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Publications of the researchers at the Centre for the Future of Places in 2018

Tigran Haas, KTH


  • Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. and Haas, T. 2018. The City of Opportunity, in Rozenblat, C. and Neal, Z. (eds.) (2018 forthcoming). International Handbook on Cities and Networks, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd , Cheltenham UK.

  • Haas, T. New Urbanism. 2018. IN Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd edition Editor in Chief Dr. George Ritzer, University of Maryland (forthcoming, 2018). Wiley-Blackwell: New York and London (12 Volumes)

  • Haas, T. and Troglio, E. 2018. “Sustainable Urban Districts: European Environmental Showcase Models” , Scientific Journal Micro, Macro & Mezzo Geo, ISJ MMM-GI; Issue 9; Year 2017. ISSN: 1857-9000

  • Danenberg, R. and Haas, T. 2018 “New Trends in bottom-up urbanism & governance: Reformulating ways for municipalities to engage with citizen-led urban initiatives”, IN Arefi, M. and Kickert. C “Palgrave Handbook on Bottom-up Urbanism”, London: Palgrave Press.

  • Haas, T. 2018. “Food Urbanism & Beyond: Towards a Sustainable Urban Agriculture (Preface)” IN Marielle Dubbeling, Francesco Orsini, Henk de Zeeuw and Giorgio Gianquinto, “Rooftop Urban Agriculture” 2018, Springer: Cham Switzerland.

  • Olsson, K. and Haas, T. (forthcoming 2018) “Heritage Planning and Design”; Journal: The SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, Scholarone Manuscripts, Wiley: New York

  • Haas, T. and Olsson, K. 2018. “Urban Heritage Planning, Design and Development, International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Volume 4 Issue 1 IJAH (2018) 13-19

  • Haas, T. and Westlund, H. 2018. “Some Reflections on the Post-Urban World Paradigm: Innovative Global Economies and Emergent Transformation of Cities & Regions”, International Journal of Rural and Regional Planning Development, Volume 4, Issue 1 (2018) IJRRPD (2018) 7–12

  • Haas, T. and Mehaffy, M. 2018. “The Urban Transformation Teachable Moment for Organized Complexity: Profession and Planet in Crisis”, International Journal of Urban Design Vol. 1: Issue 1, IJUD (2018) 24–33

  • Elmlund, P., Haas, T. and Mehaffy, M. W. 2018. Public Space in the New Urban Agenda. The Challenge of Implementation. The Journal of Public Space, 3(1), 165-170. DOI: 10.5204/jps.v3i1.324

  • Locke, R., Mehaffy, M. Haas, T. and Olsson, K. 2018. Urban Heritage as a Generator of Landscapes: Building New Geographies From Post-Urban Decline in Detroit, Urban Science Journal, MDPI, Urban Sci. 2018, 2, 92 Fall 2018 Vol.2 Issue 92. 1-16 ISSN 2413-8851

  • Haas, T. and Locke, R. 2018. Reflections on the Reurbanism Paradigm: Re-weaving the Urban Fabric for Urban Regeneration and Renewal, Quaestiones Geographicae 37(4) • 2018, 51-67 De Gruyter Open, ISSN 0137-477X

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Haas, T. 2018. (Series Editor) Tendencies in Urbanism: Contemporary Debates and Essays (Three Series on Urbanism and Book of Essays). Published by KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Distributed by Centre for the Future of Places, Stockholm and Printed by Nord Print AB - Opus Liberum, Helsinki ISBN: 978-91-7729-645-4
  • Haas, T. 2018. (Ed.) The Art and Science of Placemaking: Conceptualizng, Grounding and Understanding the New Paradigm in Urbanism. Published by KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Distributed by Centre for the Future of Places, Stockholm and Printed by Nord Print AB - Opus Liberum, Helsinki ISBN: 978-91-7729-662-3

  • Haas, T. 2018. New Urbanism and Placemaking: From Seaside to Aqua and Beyond, IN Elmlund, P. (Ed.) 2018. Ten Years of Urban City Research - Essays Written for the Ten Years of UCR 2002-2012, pp.83-94 Published by KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Distributed by Centre for the Future of Places, Stockholm and Printed by Nord Print AB - Opus Liberum, Helsinki ISBN: 978-91-7729-644-7

  • Haas, T. 2018. Editor. ANALECTA (Urbana Consilio et Publicus Locus) - Urban Design and Public Space Selected Works, Stockholm: KTH 2018

  • Haas, T. and Kazemian, R. 2018. Thoughts on the Sustainable Design Medium of Urban Communities Within Information and Telecommunication TEchnilogies, Sociology Study, April 2018, Vol. 8, No. 4, 188 205 ISSN 2159-5526

  • Iqbal, A., Uittenbogaard, C., Jing, J., Troglio, E., Haas, T. & Elmlund, P. 2018. Who Owns Stockholm’s Property Market? I Britt-Marie Alvem, Monica Andersson, Per Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Backlund, Jonas Berglund CITY - Stadskultur, demokrati och spekulation i Stockholms mitt, Samfundet S:t Eriks arsbok 2018, Historiska media bokforlag.

