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Co-laboration Partners

The Research School includes three academic partners, five practice partners, and one acceleration council.

Academic partners

The Institute for Housing and Urban Research / Uppsala University (UU/IBF)

The Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) is a multidisciplinary institute that conducts social science research on the topic of housing and cities. More information >

Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge/Södertörn University (Sö/CfPK)

The Centre for Practical Knowledge has a mission to raise awareness of, explore, teach, and critically examine different forms of practical knowledge, especially in working life. Here we create meetings between different forms of knowledge: practice and theory, art and science. More information >

VTI - The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute

The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, is an independent and internationally renowned research institute within the transport sector. Our main task is to conduct research and development on infrastructure, traffic, and transportation. We work to continuously improve knowledge about the transport sector and are thus contributing to achieving Sweden's transport policy goals. More information >

Practice Partners

The Swedish Transport Administration (STA)

The STA is responsible for the long-term infrastructure planning for road traffic, rail traffic, shipping and aviation, as well as for the construction and operation of state roads and railways. Based on a community building perspective, the STA has the task of creating conditions for a socio-economically efficient, internationally competitive and  long-term sustainable transport system, both in urban environments and in rural areas. The departments Strategic Development and National Planning will participate in TRANSPLACE. These departments handle strategic issues and planning issues nationally.

Stockholm Region (SR)

The Public transport administration of Stockholm Region is responsible for planning, developing and supplying public transport in the Stockholm region. The administration coordinates several major policy processes at the intersection of urban and transport planning. This includes land- use planning together with the municipalities and the STA, multi-scalar transport infrastructure development processes and the management of traffic agreements through traffic operators.

The Strategic Development (SU) department works with analyzing the expectations of the outside world, to act in step with changes and the needs of travelers, and to develop public transport in support of sustainable regional development.

Huddinge municipality

Huddinge is Sweden’s 14th most populous municipality. Numerous major infrastructure projects are currently being planned and constructed in the municipality, including a national/regional multimodal transport centre, a major regional highway and a great number of bicycling routes financed through a contract with the State. The Urban Development Department is responsible for the whole urban development process from plan to implementation of public works and spaces.

Botkyrka municipality

Botkyrka municipality is located in the southwestern part of the Stockholm region. Botkyrka has 95,000 inhabitants and is the region's sixth largest municipality. The municipality has a young population with connections to the whole world. The municipality has about 165 different nationalities and over 100 different languages are spoken. The community development unit in the Department of governance and development has the overall strategic responsibility for the place-development of Botkyrka. The unit has functions within strategic community planning, transport and mobility, climate change, housing supply, strategic public health, human rights issues and statistics.

Knivsta municipality

Knivsta is a young municipality with an location in the centre of the growth corridor Stockholm- Uppsala and just around the corner of Sweden’s major airport, Arlanda. Knivsta is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Sweden. The two urban centers Knivsta and Alsike are surrounded by lively rural communities. The total population is around 20 000 inhabitants. The Office of Growth encompasses the municipalities expertise in urban development, enterprise promotion and establishment services. The task of the office is to lead the place-development of Knivsta in the direction of the municipal sustainability goals.

Acceleration Council

Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus

Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus is a cultural house, a people's house and one of Stockholm's largest community spaces. Open every day, for everyone. The house is a place for popular education, different communities and culture. Every week, the house is used by thousands. of individuals, associations and groups. It houses local radio, chess clubs and pensioners' associations together with literature talks, artistic research and dance courses for both newborns and pensioners. Our ambition is to create an ecosystem of social, artistic and pedagogical practices that enable conversations, reflection and a democratization of the surrounding neighbourhoods and the city at large.

Hägerstensåsens medborgarhus webpage


More info will come soon.

Omställningsnätverkets webpage