dimension," International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 65, pp. 46-59, 2018.
T. K. Agrawal, L. Koehl and C. Campagne, "A secured tag for implementation of traceability in textile and clothing supply chain," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018.
T. K. Agrawal, C. Campagne and L. Koehl, "Development and characterisation of secured traceability tag for textile products by printing process," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018.
Y. Kim et al., "Computational Shipyard Dynamics," Journal of Ship Production and Design, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 355-367, 2018.
Y. Jeong et al., "An analysis of shipyard spatial arrangement planning problems and a spatial arrangement algorithm considering free space and unplaced block," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 95, no. 9-12, pp. 4307-4325, 2018.
J. M. Lee, Y.-K. Jeong and J. H. Woo, "Development of an evaluation framework of production planning for the shipbuilding industry," International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 831-847, 2018.

Conference papers (50 recent)

S. R. Kalvakolu et al., "Combining 360° Spaces and Social VR," in Games and Learning Alliance - 13th International Conference, GALA 2024, Proceedings, 2025, pp. 375-380.
A. Viola et al., "Moving from the Internet of Things to the Industrial Metaverse: A Systematic Literature Review," in Proceedings of the 30th ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation: Digital Transformation on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2024, 2024.
Y. Jeong et al., "Advanced Time Block Analysis for Manual Assembly Tasks in Manufacturing Through Machine Learning Approaches," in Advances in production management systems-production management systems for volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments, APMS 2024, pt iv, 2024, pp. 394-405.
S. E. Birkie, Z. Zemke Chavez and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Resilience and sustainability in Manufacturing SMEs," in 36th Annual NOFOMA Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 13-14, 2024, 2024.
E. Flores-García et al., "Pictures of you – How machine learning and vision systems can help workers in automotive order picking," in Forsknings- & Tillämpningskonferensen 2024, Växjö, Sweden, 8–9 Oct 2024, 2024.
E. Flores García et al., "Centering on Humans - Intersectionality in Vision Systems for Human Order Picking," in Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments, 2024, pp. 421-434.
J. Baalsrud Hauge and Y. Jeong, "Does the Improvement in AI Tools Necessitate a Different Approach to Engineering Education?," in Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy - Proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 2014, 2024, pp. 709-718.
Y. Jeong et al., "Integrating Smart Production Logistics with Network Diagrams: A Framework for Data Visualization," in Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy - Proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 2014, 2024, pp. 601-612.
L. Jongi, V. Vasdeki and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Towards Sustainable and Technology-Enabled Engineering Psychology in Production," in Moving Integrated Product Development to Service Clouds in the Global Economy - Proceedings of the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 2014, 2024, pp. 346-357.
Y. Jeong, E. Flores-García and M. Wiktorsson, "Integrating Smart Production Logisticswith Network Diagrams: A Frameworkfor Data Visualization," in Proceedings of the 11th Swedish Production Symposium, 2024, pp. 601-612.
B. Göbl et al., "Towards Sustainable Serious Games," in Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2023, 22nd IFIP TC 14 International Conference Proceedings, 2023, pp. 389-396.
Y. Jeong et al., "Implementing transmission of data for digital twins in human-centered cyber-physical systems," in Proceedings 56th CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2023, 2023, pp. 992-997.
S. Fatima and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Challenges in Designing Augmented Reality (AR) in Serious Games and Gamification for Students with Colorblindness," in Serious Games : 9th Joint International Conference, JCSG 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 447-454.
M. Zafarzadeh, Y. Jeong and M. Wiktorsson, "Data flow structure for multimodal human-robot collaboration in material handling," in 29th IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Shaping the future - Data-driven Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Edinburgh, 2023, 2023.
J. Baalsrud Hauge and M. Kalverkamp, "Report on Integrating a COTS Game in Teaching Production and Logistics," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 433-445.
M. Zafarzadeh, M. Wiktorsson and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Data-Driven Production Logistics : Future Scenario in Two Swedish Companies Based on Discrete Event Simulation," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 691-706.
Y. Jeong et al., "Data Preparation for AI-Assisted Video Analysis in Manual Assembly Task : A Step Towards Industry 5.0," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 619-631.
R. Kalaiarasan et al., "Opportunities and Challenges of Applying Internet of Things for Improving Supply Chain Visibility of Incoming Goods : Results from a Pilot Study," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 305-318.
S. A. Wiesner, J. Baalsrud Hauge and K. D. Thoben, "Smart Product-Service System Definitions and Elements : Relationship to Sustainability," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures - IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2023, Proceedings, 2023, pp. 76-91.
Z. Chavez et al., "From Surviving to Thriving : Industry 5.0 at SMEs Enhancing Production Flexibility," in Advances in Production Management Systems : Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures, 2023, pp. 789-802.