  • Lundberg, S., Haas. T. and Lundstrom, M. 2018. “Swedish Age-Friendly Approach” IN Cuomo, F. and Roversi, R. Building Environment for an Ageing Society (Ambiente construito una ageing society), 12-25, Sapienza: Rome ISBN: 979-12-2002721-2

  • Lundstrom, M., Lundberg, S. and Haas, T. 2018.” Age Friendly Urban Planning and Stockholm and Uppsala” IN Cuomo, F. and Roversi, R. Building Environment for an Ageing Society (Ambiente construito una ageing society), 12-25, Sapienza: Rome ISBN: 979-12-2002721-2

Michael Mehaffy


  • Locke, R., Elmlund, P., & Mehaffy, M. W. (2018). Evaluating Landscape Urbanism: evidence from Lafayette Park, Detroit. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 1-26.
  • Danenberg, R., Mehaffy, M., Porta, S., & Elmund, P. (2018). Main street plot scale in urban design for inclusive economies: Stockholm case studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 1-10.

  • Locke, R., Mehaffy, M., Haas, T., & Olsson, K. (2018). Urban Heritage as a Generator of Landscapes: Building New Geographies from Post-Urban Decline in Detroit. Urban Science, 2(3), 92.

  • Elmlund, P., Haas, T., Mehaffy, M. (2018). Public Space in the New Urban Agenda. The Challenge of Implementation The Journal of Public Space 3 (1), 165-170

  • Mehaffy, M.W. (2018). Neighborhood “Choice Architecture”: A New Strategy for Lower-EmissionsUrban Planning? Urban Planning 3 (2), 113

  • Mehaffy, M., Elmlund, P., Farrell, K. (2018). Implementing the New Urban Agenda: the central role of public space. URBAN DESIGN International, 1-3.

  • Haas, T. and Mehaffy, M. Introduction: The future of public space. URBAN DESIGN International, 1-3.

  • Mehaffy, M. and Haas, T. (Pending). “Informality in the New Urban Agenda: a ‘New Paradigm?’ Berkeley Planning Journal. Reviews/revisions completed, awaiting publication.

  • Mehaffy, M. and Low, S. (2018). From the Athens Charter to the New Urban Agenda: Implications for Urban Form and Public Space. Submitted to Journal of Public Space, awaiting reviews.

  • Mehaffy, M. (Pending). A City is Not a Technolole. Book chapter in Why Yachay, Michael Sorkin, Editor. (Forthcoming; review nearly complete.)

  • Mehaffy , M. (Pending). The Urban Dimensions of Climate Change. Book chapter for Toward a Research Agenda for the New Urbanism, edited by Emily Talen. (Forthcoming, review nearly complete.)

Non-Peer reviewed

  • Farrell, K. and Mehaffy, M. (2018). Addressing Rapid Urbanization Through a Public Space Agenda: Developing a Vietnam Pilot Project for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda. White Paper from the Centre for the government of Da Nang, Vietnam, and national government of Vietnam.
  • Mehaffy, M. (2018). Valuing Public Space Systems. Working paper for the Centre.

  • Mehaffy, M. and Elmlund, P. (in progress). The Private Lives of Public Spaces. Book project now under way

  • Mehaffy, M. (2018) Various blog posts,

Hans Westlund, KTH

  • Kyle Farrell and Hans Westlund: China’s rapid urban ascent: an examination into the components of urban growth. Asian Geographer, Vol 35, No 1, 2018, pp. 85-106, DOI: 10.1080/10225706.2018.1476256
  • Hans Westlund and Hans Westlund: In the Post-Urban World: An Introduction. In Haas T and Westlund H (Eds.) In the Post-Urban World: Innovative Transformations in Global City Regions. London: Routledge 2018, pp 1-12.
  • Hans Westlund: Urban-Rural Relations in the Post-Urban World. In Haas T and Westlund H (Eds.) In the Post-Urban World: Innovative Transformations in Global City Regions. London: Routledge 2018, pp 70-81.
  • Hans Westlund: Railways and regional growth, dispersion and concentration in Scandinavia over 150 years. In Matsushima K and Anderson W P (Eds.) Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics. Cheltenham, UK, Northamton, MA, USA 2018, pp 9-23
  • Mats Johansson, Pia Nilsson and Hans Westlund: Migration and ageing in expanding and shrinking European regions. Blien O, Kourtit K, Nijkamp P, Stough R (Eds.) Modelling Aging and Migration Effects on Spatial Labor Markets. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2018, pp 109-133.

