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Course packages offered in the Study Abroad Programme

The following course packages are offered by the School of Architecture and the Built Environment, the School of Computer Science and Communication, and the School of Industrial Engineering and Management. The courses are offered in form of compiled course packages during the autumn semester 2024.
The application for courses in 2024 is now closed.

KTH uses a credit system which is equivalent to the European ECTS credit system, where one week of full time study (40 hours including lectures, individual studies, etc.) is equivalent to 1,5 credits. The academic year is divided into two semesters (autumn and spring semester) consisting of 30 ECTS for each semester. Each semester is divided in two study periods. For the autumn semester this is Period 1 and Period 2 (P1 and P2).

For non-EU/EEA students to be able to apply for and be granted a Swedish Residence permit, students must be admitted to a minimum of 30 ECTS credits per semester.

All SAP students must select courses that are consisting of 30ECTS. Students will not be accepted to more then 30ECTS even if the total number of courses in one package exceeds this number, in this case you need to choose which courses your prefer within the limit of 30ECTS. When selecting courses please only select courses from the same course package. For example, if you are interested in taking the course package from Real Estate and Construction Management, you should only select courses from that package, which are equivalent to 30ECTS. All courses within one package needs to be applied individually.

School of Architecture and the Built Environment

For all course packages, two courses are to be taken each period; P1 and P2 (maximum 30ECTS will be accepted).

Real Estate and Construction Management

Specific admission requirements for these course packages are a bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, in the field of the Built Environment, including Civil Engineering, Building Technology, Real Estate Finance and Investment, Real Estate Economics, Real Estate/Property Management, Construction Management, Planning, or within the subject of business and/or economics.

Two courses are to be taken each period (two in P1 and two in P2), only a total of 4 courses will be accepted.

A minimum of 3.0 ECTS credits within each of the following subjects:

  • Statistics
  • Management and/or organization
  • Corporate finance
  • Economics

Structural Design of Buildings and Infrastructure

Background: good knowledge of fundamental Building Mechanics, Structural Mechanics and Geotechnology, and English language proficiency equivalent to (the Swedish upper secondary school) English course B/6 is required.

Specific admissions requirements for this course package are a bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, in a field related to Civil Engineering.

  • 20 ECTS credits in mathematics, including linear algebra, multivariate analysis and statistics or equivalent
  • 15 ECTS credits within Building Mechanics and Structural Mechanics
  • 6 ECTS credits within Geology and/or Geotechnology
  • 6 ECTS in Numerical methods/ programming
Course code ECTS credits Period Application links
Structural Engineering, Advanced Course


Foundation Engineering 7,5 P1
Concrete Structures 7,5 P2
Building Materials, Advanced Course 7,5 P2
Tunnel Engineering 7,5 P2

Geoinformation Technology

Two courses are to be taken each period (P1 and P2).
Background: good knowledge of fundamental geomatics and English language proficiency equivalent to (the Swedish upper secondary school) English course B/6 is required.

Specific admissions requirements for this course package are a a bachelor’s degree, equivalent to 180 ECTS credits, in civil engineering, urban planning, environmental science, geodesy, geographic information systems, computer science or another field with a clear relevance to the field of geomatics.

A minimum of 3 ECTS credits per course should be in:

  • Computer programming
  • Linear algebra
  • Geographic information systems or database technology, or geodetic surveying
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Single-variable calculus

School of Computer Science and Communication

Distributed Systems and Internetworking

As specific entry requirements for this course package you are required to provide a bachelor’s degree corresponding to 180 ECTS credits, or equivalent, including courses in the following fields:

Mathematics: three different subjects of a total of 22,5 ECTS. Among those subjects there must be a course in one-variable calculus, a course in linear algebra and a course in discrete structures.

Computer Science/Information Technology: three different subjects of a total of 22,5 ECTS. Among those subjects there must be a course in object oriented programming, a course in algorithms and data structures and a course in computational complexity.

Computer Science

As specific entry requirements for this course package you are required to provide a Bachelor of Science, corresponding to 180 ECTS credits, in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Information Technology. This should also includ courses in computer science, basic data/telecom and internetworking, computer systems (computer architecture and operating systems) and programming corresponding to at least 60 ECTS credits, mathematics, including calculus, linear algebra and mathematical statistics or probability theory, corresponding to at least 30 ECTS credits.

School of Industrial Engineering and Management

Sustainable Energy Engineering

A Bachelor of Science in Engineering or a technical Bachelor's degree, corresponding to 180 ECTS credits, within the subject area of mechanical engineering or chemical engineering. Other bachelor's degrees within similar areas may also meet the requirements. Courses in engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid mechanics for engineers are required.

The semester needs to cover 30-ECTS with the following mandatory courses:

Course code ECTS credits Period Application links
Sustainable Power Generation 9.0 P1+P2
Renewable Energy Technology 6.0 P1+P2
Energy Systems for Sustainable Development 6.0 P1+P2
Energy in the built environment 9.0 P1+P2