E. Flores-García et al., "Beyond the Lab : Exploring the Socio-Technical Implications of Machine Learning in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing," in Production Management Systems for Responsible Manufacturing, Service, and Logistics Futures, 2023, pp. 462-476.
M. Zafarzadeh, W. Ali Khilji and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Contribution of an IoT based cloud platform in the realization of data-driven in-house logistics," in 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE/ITMC 2022 and 31st International Association for Management of Technology, IAMOT 2022 Joint Conference : Proceedings, 2022.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Current Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Game-Based Learning," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2022, pp. 443-450.
Y. Jeong et al., "An Optimization Model with Stochastic Variables for Flexible Production Logistics Planning," in Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, 2022, pp. 435-446.
S. Das et al., "Gamification for Spatial Digital Learning Environments in Higher Education : A Rapid Literature Review," in GAMES AND LEARNING ALLIANCE, GALA 2022, 2022, pp. 298-303.
S. Fatima and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Design Considerations of Learning Resources : Improving Learning and Engagement of Students with Visual Impairments," in SERIOUS GAMES, JCSG 2022, 2022, pp. 75-83.
M. Kalverkamp, J. Baalsrud Hauge and T. Lim, "Exploring a Commercial Game for Adoption to Logistics Training," in Advances In Production Management Systems : Smart Manufacturing And Logistics Systems: Turning Ideas Into Action, APMS 2022, Pt Ii, 2022, pp. 232-239.
Y. Jeong et al., "Digital Twin-Based Services and Data Visualization of Material Handling Equipment in Smart Production Logistics Environment," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing and Logistics Systems : Turning Ideas into Action, 2022, pp. 556-564.
E. Flores-García et al., "Characterizing Digital Dashboards for Smart Production Logistics," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing and Logistics Systems: Turning Ideas into Action, 2022, pp. 521-528.
A. Singh et al., "A Rubric for Implementing Explainable AI in Production Logistics," in Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing and Logistics Systems: Turning Ideas into Action, 2022, pp. 190-197.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Design of a Mixed Reality Game for Exploring How IoT Technologies Can Support the Decision Making Process," in Online Engineering and Society 4.0, 2022, pp. 281-288.
V. Kammerlohr et al., "Towards the Operationalization of Trust Relationships in Networked Organizations," in ONLINE ENGINEERING AND SOCIETY 4.0, 2022, pp. 256-267.
F. de Rosa et al., "Preface," in Proceedings 10th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance, GALA 2021, 2021.
T. Agrawal et al., "Enabling circularity of EV batteries - the need for appropriate traceability," in Proceedings of the 9th CIRP Global Conference – Sustainable, resilient and agile manufacturing and service operations, 2021.
T. K. Agrawal et al., "Enabling circularity of electric vehicle batteries-the need for appropriate traceability," in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, ICTMOD 2021, 2021.
S. Grudpan et al., "Transforming Game Premise : An Approach for Developing Cooperative Serious Games," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2021, pp. 208-219.
E. Flores-García et al., "Digital Twin-Based Services for Smart Production Logistics," in 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC); WSC 2021 Phoenix; 12 December 2021 - 15 December 2021., 2021.
J. Baalsrud Hauge, H. Söbke and I. A. Stefan, "Virtualization of Digital Location-Based Experiences," in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2021, pp. 467-474.
A. Chari et al., "Swedish manufacturing practices towards a sustainability transition in industry 4.0 : A resilience perspective," in Proceedings of the ASME 2021 16th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC 2021, 2021.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Redesign with Accessibility in Mind : A Visual Impairment Study," in SERIOUS GAMES, JCSG 2021, 2021, pp. 55-66.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Designing a Mixed-Reality Sandbox Game on Implementation in Inbound Logistics," in SERIOUS GAMES, JCSG 2021, 2021, pp. 47-54.
V. Kammerlohr et al., "Getting Collaborative Networks Sustainable : Drivers and Barriers Within a Digital Laboratories Network," in Smart And Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0 (Pro-Ve 2021), 2021, pp. 31-38.
T. K. Agrawal et al., "Enabling circularity of EV batteries - the need for appropriate traceability," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions (IEEE ICTMOD), Marrakech, 2021.
J. Baalsrud Hauge et al., "Accessibility Considerations in the Design of Serious Games for Production and Logistics," in Advances In Production Management Systems : Artificial Intelligence For Sustainable And Resilient Production Systems, APMS 2021, Pt Iv, 2021, pp. 510-519.
S. Wiesner and J. Baalsrud Hauge, "Review of Factors Influencing Product-Service System Requirements Along the Life Cycle," in Advances in production management systems : Artificial intelligence for sustainable and resilient production systems, APMS 2021, pt iv, 2021, pp. 138-145.