Charles R. Wolfe


  • Wolfe, C.R., Urbanism Without Effort: Reconnecting with the First Principles of the City, rev. ed. (Island Press, 2018), books available in December 2018.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Wolfe, C.R., Tavares, S. and Sellars, D. “Thinkers in the Tropical Shade: Empowering Lessons for Livable Places,” Planetizen, June 28, 2018, republished in CNU Public Square, July 13, 2018, and Australian-American Fulbright Commission’s Minds and Hearts, August, 2018.
  • Wolfe, C.R., “Overselling Utopia? The Urbanist’s Dilemma,” CNU Public Square, October 15, 2018.

  • Wolfe, C.R. and Haas, T., “Cities in Context,” ongoing paper and book and research underway at Centre. See related Delphi Conversation III, September 7, 2018, C. Wolfe, Moderator

  • Wolfe, C., “A View of Seattle from the Outside Looking In,” Crosscut, August 6, 2018. See

  • Cardoso, F. and Wolfe C.,“AS CIDADES NÃO PODEM SUBSTITUIR OS INPUTS HUMANOS OU ARRISCAM-SE A FICAR IGUAIS A TODOS OS OUTROS LUGARES,” Smart Cities Revista (Portugal), February 2018 (online version published June 7, 2018)

  • Wolfe, C.R., “Forget Smart—We Need ‘Context Cities’,” CNU Public Square, January 3, 2018, republished from Planetizen, December 17, 2017.

  • Wolfe, C., Various blog posts during 2018 at Medium and

Stefan Lundgren, KTH

  • A. Laya, J. Markendahl, S. Lundberg. Network-centric business models for health, social care and wellbeing solutions in the internet of things. Scandinavian Journal of Management. Volume 34, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages 103-116
  • A. Brosson, A. Öhman, S. Lundberg, MP. Chutchin, L. Nygård. How accessible are grocery shops for people with dementia? A qualitative study using photo documentation and focus group interviews. Dementia. Senior City, Book Ed. Tigran & Cars

Mattias Höjer, KTH

  • Höjer, Mattias, and Kristina Mjörnell (2018) ‘Measures and Steps for More Efficient Use of Buildings’, Sustainability, 10(1949)
  • Ringenson, Tina, Mattias Höjer, Anna Kramers, and Anna Viggedal (2018), ‘Digitalization and Environmental Aims in Municipalities’, Sustainability, 10(1278)
  • Scholz, Roland W, Eric J Bartelsman, Sarah Diefenbach, Lude Franke, Arnim Grunwald, Dirk Helbing, Richard Hill, Lorenz Hilty, Mattias Höjer and others (2018) ‘Unintended Side Effects of the Digital Transition: European Scientists’ Messages from a Proposition-Based Expert Round Table’, Sustainability, 10(2001)

Setha Low, CUNY New York

  • Low, S. (Ed.). (2018) Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and the City: Engaging the Urban and the Future. London and New York: Routledge. (To be released September 15, 2018)
  • Mehaffy, M. and S. Low (in review) From the Charter of Athens to the New Urban Agenda: Implications for Urban Form and Public Space. Journal of Public Space.
  • Low, S., Buchbinder, S., and Panagiotopoulos, H. (in review). Sweetheart Condos. International Urban and Regional Planning Journal. Special Issue, C. Mouat (Ed.).
  • Low, S. (in review). Public Space and Diversity. Urban Design International Journal. Special Issue, T. Haas, P. Elmlund and M. Mehaffy (Eds.).
  • Low, S. (2018) Engaging the Urban and the Future. In Handbook of Urban Anthropology. Low, S. (Ed). London and New York: Routledge.

David Brain, New College of Florida

  • David Brain. “The Practice of Urbanism: Civic Engagement and Collaboration by Design.” Pp. 51-66 in Mahyar Arefi & Conrad Kickert (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Bottom-Up Urbanism. Palgrave Macmillan.

