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Building and Connecting Music Systems with O2

Time: Mon 2024-06-10 15.00

Location: Lilla Salen, KMH Royal College of Music

Video link: Zoom link

Language: English

Participating: Roger B. Dannenberg, Professor Emeritus Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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Scene from the opera The Mother of Fishes.


We often want to extend existing software for creative purposes, but highly developed software is notoriously difficult to bend beyond existing degrees of freedom. Reimplementing significant portions of advanced music, graphics and video applications is impractical. An alternative is to build applications as a communicating ensemble that unites existing software with additional logic for sensing, control, and human interfaces. O2 is a communication protocol created with this purpose in mind. O2 runs in multiple languages on various operating systems, browsers and microcontrollers, automatically connecting processes, even across the internet, with message-based communication. I will demonstrate various O2 applications including Accomplice, a new modular real-time polyphonic computer accompaniment system, Arco, a new embedded sound synthesis framework, and on-stage interactive sound control used in the opera The Mother of Fishes.

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