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Ioanna feels that the study environment at KTH promotes science and development

Ioanna received her bachelor's degree in Chemistry from the University of Ioannina, a city in western Greece. Her interests range from exploring the nature and the city center to discussing philosophical problems and reading. She studied at KTH between 2016 and 2018.

What made you choose KTH-Stockholm/Sweden and your specific programme?

When I graduated from my home university, I wanted to go even deeper in the field of chemistry and learn more about my science. However, I needed a different approach, a technological one. KTH is one of the best institutes in Europe, on the edge of technological development. There are so many opportunities and contacts with industries in almost every field. Moreover, everyone in Stockholm speaks English fluently, which is very important while adapting to a new environment.

One of the main reasons I chose my program was the big variety of courses that I could choose. That way, I could adjust my schedule to my needs and interests, getting the most out of every course.

What do you like the most about KTH?

What I like most about KTH is the international, multicultural environment. Everyone is respected for his or her personality, culture and background. It is this environment that makes you feel welcome, that can promote science and development. People from all over the world meet here and exchange knowledge, opinions and cultural experiences.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Stockholm is a beautiful city. It is very easy to move around and explore its rich culture and history. People are calm, helpful and very polite. In addition, a wide variety of cultural events can satisfy even the more demanding. Stockholm is definitely an environmentally friendly city. People here have great respect for nature and are truly environmentally aware. One can easily "escape" to the nearest park or even small forests and the sea, which is very important when you live in a big city. However, the most important thing is that you can feel at home in Stockholm, even when you are far away from it.

What do you like most about being here?

All the above make Stockholm an ideal place to live. Being welcomed and appreciated in a multicultural environment and very close to nature can help you evolve as a complete human being.

What is your best memory so far from your time at KTH?

Being at KTH for a bit more than a year has filled me with cherished memories. If I have to choose the best one, I would have to go with the student welcome reception at the city hall. It was a ceremony just for us, to welcome and to celebrate the beginning of our new adventure at KTH. The music, the smiling faces, the student chapters and the inspiring talks really gave me a boost to start the academic year.

What do you think are the differences between studying at KTH and your home university?

There are many differences between KTH and my home university. At KTH, the lecture hours are considerably less, and self-studying has the biggest part of the learning process. Students are encouraged to have conversations with the professors in a friendly way, much more informal than the one I was used to. The University of Ioannina gave me the tools to be here and appreciate a different, very interesting, approach to science.

What would you like to say to students thinking of choosing KTH for master's studies?

Definitely come! It is, for sure, a life-changing experience. No words will be able to describe it, and why stay on narrations if you can be here and live it.