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Shahpara is from Pakistan. She completed her Bachelor's studies in Architecture Design and then joined an NGO to pursue her passion for Sustainable Architecture Design. In addition to architecture, she loves arts, theatre, and engaging in outdoor activities.

Why did you choose this master’s programme at KTH?

I chose to study Sustainable Urban Planning and Design at KTH because it offers a comprehensive understanding of sustainable urban development, considering the interplay between the built environment and social, economic, and institutional forces. It also aligns perfectly with my background in sustainable architecture as well as my plan of pursuing a career in community development for humanitarian affairs, as the programme offers both theoretical and practical courses. So far, these courses have helped me develop a careful perspective towards design for humans and non-humans.

What are the best aspects of your programme?

One of the programme's best features is its flexibility, allowing students to customize their studies based on their interests. This break from the traditional approach is empowering, as it has allowed me to have more control of my career path. It enables students to shape their degree to align with their goals and aspirations. Additionally, the diversity at KTH has been invaluable. It has broadened my perspective not only on design and skills but also on life itself. The exposure to different cultures, backgrounds, and ideas has enriched my learning experience and fostered a more inclusive and global mindset.  

Lastly, I must highlight the support provided by Funka, a resource at KTH. As someone with dyslexia, theory courses have always presented challenges. However, thanks to the understanding and assistance of instructors, I have been granted additional accommodations to work at my own pace. This support has allowed me to focus more on the learning aspect of assignments, rather than solely on completing them, enhancing my overall educational journey.

Have you chosen a specialisation track within the programme? If Yes, which track and why?

I chose the Urban Planning and Design track, out of the three tracks offered by SUPD, within the programme because of my previous studies in architecture design and my hands-on experience working in the field for three years. During this time, I realised that design has the potential to go beyond aesthetics and play a significant role in addressing societal issues. Designing shelters for areas affected by floods, for instance, opened my eyes to the transformative power of design in creating positive change. This firsthand experience broadened my perspective and solidified my belief in the ability of design to make a difference.  

Choosing the design track aligns with my personal and professional goals. I believe that focusing on urban-scale initiatives will enable me to address the complex challenges our societies face today. By working on a larger scale, I can significantly impact and contribute to creating sustainable and resilient communities. Moreover, this track holds particular significance for me in addressing urban issues, especially in Karachi and its Kachi Abadi (slums/informal settlements). Given my interest in community development for humanitarian affairs, I see the Urban Planning and Design track as an opportunity to gain expertise in designing inclusive and liveable urban environments. By understanding the challenges marginalised communities face, such as those living in Kachi Abadis, I can apply my skills and knowledge to develop sustainable solutions that improve their living conditions and enhance their quality of life. This aspect of the programme resonates deeply with my passion for community development and reinforces my commitment to making a positive impact in Karachi and similar contexts.

How do studies at KTH differ from your previous studies?

Coming from a Bachelor of Architecture programme at a renowned university in Karachi, I have noticed several differences in my studies at KTH. While studying here, one notable aspect that stands out is the shift in mindset regarding the expectations placed on architects and designers to work around the clock. At KTH, there is a strong emphasis on achieving a healthy work-life balance. This has been a refreshing change for me, as I have found that the university values the well-being of its students. The courses are thoughtfully structured, minimising clashes of deadlines and ensuring that the content of different courses complements each other. This synchronisation of course content has been a significant and positive difference that I have experienced. This healthy work-life balance at KTH has allowed me to explore my passions outside the studio. I have been able to engage in various activities and explore the wonderful adventures that Stockholm and Sweden have to offer. Whether immersing myself in the city's vibrant culture, exploring nature, or participating in extracurricular activities, the programme's structure has allowed me to pursue my interests beyond the academic realm.  

Overall, the emphasis on work-life balance at KTH significantly differs from my previous educational experience. This structure has contributed to my personal well-being and enhanced my overall learning journey by fostering a more balanced and holistic approach to my studies.

How is student life in Stockholm?

For me, student life in Stockholm has been an incredible adventure. Being surrounded by fellow international students has allowed me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, exchange ideas, and share cultural experiences. It's fascinating to discover new perspectives and learn about different traditions, especially when it comes to trying out delicious cuisines from around the world. One of the perks of being a student in Stockholm is the abundance of student discounts. These discounts have allowed me to explore the city, indulge in my interests, and enjoy various activities without straining my budget. From museums and theatres to public transportation and local eateries, the discounts have made it possible to make the most of my time here.  

Overall, student life in Stockholm has provided me with a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters personal growth, cultural exploration, and academic development. It's a unique blend of international experiences, affordable living options, and opportunities to create lifelong memories.