Conrad Kickert, University of Cincinnati


  • Kickert (2019). Dream city: the rise, fall and rebirth of downtown Detroit. Cambridge: The MIT Press. Expected date of publication: spring 2019.
  • Kickert (under review). Life on the edge: the death and life of ground floor frontages. Research for manuscript in progress, under review by Routledge.

Edited Books

  • Arefi, Kickert (2018). The Palgrave Handbook on bottom-up urbanism. London: Palgrave Press.

Chapters in edited books

  • Kickert (forthcoming). Urban retail. In: Talen (2019). A research agenda for New Urbanism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Peer-Reviewed journal articles

  • Kickert (forthcoming). Oxford University Bibliography – Urban Retail. Invited bibliography.
  • Kickert (forthcoming). Trends and unknowns in urban retail. Invited paper in special issue of Journal of Urbanism.
  • Kickert (in progress). Optimized contraction – spatial transformation of urban core retail distribution. To be submitted in December.

Sabine Knierbein, TU Wien


  • Viderman T and Knierbein, S (2o18) Reconnecting public space and housing research through affective practice. Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 23, 2018 – Issue 6: Theme issue: Becoming local.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Knierbein, S. and Viderman, T. (2018) Public Space Unbound. Urban emancipation and the post-colonial condition. New York/London, Routledge.
  • Knierbein, S and Viderman, T (2018) Space, Emancipation and Post-Political Urbanization. In: Knierbein, S and Viderman, T (eds) Public Space Unbound. Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition. Pp. 3-19.
  • Viderman, T and Knierbein, S (2018) Public Space Unbound: Emancipatory Praxis and Lived Space. In: Knierbein, S and Viderman, T (eds) Public Space Unbound. Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition. Pp. 269-280.
  • Gabauer, A (2018) Conflict vs. Consensus: An Emancipatory Understanding of Planning in a Pluralist Society, in: Knierbein, Sabine und Viderman, Tihomir (Hg.): Public Space Unbound: Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition, New York/London: Routledge, 173–188.
  • Knierbein, S, Gabauer, A, Lehner, J, Viderman ,T (2018) Mapping urban morphologies of (in)justice. Conference Paper at the PSUC International Conference on “The Urbanization of (In)Justice” in Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • Gabauer, A (2018) ‚Affective PlanPning‘: Spinozas Ethik und ihr Potential für eine emanzipatorisch-demokratische Planungstheorie, Hochschulschrift (Masterarbeit), Universität Wien.
  • Knierbein, S, Kraenzle, E and Wall, E (2018) Excursion to East London: Urban Agendas caught between local needs and global pressures. Exploring urban presents. Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien (Ed.), ISBN978-3-902707-42-0. Wien.

Vikas Mehta, University of Cincinnati


  • Frederick, M. and Mehta, V. (2018).101 Things I Learned in Urban Design School. New York: Three Rivers Press, Crown Publishing, Penguin Random House.

Book chapters

  • Mehta, V. (published July 2018 with official release in 2019).Space, Time and Agency on the Indian Street.In M. Arefi and C. Kickert (eds.), Handbook on Bottom-up Urbanism. London: Palgrave.
  • Mehta, V. (2018).Neighborhood Authenticity and Sense of Place.In L. Tate and B. Shannon (eds.), Planning for AuthentiCITIES. New York: Routledge.

Journal articles

  • Mehta, V. and Bosson, J. K. (2018).Revisiting Lively Streets: Social Interactions in Public Space.Journal of Planning Education and Research.
  • Mehta, V. (2018). Streets and Social Life in Cities: A Taxonomy of Sociability.Urban Design International, special issue on Future of Public Space.
  • Mehta, V. and Mahato, B. (2018). Measuring the Robustness of Neighbourhood Business Districts. Journal of Urban Design.
  • Brown, R., Carr, V., Mehta, V., and Kochanowski, L. (2018). Children, Youth and Environments: A Call for Research, Practice, Action and Policy.Children, Youth and Environments,28(1), 1-8.

Rosa Danenberg, doktorand KTH


  • Danenberg, R., Mehaffy, M., Porta, S., & Elmund, P. (2018). Main street plot scale in urban design for inclusive economies: Stockholm case studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 1-10.

Not peer-reviewed:

  • Danenberg, R. & Haas, T. (2018). New trends in bottom-up urbanism and governance-reformulating ways for mutual engagement between municipalities and citizen-led urban initiatives. I The Palgrave Handbook of Bottom-Up Urbanism (s. 113-129). Springer International Publishing.
Belongs to: Centre for the Future of Places
Last changed: Jul 08, 2020