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Erfan Oliaei

Postdoctoral Researcher

Project Title

Eco-friendly bulk materials and biocomposites based on wood cellulose for load bearing structures

Academic background

2017-2022: PhD in Fiber and Polymer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and RISE Research Institute of Sweden, Sweden

2013 - 2015: MSc. in Polymer Engineering, University of Tehran

2009 – 2013: BSc. in Polymer Engineering, University of Tehran


E. Jungstedt et al., "Mechanical behavior of all-lignocellulose composites—Comparing micro- and nanoscale fibers using strain field data and FEM updating," Composites. Part A, Applied science and manufacturing, vol. 161, pp. 107095-107095, 2022.
E. Oliaei et al., "Eco-Friendly High-Strength Composites Based on Hot-Pressed Lignocellulose Microfibrils or Fibers," ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1899-1910, 2021.
E. Oliaei, T. Lindström and L. Berglund, "Sustainable development of hot-pressed all-lignocellulose composites—comparing wood fibers and nanofibers," Polymers, vol. 13, no. 16, 2021.